Just a man and his dog

just a man and his dog

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just a man and his dog


there is literally nothing wrong with being 5'9

just a man and his dog

the tiny girl with the giant head is such a QT in this movie. also has fappening nudes.

Tom Hardy is a fag but no self respecting homosexual would have such a fat dog.

just a man and his dog

just wondering when dogs come to these things who picks up after them

rip in peace pupper



I'd imagine the owner would. By law he is obligated to.


RIP la

God I wish that were me

He's a good boy

It's considered a privilege in American society to clean up a celebrity's dog's shit.

That piece he wrote about that doggo was sad. Not just because it's about a dead doggo, but because of all the spelling and grammar errors. Like it's not bad enough a dog died, but also it was the slow kid's dog.

Emily Browning


Nice meme, fellow redditor! 8D

The big guy and the good boy


Me on the right

Hardy's dog died a while ago.


wtf kind of bear is that

looks like a nice doggy

I really hate how popular dog ownership has become.

We got a live one here, boys.

> weeb gear
> american (chad) akita
Thing looks pedigree as fuck, must have cost a good few grand
/our guy/
(Although if he was /an/'s guy he would have got a sighthound but whatever, /an/ are faggots)

You don't actually think it's good for so many people to own dogs, do you?

Do you prefer if more people owned a tortoise?

whats the point of living if you're not gonna own a dog and make him wear a scarf?

Why dont you just tell us your retarded views about the dangers of excessive dog ownership and get it over with

Probably not. They wouldn't be able to look after them either.
The higher the rate of dog ownership the more likely you are to have the wrong kinds of people own dogs. I've had to put down a lot of dogs just in the last 3 months.

I bet it's some bullshit about how we should all not buy actual dogs bought by breeders but rather trash street dogs scooped up by the dogcatcher when eating a pile of garbage.

It's like if I said I like cars and everyone yelled at me when I went to the dealership and called me a piece of shit for not buying one from the city impound lot that 5 hobos had shit in.

Henry quite clearly loves his dog though and is only advocating responsible ownership.

>I've had to put down a lot of dogs
a doggo murderer

>I've had to put down a lot of dogs just in the last 3 months.
You're a monster why should we listen to anything you say?

Hardy has openly talked about fucking guys. He's bisexual. One of the few honest actors.

I've noticed a lot of aging uggos and dont-need-no-man feminists getting dogs to replace children, basically.

>I bet it's some bullshit about how we should all not buy actual dogs bought by breeders but rather trash street dogs scooped up by the dogcatcher when eating a pile of garbage.
No, I think you should buy dogs from breeders. Picking one up from the street means you'll just get a poorly raised dog or a bad breed/mutt. Dogs from breeders are more worth it. The thing to do after that is to clear the streets. The reality is that there is no hope for strays.
Lots of people think they can responsibly own a dog, but they can't. Awful story recently of a couple who left their two dogs to die in the rental property they abandoned.

>man's best friend
>it's somewhat convenient so let's cut your friends' balls off
Really mekes you think.

Would you rather they had real children?


lol Sup Forums btfo yet again

Unless you're breeding, you absolutely should do that.

God I want that facial hair, looks a bit tedious to maintain though

literally just keep stubble on your face except on top of your lip
takes 2 mins to maintain if you have an electric shaver

>reality is that there is no hope for strays.
That's bull-oney, I've owned 2 rescue mutts over my 32 years and they both turned out fine. You're just trying to shill some 5 grand designer shits that end up developing all kinds of infirmities that end up costing even more money to treat.

>you should mutilate your pet
I'd understand vasectomy/hysterectomy, but no, you faggots always insist on cutting balls and ovaries as if it's not creepy animal abuse.

>I've owned 2 rescue mutts over my 32 years and they both turned out fine
I'm not saying you can't train them. I'm saying two things. Firstly, it will be harder to raise them for most people. Secondly, they are not desirable breeds to stay alive. I should add that dogs should not live in cities.

>, I think you should buy dogs from breeders.

As someone who knows the dog breeding industry, no you should not.

> Picking one up from the street means you'll just get a poorly raised dog

If only dogs could be trained. Oh yeah they can. How the fuck are you outwitted by a dog?

>Dogs from breeders are more worth it.

Absolute horseshit. Purebreeds are full of genetic disease and their breeding programs don't use eugenics, but rather develop new breed standards based on looks. They absolutely ruined several reliable dog breeds including the GSD which how has back and hip problems because it "needed" a new silhouette.

