

It looks fun.

Only redditors dislike this movie and book

Definitely hyped


It actually does look fun though, pop culture and all

fuck off reddit

neo/tv/ everyone

>Reddit player one

>fun is bad

Going to be upset when Dungeons of Daggorath is missing from the movie.

The three Keys are now from PVP races :/

Sounds lame.

Reminder that Reddit hates this movie so you have to love it Sup Forums

>letting plebbit decide what kinos you enjoy

It looks like it has nothing besides the references

>bunch of fan service over a paper thin plot
no thanks

turn on your brain man

The book isn't worth adapting into a movie except for nostalgia-baiting people who haven't already read the book.

A fun romp penned by the voice of a generation.

>break free
>by basing your identity around paying other people money for useless junk

Looks shit. It's just nostalgia peddling to mouth breathers. Also the books scifi concepts have also been ripped from snow crash and a series of other cyberpunk novels. The reason why people find it fresh it because this is the first time people have ever read cyberpunk. It would be great if people would remember or look into things from more than two years ago. But people don't seem to care :( Hopefully it will bomb and everyone can stop talking about this pretentious nerd fantasy.

Looks like cyberpunkino is back on the menu boys

I've seen that aesthetic before

Thank god I never saw fit to post or share any of the cringy poetry I wrote in High School.

Thank god I stopped writing that stupid shit when I was seventeen.

>b-but le reddit maymay!
>if reddit hates it I must think it’s kino
>if Reddit likes it I must treat it as haram!
>reddit is a bunch of faggot soy-boys and sjws but I let them determine what I can and cannot like so I can look cool to other anons on a patagonian basket weaving forum!

Jesus Christ, how can one site cuck an entire other site this badly? Truly there is no bigger form of pleb
>inb4 fuck off plebbitor
>inb4 you have to go back

I feel like it's a phrase that gets tossed around a lot, but Ready Player One is the epitome of creative bankruptcy
There isn't a single novel or genuine idea to be found in the entire book, apart from the idea of people living in a large, vertical stack of trailer homes. It's the mindless daydream of a 33 year old loser that somehow made it onto print, I'll never understand how anyone could accept it at face value and not be overcome with disdain the moment he starts rattling off reference after reference as though any of it is supposed to mean something

Literally "I recognize that reference" the movie


this will be spielberg's avatar

Its gonna be a cgi shitfest with no real plot


Is it just dude pacman lmao the movie, or does it have references that aren't 30-40 years old


more like reddit player 1


Reminds me of another Spielberg movie aimed at teens.

It looks like what old people think teens are like.


I've read this 9 or so times over these last few weeks and it never stops hurting. Why

>claims he studied Japanese media
>Star Blazers instead of Yamato
>G-Force instead of Gatchaman
I'm surprised he didn't say Robotech too.


Fucking skinjobs

Huh... really makes you think

It looks nothing like what the book is.

VR/gaymen is a meme premise. I don't see the appeal.

Overwatch and Halo, and of course Iron Giant, that I remember.

>a world of pure imagination where you can create whatever you want
>everyone just recreates characters from their nostalgia because they have no imaginations

and the irony is people will pay to see this because they want to see a bunch of shit that they can recognize all in one place

Hello marketing team

fuck off plebbitor you have to go back

It's probably not gonna be a great movie but I'm glad to see they are actually cramming it so full of all sorts of licensed characters. The fucking Battletoads are in it lol.