What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

he was a fat piece of shit

He was American.


Morbid obesity?

Did he died?

whats that on his legs?


How does he shit?

Los monstros...

your skin has a stretching tolerance, this faggot ate so much eggrolls that basically his skin can't contain all the fat and it just breaks and turns yellow

who even keeps feeding that thing

El gigante americano..



that is repulsive

crusted mature cheddar cheese

dont you want to scrap it off and lick the goo underneath

Dios mío. Qué asco

el ogro encamado...


el atrocidad gordo

>two refrigerators in the immediate background.


where else is he going to keep his num nums or do you expect him to starve?

el abominacion escamado...


mfw Robert's episode a week ago, pure fucking kino. best episode

His leygs.

At this point you have to admit his familly are a bunch of enablers.Stop feeding him for fucks sake!

la abominacion de la comida rapida...

"Just a taste, james," you say as he continues slurping down his gravy. "We both need our breakfast, correct?" Faintly nodding his approval, you get eye level with the yellowed crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer," you say. James eyes light up and he inquires, "where?" Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake - a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and shaving off the whole piece. "Mm," James grunts as the flake slides into your mouth, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course," you say wryly. James' beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy, looking for a fuller meal. Holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth, you bite down hard - thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful, as you haven't eaten in a full day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs to reveal half an inch of incredibly thick paste lining the folds. "Laygs" was yelped from the corpulent James, but you barely notice. Sliding a finger across the goop, you happily place your now heavier finger into your mouth and suckle the sour paste down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wild, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of stringy flesh, you kiss James deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, stomach full, well, today was bliss.

No,I'm a fat piece of shit,he's a circus attraction.

And yet Assanti is allowed to live. We truly are in hell.

oh no

Kekked loudly

He ate millions.

It's lymphedema. His fat layer is so immense, that lymph can't be drained fast enough, and accumulate in his skin and subcutaneus tissue causing swelling and ultimately lesions, as elevated fluid pressure obstructs bloodflow.

is he alive? I remember seeing some facebook post about him having to go to the hospital for some heart thing

I love these

Greed, laziness, no self control, no pride.


Well hell, I honestly believed it was scab. Who says Sup Forums has no educational value?



Thanks I wrote it before I even saw the episode just browsing these threads for a bit and seeing pictures of him

>post shark jump episode

His acting was a little over the top, but he got the job done.

these people are addicted to eating too much.
with that comes the self harm, self deception and all the negative spite that addictions cause.
do they always feel like they are starving? i cant relate at all, eating too much makes me feel awful

you can have just one egg roll.
and all the tide pods you can swallow.
problem solved.

Robert died despite making progress while this guy is still alive and fatter than ever. We really live in an indifferent universe.

Some of them get benefits by being on disability and it becomes part of their livelihood.

in english doc

of calories