Wh*Te “”””””””””men””””””””””

>wh*Te “”””””””””men””””””””””

god i wish that were me

The Jewish subversion, a victim of it, weak and grotesque


Aids and herpes can be in your future too


god i wish that were me

how do know shes not jewish herself


that's clearly a woman

doesn't look very white to me, cuckfag

god I wish I were fucking that woman right now

is this the reylo general?

Why did people start putting the asterisk in the word "white?" Is that a twitter thing?

>Tfw I can't stop eating this chubby Asian guy's ass whenever I'm in my community college's campus

Someone help me

t. wh*Te subhuman

that's the gayest thing I've ever heard

ain't nothing wrong about eating fermented rice

>eating a male's ass
its too late for you

Answer my question, ape. Now.

>eating a mans butt
You can’t possibly get more disgusting than this. Not because it’s gay, but because a mans ass is the foulest smell I can think of

follow your heart ass-eating champ

it's nice having done to you, nothing better than looking a shy conservative qt french kissing your intestines

That's clearly a woman with a penis