Thoughts on this film? For me it was hard to suspend disbelief. I mean, a 40 year old virgin? How does that even happen...

Thoughts on this film? For me it was hard to suspend disbelief. I mean, a 40 year old virgin? How does that even happen? lmao no way anyone is that big a loser haha

You're not a good poster. Unironically kys yourself.

>28 year old khv
almost there guys

>kill yourself yourself

What did he mean by this?

You’re forgetting the worst part in the movie; he has over a dozen opportunities to get laid, but chose to back out at the last moment.


How did that happen?

It's a parody.

Has anyone here actually watched this movie? What's it like?

Kissless virgin 24 here (25 this year). Combination of low self esteem and social anxiety. Never even tried. Everyone probably thinks I'm asexual.

I'm okay, desu. I fap to get it out of the way. Don't care about actual sex and relationships anymore.

Whoa..... How would you even do that????

You couldn't. That's what makes it a wacky comedy.

He is slumming it with the woman from Being John Malkovitch.

He's got a job making 60k+ that isn't stressful, an apartment with wood floors, liked by his coworkers, good at his job, has hobbies that he genuinely enjoys.

He should have just let the Glee lesbo amazon fuck him but then we wouldn't have a movie would we?

Aside from being MILFISH the woman doesn't have much going for her.

You think you don't care but you do. Being a virgin is like being hungry your whole life but never realizing it. Once you taste that daily bread you will see things in a brand new way.

If you mean that once you have sex you'll realize how unremarkable it is and move on with your life and start focusing on things that actually matter, sure.

Very few things are as good for your mental health as having regular sex (at least once a week). It's transformative.

Not really.


The movie is actually a pretty solid deconstruction of the whole "LOL VIRGINS SUCK AT LIFE" idea.

The dude has a stable job. Nothing outstanding, but it's comfortable, he enjoys it, and it pays decently. He's also high enough that if layoffs have to happen, he'll be safe from being picked. He's able to invest his time and money into hobbies he enjoys - and his hobby is even quite a good earner for himself, since his collections are worth a LOT more than what he paid for them.

He is very physically fit, since he doesn't own a car and bikes everywhere. All of his coworkers like him. His neighbors like him. Most importantly - He likes himself. That's something 99.9% of Sup Forums can't say about themselves.

The movie shows that his co-workers are much more unhappy with their lives, and a lot of that revolves around their sex lives. They spend time and money on things they don't really like in effort to have sex - efforts that often don't even pay off. When the main character joins in on these efforts, he even outright states that his life was significantly better before going through all this bullshit.

Also for some reason his dickhead friends made him wax his chest, which is awful. A guy with a waxed chest is more feminine than any woman in the world could hope to be.

Sounds like you lost tour virginity to some rando at a bar, or worse, a hooker. In that case I can understand feeling sex was overrated. If my first meal was a microwave dinner I would think food wasn't that great either. But when you start having good sex, and especially sex with someone you care about on a romantic/emotional level, it really elevates the experience. A girl you care about sucking the cum out of your cock is better than watching any stupid movie. Is that's 'overrated' you may as well blow your brains out because there will no joy for you on this earth

you're fibbing

>A girl you care about sucking the cum out of your cock
>A girl you care about
>sucking your cock
If you put your dick in the mouth of a person you want to kiss, you're a degenerate faggot

T. Virgin

I can't believe the unrated version actually showed them trying to put the condoms on his erect penis. Also who would have guessed Steve Carrell had such a fat hog?

haha imagine if something like that happened to one of us hahaha

now that's just insane

>Is that's 'overrated' you may as well blow your brains out because there will no joy for you on this earth

lel, you stupid faggot, thinking sex is the most important and greatest thing on earth is pure degeneracy. You're materialistic,hedonistic non-spiritual philosophy is the cancer, you kill yourself fucktard. Good sex can't compare with an amazing hike up a beautiful mountainside full of wildflowers, or seeing the sun rise over a mountain meadow. Try to leave the concrete jungle sometime and actually experience life instead of assuming what's best for you is what's necessary for everyone.

But that's what the movie is about, user.
After he loses his virginity he kinda sees that his friends are fucking pathetic and only care about getting laid.
When I was in my early 20s I went around the country banging tons of legal sluts and now I'm older I realise how completely shallow and pointless sex really is.

Oh, I know that very well. People acting like a 2 month dry spell is literal hell, couples talking about not having sex anymore as if the entire world is going up in flames.

I don't get that at all but I know once I do have sex, I'll be basing all my happiness and self worth on it too.

It's better for me to stay away. I'd have no idea what to do and the thought of being that intimate with someone sorta creeps me out.

No you faggot he's right. Sex is cool and all but between all the time and money required to get you there it's a fucking waste. Women aren't worth all the aggravation desu

Ha ha ha I know right guys I mean who hasn’t even felt a titty by 40 I mean haha what a loser right guys

>Everyone probably thinks I'm asexual.
No, everyone feels sorry for you and hopes you one day snap out of it. They're rooting for you user. Don't let them down!

How old are you?


