Isabela Moner

What does tv think of isabela moner

I just saw her in the new transformers movie and cant tell whether or not shes an good actress

please go away pedo

post moner eating chicken


you know youre on Sup Forums right?
also shes like 15

Just asking legit that movie was terrible and I wasnt sure if she was terrible too or just in a shitty movie where even fuckin anthoby Hopkins was aweful

I thought she was hot since I first saw her on that 1000 things nick show

That movie was terrible and so is she

>implying you wouldn't




Moner? I hardly know her

I really want to have sex with this girl

She posted about that nigger Glover on her instagram. Stupid bitch even dares to insinuate shit about niggers in a positive way (even more pretending his baboon faggots ass is passable as that of a human). Unironically dropped.

fucking pedo


That was just aweful user

Im a racist anti pedo but something about this little slutty spic makes my willy hard


im just joshing u m8 id plow her incan asshole until i passed out

Being 16 or how many years she is, will her tits still grow ?

She's the second best Peruvian export after Chaddington.


I thought her dad was white

So she’s a woman of taste too. Nice. I kind of favor Glover so maybe I can get a Moner of my own.

That's fucking funny

He is (or at least as white as an amerimutt from Lousiana can be), bu tI'd say she got her looks from her mom

pic related, her dad

Knows how to stay hydrated which is good

That is good. It's important to stay hydrated and healthy.

As long as she doesn't go too far, of course.

Isabela Moner gives me a boner.

Pfft. Big deal. Paddington can hydrate an entire house.

But can he eat meat like this?

>long hair Moner

Literally Casca

If it were glazed in marmalade, sure.

>discount puggens

this generation of waifus a shit,a shit all of them!




This paddington fellow seems very skilled but I am still sure Moner can beat him

From 10/10 to 5/10.

To each his own

Muh fuckin dick

Her show last year stunk but she was pretty cool in it.

Don't lewd the mones please


Bumpari o

i wanna pop her peruANO

Some fat jew producer did that long ago

Why is she acting like that bottle is a huge beautiful hot black cock?

Because you are a cuck that distorts reality to fit your own gross fetish

huge tits right in your face

life is suffering

eurasian tiger is that you?

>nobody poster the gif with that old man yet
sick and wrong

W-what are you talking about shes pure user

>that old man

It's Anthony Hopkins ffs

>with that old man
You mean Sir Anthony Hopkins, one of the most renown old actors? Unironically plebbit.

here we go

Oh wow some fake knight that doesnt do knight shit just post the webm its fuckin hilarious

not sure if serious or trolling

>house negro can't move his arm because Tony has claimed it as his armrest

God, viagra can make miracles...


>Yo, dont look, i know u wanna bang her but just play cool, just talk to Mr.Bay, aww shieeet muh dick, better cover it wit muh hand.
>Oh yeah haha Mr. Bay.

would you turn your sons into angry la creaturas for her?

How are we trolling? It is Anthony Hopkins grabbing a feel, that's part of why it's so funny

>It is an old pervy Hollywood bastard grabbing an underage actress, that's part of why it's so disgusting
Fixed for you.


in a heartbeat

reported to authorities

You bang her until she's 25 then drop her. Yes as it is now she is La Creatura Seductora but come several decades and she will morph in La Goblino Aguacate Monstruo.

>Hating on Based Sir Anthony Hopkins
Plebbit is the other way

based pusy poster

Hey, pedo. Are you related to Dan Schneider, by the way?

>Moner's gonna be 17 in like 3 months
>woah pedo
Sort yourself out retard.

Yeb is just a dumbass, he could've gone for a Sofia Vergara type but he chose a literal goblin. Is she even 5 fet tall?

She's exactly 5 feet tall lel

sup, pedo

>that 4:3 laptop


17 is socially accepted now you retard.

anthony is based

Isabela moner is one of the few actresses that really makes short hair look great.

>>house negro can't move his arm because Tony has claimed it as his armrest
Dude nice, never noticed this.

ayo homo

I think I know how she's getting roles.

By drinking bottled water?

Short hair and hairy pussy is the best combo.

By sucking cocks like an industrial vacuum.

S-Surely not..

Did they fucked for real?


I think Dan was too thick for her at the time, maybe just some oral and hotdoging

Not white enough.

I can only imagine how much she gets passed around during producers' closed-door parties.


>Miranda Cosgrove "icarly"
>highest paid female child star of all time
>highest paid child star under the age of 18 (2008 & 2009)
>highest paid Nickelodeon star
>highest paid non-basic cable actor (2009, 2010)
>She was paid $180,000 per episode when she was sixteen
>+100 episodes

makes you wonder

