What's next for his career? I miss him

What's next for his career? I miss him.

Is he JUST tier? Failing career despite good looks, 46, no kids, single

this is now a mad men thread
I'm on my first run of this series (currently at season 3 and the amount of adultery cliche subplots is starting to get really fucking irritating. Does it get better? I've enjoyed the show so far but the repetitive filler vanilla sex scenes are making me yawn
and probably drowning in pussy

keep watching bro
I'm hard pressed to even find a bad episode let alone season. It gets insanely better, but mind you it changes.

He'll be back soon enough. Just like Jason Gordon Levitt he's undercover until the hair transplant heals properly.

I love how men fall because they care about pussy and alcohol

t. roastie

sometimes I wish Roger was the protagonist instead of Don

Rog is more fun, but if he was the main character it would feel like a comedy

>46, no kids, single
Yikes. He's gay, isn't he?

Good in Baby Driver

probably this desu

He's balding


He's doing those commercials for quicken lmao.

This. Name one superhero he couldn't play.

Storm from the X-men.

Any that has to wear tights.


God please no.

Failing career? Why exactly does he need to continue to earn more and more? Can't he just be comfy and pick and choose what's available to him?

He needs to hang dong full frontal desu.

It streamlines towards the end middle of the show drags a bit then it finds its footing again.

i think he's content to just a make a shitton doing voiceovers for mercedes commercials, along with an occasional cameo in a comedy movie

he's living the good life honestly, after working his ass off as a lead in mad men he's probably looking to enjoy life for a while, i doubt he'll jump into a big project like that any time soon

Plank Banter

How badly is his hair going?

Is there any truth to this or is Sup Forums just memeing as usual?

Living proof that chadlife isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

>whats next for his career?
being bald

Legitimately this