Is gullerio dul tooro a white Mexican ?

Is gullerio dul tooro a white Mexican ?

Are you a real human bean?

He doesn't have any parents you know gully toza

this might be a shock to you

but hispanic and mexican aren't races

They aren't even human.

how was he born then?

Then what is the correct racial term for brown people from Central America?



Why do white people in the americas pretend to be non-white and non-white people pretend to be white

Just because you can speak a language doesn't mean you're automatically part of that culture. Del Toro is 100% white

mexico wins, who knew

that's like saying Dave Chapelle isn't american he's 100% black


yes there are and surprise, they are nobility of mexico

del toro acts like a poor mexican immigrant when his family is rich AF

guess where they all live now

are you saying white is a culture?

i'm guessing a rapper or basketball stars house

that or sleeping in some saudi hotels

Look at the Mexican congress, it's whiter than most western countries congresses. Reminder that Mexico is a literal hellhole and its government can't even run large portions of the country but we should, no, must respect it as a nation

What people dont understand is that when Americans emigrated most of themwere plebs and farmers just trying to have their religion here. What spaniard sent were soldiers. Those motherfuckers raped everything that moved. in a few years you had horny leonardo dicapriosin the revenant with mixed kids. A whole fuck of them so they tried to implement a caste system but it failed because the meztizos didnt have rights. So everybody always fucked everybody. Its pretty much always been thatway.Fuck Louis CK is mexican there are a lot of mexican that like to show their dicks just for fun. Maybe thats the reason.

Mexico wins because there tribal people were cuter than those tribal people in South America

Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

just like Mitt Romney's dad

By your logic Trump isn't really an American. he's a German

Spanish is European language. It’s pretty fucking white bro like English.
Of Mexico was 90% white it would be equal to Canada or USA. The more non whites the shitter a country becomes.hence look at what’s happening to US if we don’t restrict non white immigration.

Lol no. Mexico has the only ugliest Indios ever. Fuck the mulatas produce in DR, PR and Cuba are better looking than majority of Mexican mezitas.