Is the era of short actors over?

Is the era of short actors over?

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Correct, get ready for a generation of lanklet actors who are tall from growth hormones but skinny from xenoestrogens in food

manlet > awkward lanklet any day of the week

you dont know anything about tom cruise do you? that nigga is about 8 feet tall. hes just conserving his tallness for when its absolutly necessary

Name 10 good currently working actors over 6 feet

t. manlet

Tall girls look awkward.

Protip: not alot of women are actually 5'10"+, thus most of them look like children next to a 6'2" actor
5'9" - 5'11" is where it's at, unless it's capeshit

How do you be less of a lank? doesn’t quit seem like an insult, brainlet and manlet are clear insults.

Well, it is possible to be too tall, for women especially. It's simply a play on manlet.


what user is saying is that "let" as a suffix implies a lack of lank, just as it implies a lack of brain or a lack of manliness
whereas as brainlet, manlet, dicklet, etc. all make sense, lanklet describing a tall person doesn't because lankiness is a tall characteristic

kys krager

I agree we should call them cromags.

So like:

> GTFO you 7 foot cromag



too weak, I remember tall people used to made fun of with ‘hows the weather up there?’
What changed that no one does this now but assravaged manlets?

>elevator directly into the apartment
How does this even work? Can anyone in the building enter your apartment? I suppose not, so what? There's a lock on the elevator door on the inside?

the elevator requires a specific keycard to go to your floor

I prefer lanklot for this exact reason but lanklet has stuck unfortunately

>There's a lock on the elevator door on the inside?

Yes either a round maintinemce key or a keypad insode the elevator

I'm a manlet like tom cruise but when I walk around I'm still taller than all women, children, old people, nearly all teenagers. Also I'd say 80-90% of the male population here, I live in Japan. But there is an amazing amount of lanky bastards in Tokyo. Almost every foreigner is a lanky bastard. I remember before the manlet meme, people in real life ripped on tall people. So I'm confused as to why very very tall people choose to go to a country where people are small. This requires research.

Turns out a lot of autists are tall, probably the bad diet they were raised on with poor quality growth hormone meat and that their mother ate when pregnant caused their autism but also their height, and as we all know autistics love Japan

Rosamunda Pike is a babe

Interesting. Thanks.

>I live in Japan
>wow, I live in Manlet Country, why am I so much taller than anyone here? #mistery #shook

Japan isn't actually that short, at least as far as Asian countries go. The average male height is 5'7-5'8 and I think it's even higher in South Korea. They beat out quite a few latin American countries too.
In Indonesia it's 5'2.

Can't argue with that. Have you seen the music video she played in?

the age of manlet is over. the time of WEWUZKANGZ/#metoo has come..

Nope around 5'9" is ideal actor size (Tom Hardy) because you can surround them with 5'5"s to make them look like a big bastard (Bane)
Or surround them with actual people to make them look small.

Being very tall or very short makes this difficult.

>How do you be less of a lank?

SS+GOMAD you giant pussy

i'm in between actually. but anyway, manlets actually look like human beings, lanklets look like altmers or some shit, so weird.

You can't even tell when it is Tom Hardy in TDKR or when it's his stunt double. He looks like he's twice the size of Batman ffs, when in reality Bale is a foot taller at least.

What a bitch.

Look at her heels wtf why do women do this?

.t poorfag

Probably not, I think generally Chad's are too busy with sports and stuff to focus on a dweeb hobby like acting.

this is wretched
i hope you fall ill and die in the street

Ermm, Christain Bale is 3 inches taller than Hardy.

If you think 3 inches is a foot you need to reassess some things.