What's next for Ayya Taylor Joy?

What's next for Ayya Taylor Joy?

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Hopefully bouncing up and down on muh dick.

But realistically probably a superhero movie at some point, at which point she'll stop being our qt and just become another generic Hollywood whore.

NUDE scenes!

Dying on the way back to her home planet.

Remake of Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Shes in the new xmen film

>at some point
she's in an x-men spinoff coming out this year


Marrying me



Well there you fucken go. I legit didn't know that but I'm pretty disappointed. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted.



god i wish that gun stock were me

its called a clip

>you will never have a bouncy ayy gf

>you will never have a gf

I'm pretty sure that's called a magazine.

I'm pretty sure that's called your mum


I know, pretty epic, huh?

This webm makes me want to cum on the large space between her eyes.

If you didn't want to do that we'd burn you at the stake for being a witch.

daily reminder that anya will NEVER be your gf

hnnng shes getting nice and thic

>daily reminder you will never have a gf



Why does she look slightly Asian?

because me love her long time

why does she always look so greasy


It's her makeup, she clearly used foundation without a setting powder or a setting spray

what a cruel illusion

Abducting and anal probing me.

Salty Pirates videos.


using her alien probing tongue to do an analysis on my asshole and lower instestines

then sticking her breeding sack all over my face while she spreads her tentacles over my privates

I know the thing just makes her tits look like that because it's so tight but still, damn.


>tfw Disney postponed it and it's probably reshooting it completely, turning what seemed like a comfy horror kino in a watered down quipfest

I hope the original cut leaks

why are argentine women such beauties lads

pure white women who aren't american tend to be

I know AvP wasn't a great success but why don't they make a third one where it's Daisy Ridley vs Anya Taylor-Joy?

>Hopefully bouncing up and down on muh dick
This guy understands what's what

She's a pure English rose.


>"So Anya, in this drama your boobs will be overflowing constantly for "accuracy""

you mean mutts goblinas?

You won't believe me, but I'm gonna make it as a bigshot just so that I can make Anya mine and then I'm gonna shitpost about it on Sup Forums and occasionally post blurry photos of her back.
Screencap this

>Speaks argie spanish flawlessly
sure thing m8

yeah I think he was joking seeing as she's a mutt of spanish-british variety.

read a book you mongoloid

>pure white
>half spanish, half Argentinian
user pls

She's half British, half Spanish. There is no Argentine about it lmao.

>Hopefully bouncing up and down on muh dick.


>Anya Taylor-Joy (born April 16, 1996)[1] is an American-born Argentine-British actress
>Her father, a former international banker, is Scottish-Argentinian.
Imagine being this stupid lol

gotta love that stabilization aka "pennywise effect"


>dat filemane

giv jew gf

>she will never yell "harder papi harder" to you


more bodice/corset kino

You mean Fox