Merely a joke in Star Wars

>merely a joke in Star Wars
>Detroit flopped
>Pacific Rim 2 is expected to flop
What went wrong?

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He was replaced by that other new black guy


Hes got bitch tits and is terribly autistic IRL, hes like black Sup Forums man

Was he our guy all along?

What does that have to do with anything? And if that's the case then explain the careers of Sidney Poitier, Richard Pryor, Morgan Freeman, Eddie Murphy, Will Smith, Chris Tucker, and Wesley Snipes.

He legit looks like a monkey. Look what happens when you get actual attractive black leads in a movie like Black Panther, it does well EVERYWHERE

Yes, neither of us realized it until it was too late

The protagonist and antagonist are legitimately great actors. Boseman wasn't as charismatic in BP as he normally is, though check out his non-capeflick material.

He's an ugly nigger who can't act and has wide hips. It's affirmative action at work.

American Blacks will never honor a bong darkie.



Elba is almost exclusively liked by white people, I've never seen an American black who liked Idris.

too black, likeable black protagonists tend to be mixed

This man is handsome. Iwould love to tongue-punch his fartbox desu

t. white guy

he'll be a nobody in a few years. Nigger actors are a dime a dozen. They get used and then a new one comes around. This guy looks especially ugly.

Needs to quit social media and get on steroids.

they all look alike to me.


duh nigger

Get your eyes checked

He felt so out of place in this round table discussion with other big, legitimate actors.

niggers all look the same.

he failed to be an attractive and likable presence on screen and in the public eye

Where are the cool black actors like fucking Snipes? This boyega guy is a straight up hood nigger.


more like Soyega

you literally just described every ethnicity in Hollywood

Does he suffice?

>english son of a minister that has been in theater most of his life

Have you not seen him we wuzzing at events?

>demanding affirmative action hires
>thinking this makes you a cool actor

Yeah... no. It makes him just another one of them who wants to cry MUH RACISM while making tens of millions of dollars every year. Typical.

Why is he dressed like Vegeta?

real niggas like dbz
he frontin

he forgot that you need talent to be a good actor and not just a huge ego.

he's neither handsome or talented

he was misscast in TFA, Abrams should have picked a more experience actor. Thats why Finn sucks in TLJ.

Boyega sucks as an actor.

I don't know, but I wish people would stop pretending he's attractive and I can't wait until he fades away.

>I've never seen an American black who liked Idris

That's because you've never actually talked to any

he's a shit actor plain and simple.

>Pacific Rim 2 is expected to flop
Is this true? And Sup Forums hating it does not mean it will flop, even though I want it to.

Boyega only got hired because he looks vaguely like Denzel Washington. Unfortunate he has none of the talent. Now it seems like it's totally gone to his head. No humility at all.

TFA and TLJ are just weird. I expected Disney to make at least enjoyable films nothing incredible, but enjoyable. It's like people who did the casting/writing/directing/producing were all drunk.

Darth Bane killed his father slowly over years just by thinking about it. Why can't it work with a movie? I'd say /tv has enough hate for it!

Wide hip ooga booga nig nog

Its tracking numbers are low.

Elba has similarly been in a string of flops, you know. Not really proving him wrong.

How did they fuck up his character so much? He's a redeemed stormtrooper; there are so many things you could do with that, and instead they just use him as comic relief who could be edited from most of the movie, and no one would notice or care. Maybe it's because he was such a big face on the posters and featured in the trailers so prominently, that I assumed he was going to be the lead.

He can't act and he's ugly

He didn’t flare his nostrils enough

They just can't make interesting characters. Finn isn't interesting but neither are Poe or Rey, and they do everything they can to make the OT characters uninteresting. If all you ever knew about them was what you saw in TFA/TLJ you'd probably think they were boring nothing characters too. The only one that even gets close is bad boy Kylo, and even he's a solid 3/10 on the characterization scale.

They just don't know how to do it. I don't know why, I don't know how people like this even end up on 9-digit-budget movie productions, but that's just what it is.

Boyega took a niche genre-based movie and ruined it for the few that did actually watch and enjoy the first. Nobody that actually likes mecha will be seeing it. China might be interested, but his advertising campaign panders more towards people who don't give a shit about giant robots and monsters fighting in the first place. I won't be surprised to see one of the mechs handling a giant basketball. The plot's stupid, the mecha are stupid, and boyega has no idea why the first movie, despite its flaws, was still good in its own right.

What he's created is just another transformers ripoff that will flop because it doesn't have china's backing and the support of morons who go out to watch it because it's transformers and its terrible.

He was a red herring to hide the fact that Rey would be the Jedi. The promotional material and trailers heavily implied that Finn would be the Jedi.

There are more talented negros

Name 1 movie starting Elba that was a box office success.

There was a movie starring Elba?

Tyler Perry doesn't reveal how much his films cost so if anyone can find a number I'd like to know.