T. Virgin

As opposed to the time spent arguing on a Laotian knitting forum? Gimme a fucking break

21 has loads of sex loads of times so I’m definately not a virgin

Not an argument.

Why would I argue about sex/relationships with a virgin? It would be like arguing with Stevie Wonder about a painting

well, I was kinda fat until 25
lost weight, now I'm covered in excess skin and stretch marks, been going to the gym in the past 6 months but I still look like garbage
also I've been balding for a while, I'm thinning on the front also I have a significant bald spot there
I feel like I kind of wasting my time, trying to fix myself, I'd rather just kill myself at this point (if I had the balls)

The bait is real

Stop meme this movie, I liked it and nothing absurd about. I live in a super conservative country and I had sex with at least two persons for week.

>has loads of sex loads of times
nice try there virgin

People who get laid don't brag, they don't have to

21 more years to go

It's as pointless as trying to argue with a guy who thinks sex is everything, is spiritually dead and probably never spent a moment outdoors or in wilderness..

>being a virgin past the age of 16
how? how is that even possible? i just can't comprehend not at least having a gf in high school who you regularly fucked and whose virginity you took. and even if you manage to get laid now that you're in your mid to late 20's, the damage is already done. you're already too fucked mentally to ever have a healthy relationship because you never felt young love, and you never went through all the ups and downs of that that help you learn what a relationship really is.

Nice dubs

How come in all movies where there is a 40 year old actress she is a total smokeshow and they make sure the teenage daughter is a 6 at best (usually with a shit attitude).

The Mom's pussy probably got fucked to 8 tracks but she's still hotter than the daughter in this one by a country mile.

I didn't really learn much from young 'love'. You learn the most on how to be in a real big boy pants relationship when you cohabitate with a woman.

Everything before that is just training wheels shit.

Here are some moments from my life that prove how easily you can be virgin at 26 and it won't probably change anytime soon:
>girl was literally touching my cock through jeans and was asking what it was and I just moved her hand towards my pocket and said it was my keys
>girl staring at me for a long time and telling me that she loves men who wash dishes while I was washing dishes, but I just said okay, without realizing what she meant until one of her friends told me
>girl dancing with me in a bar and at one moment rubbing herself against me for a long time and asking if I would like to get out of there, instead of that I said I'll go buy a drink and I literally ran away home

I don't know if I'm doing this because I'm autistic, have some kind of deep fear of intimacy and sex or if I'm just mentally ill. Nowadays there are no many chances left, so I experience despair even though if I would have a chance I'd probably do the same thing again.

are you gay?

I thought I was asexual until I was 24 years old. I fapped maybe 2-3 time a month out of necessity until suddenly at one point all I was thinking was sex and I started to fap 3-4 times a day when I was 24. Crazy shit, but then again I'm not normal.

from memory, he wasnt allowed to even jack off

so yeah, imagine nofap for 40 days

No, I'm afraid of having another person with her own mind and consciousness for a long period of time near me. I barely know who I am or what is my purpose in life, so the idea of having another mind that I cannot even truly know in the same apartment as me freaks me out. That and I'm afraid of being touched or touching others. I don't have much money, so I can't go to a psychologist, but I'd probably bee to scared to visit a psychologist anyways.

go to the gym. i promise it will help

Maybe after I get used to eat outside alone without shaking so much that I lose my appetite. Step by step, I guess.

Is this worth a watch? Do they actually get a decent portrayal of a 40 year old version or is it a meme normie-tier portrayal?





Take a guess, the mother fucker has a job.

>having another mind that I cannot even truly know

2 more years until you are a wizard, keep it up user

>Get Out mom is hotter than this

Are you on Crack?

I'm 26 years old, but I had sex once when I was 19 and my friends got me drunk and one of my friend's fuck buddy came and fucked me. But that didn't change anything in me, so can I still be a wizard or did I fail that as well?

>having a gf in high school who you regularly fucked and whose virginity you took

This takes some amount of attractiveness and confidence to achieve user.

I'm a social retard, why else would I be on the site filled with failures in life?

I dont know what all these guys are hating on you for user. I completely agree you need some sort of emotional attachment in order to feel good, and performance levels do matter in sex.

Fucking pedo.

nofap the movie

>>are you gay?
>No, I'm afraid of having another person with her own mind and consciousness for a long period of time near me


I can relate to this. For me it's more about having to listen to her, do things with her, keep her entertained etc. If you don't then she'll just go get someone else. I don't have a lot to offer and I'm introverted as fuck so I like my downtime.

Sex with someone you care about and who cares about you must be great but I'm too depressed, anxious, neurotic, whatever to keep that relationship going I guess.

I just need a fuck buddy.

yeah, it suck
but it's all my fault, so I guess it's a fair punishment

Yeah, this, the main char is a pretty successful dude, he isn't even a sperg in any way and probably a virgin by choice (which you see in the movie that he refuses having sex pretty much). I don't get how anyone can see him as a loser only because he didn't put a piece of flesh in another piece of flesh.

I only saw it once a couple years ago, but I remember this being and entertaining and heartwarming movie.

>liked by his coworkers
he wasn't though, until they went through the whole ordeal with him