This isn't going to be nearly 4 hours of two guys talking about fucking bow-hunting is it?

this isn't going to be nearly 4 hours of two guys talking about fucking bow-hunting is it?

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did they discuss the 2nd amendment, because Joe was completely saying it should be changed last week?

It was surprisingly a good podcast with some comfy homoeroticism.

Rogan needs to change the format. Not listening anymore

What did he say? Which episode

>needs to be controlled way more
>all school shooters are mentally deranged
>the access to guns is a huge part of it
typical Joe agreeing with whoever was in front of him.

he's usually pretty mercurial about serious/contentious issues like those though depending on who he's discussing them with and the relevancy involved

did you guys see that episode where Joe talks to Dr. Saxon Murr about the time he spent in the amazon with a group of pygmy catch wrestlers that eat a special flower that turns them into serpent people that also increases their hunting capabilities ten fold

>he's usually pretty mercurial
yeah I agree, which I why I asked if its discussed in this recent podcast (because he probably flip flopped)

Joe "Obama was the the best president ever " Rogan

bow hunting is so fucking stupid. It's like if I had a perfectly good invention to catch fish but I decided I was just going to go out and try to throw rocks at them.

fucking compound bow retardos.

I think his podcast is starting to get stale. I used to like having the comedians on but the last one was just 2.5 hours of gibberish with no direction or notes or bullet points or even hashed out subjects to talk about.

I guess some people found a rifle too easy.
there is a skill to it since youre only allowed one shot at whatever youre hunting.

JRE is boring as fuck now
same comedians
same hunters
same ultra marathon runners
same mma fighters
same discourse
>dude something needs to be done about this messed up world
>I know man

The Yoel show is either going to be great or a disaster.

>I used to like having the comedians on but the last one was just 2.5 hours of gibberish with no direction or notes or bullet points or even hashed out subjects to talk about
to be fair this is fine when someone like Stanhope appears, but youre right.

I think the Mel Gibson one was the cheekiest shit he's done. He hyped him the week before it shouting 'braveheart' and what not. Joe knew what the podcast would be beforehand, an hour where Gibson says barely anything and we listen to a Panama doctor go on about stem cells

That was a great show though despite the lack of Mel. Informative as hell.

I bet you like people using thermal scopes on animals too.

yeah, its just the misleading of it I didn't like. Joe was being a cheeky fucker

>It's a Joe tells the gigantopithecus tooth found in a Chinese apothecary story in relation to Bigfoot episode

he keeps bringing on the same ~8 people over and over. if I even HEAR him mention joey diaz once in the next two months I'm jumping ship

Joey's on the Yoel Romero show in a few days.

> we listen to a Panama doctor go on about stem cells

That was the interesting part and Mel was just there to spread the word because of what it did for him and his dad.

It'd be a shithead move to try to pull away from that and start to talk shit about movies at that point so good on Rogan for that.

Don't really disagree on that. Joe lost his shit when the bow guy mentioned Mel's pencil clicking.

>bow hunting is so fucking stupid. It's like if I had a perfectly good invention to catch fish but I decided I was just going to go out and try to throw rocks at them.

Active fishing is retarded when we have nets and fish traps and yet people prefer active fishing to just checking the trap line every day.

So is fishing retarded?

>did they discuss the 2nd amendment, because Joe was completely saying it should be changed last week?

He's a hunter in commiefornia. Why would you expect him to defend ARs and AKs? I'm sure he's pro-gun in as much as people who use bolt action rifles have access to them, but that's the case in Sweden too - meaning you don't really need a 2A level protection to have that right.

we need alex jones to save Joes podcast

>Joe will never interview JUST BLEED
>Grew up watching cockfights and dog fights
>Started underground bare knuckle fighting league
>Fell in love with barbarity of early MMA
>Got arrested for possession with intent and went to prison for years

Jamie pull that up


It's almost time for another 1 hr Bill Burr appearance where he shills some shitty new project and stares at the ceiling until his time is up.

>it's a 'pot smoking manlet talks about how manly he is again' episode
His show is fucking shit.

Joe strikes me as completely reasonable on guns. Responsible people (who can actively prove they are trained and competent) should have them.

>imagine if you got put into a cage with a horny gorilla
>you'd get raped real good

Who the fuck is John Dudley?
1 half of the Dudley Boys?

Jamie likes fake wrestling. Don't you Jamie?

i like when he talks about soccer and how bad it is

>It's a thinly veiled 2hr advert for Rogan's products and those of his pals episode

what are good episodes with crazy conspiracies or super interesting people.

Listened to Rollins last night, that was great.

Do not listening episodes you don't care about. You're just willingly exposing yourself to hear the same things Joe always talks about.

it started to drag on towards the end, right around the time they started drinking and smoking

Crazy? Alex Jones. But he is a Republican shill.

tom delonge

you could tell in that podcast Joe was trying to get him out the door so many times

seen both of these. Also Graham hancockand the fat beard guy