Fuck breeders.

Depending on the animal it can help prevent hormonally unbalanced behavior from manifesting.

Real life experience: I’ve never seen a female cat make it through one heat without becoming the worst creature alive for the rest of its life.

>the dog breeding industry
Explain what you think ''the'' industry is.

>owning a pussy ass lab
>not owning a based chad niggerbull


Maybe because cats suck and you shouldn't own them

rescues are the best places to get dogs. thats where ive gotten all 3 of my great danes and theyre all fine.

Says the soyboy who baby-talks ''doggos'', as he calls them.

>Explain what you think ''the'' industry is.

In this specific case the national registry of the retriever breeds. My friend's mother sits on their fucking board and is part of the people who decide the breed direction and judge in the shows.

While the retriever breeding org is one of the less retarded groups they've still decided to fuck with them and make several breeds thinner and more wedge shaped for no reason other than aesthetic.

We know from experience selectively breeding cranial narrowness makes dog breeds dumber and leads to health issues.

Bost more of these Niggerbulls.

>that picture
Hey I noticed that a German Shepard I saw recently looked retarded and low and I thought to myself "this stupid thing is what the nazis loved, it looks like a weiner dog and half retarded" what's up with that?

I want a border collie friend.

>the national
What are you referring to?

You're aware that soyboys and women (and men) who've been rejected by society own cats en masse, right?

>wtf kind of bear is that
Cavill isn't that big to pass as a bear

I dislike the stigma against all breeders. There are SOME that try to improve the breed, just Google retromop.

>it can help prevent hormonally unbalanced behavior
>they will live longer
That's just creepy. If you castrate a severely retaded child he will live longer and be way easier to handle. But parent of these children tend not to do it.
If you don't treat your pet like it have some form of psyche/personality why would you need a pet at all? And if your dog is not your toy, but you freind and partner you cannot treat it that way.

>this stupid thing is what the nazis loved, it looks like a weiner dog

Yeah Hitler knew all about eugenics and would weep for the dog breed. I bet jews are behind this.

Do you own a farm?

Seems to be dogs these days. Just look at all the people using words like ''doggo'', ''bork'', ''pupper'', and so on.

Right about emm but wrong about doggo

>I dislike the stigma against all breeders. There are SOME that try to improve the breed

This is the same retarded "but some are good" argument that comes up in every fucking arena. The amount of dog breeds ruined versus improved is easily 90% to 10%, if not even more lopsided. You list the amount of actually improved breeds with health problems reduced and I'll have an avalanche of breeds made sicker or even downright genetic catastrophy tier (pugs), and you probably know all this so why be a bitch about it?

>That's just creepy
Good one.
>But parent of these children tend not to do it.
Americans castrate most of their children last I heard.
>If you don't treat your pet like it have some form of psyche/personality why would you need a pet at all?
Most people keep animals as tools.
>And if your dog is not your toy, but you freind and partner you cannot treat it that way.
A dog/owner relationship is master/slave, not friend/friend. I can tell you are the kind of sentimental, weak person who should not be owning dogs, or any animal for that matter.

>only noticing this now
sweet summer child

There's that edge. You really drew that one out.

Ok, you meme-loving fuck, why would a stronk manly man need little a little castrated hairy slave in his house?

Get a dog at the pound. Look for a clean bill of health. Look for a healthy body type. Excessive skin, fucked up hips, narrow skull, popped out eyes, miniature legs, a dog that's too small - these are all signs of genetic fuckery and inferior dogs.

Go baby-talk your ''doggo'', soyboy.
Don't let dogs in your house. Keep them in the cage in the yard.


Dog show breeding is shit. Best bet for a GS is to research someone that breeds a working line is

As for spaying and neutering, it's best to wait for sexual maturity for both sexes to avoid any later health issues.


Why would a stronk manly man need a caged castrated hairy slave in his yard?

Depends on the job.

>No, I think you should buy dogs from breeders. Picking one up from the street means you'll just get a poorly raised dog or a bad breed/mutt. Dogs from breeders are more worth it. The thing to do after that is to clear the streets. The reality is that there is no hope for strays.

I have never heard a bigger pile of shit in my life. You shouldn't be giving anyone advice on dogs you dumb cunt.

You know there's that movie called Sleeping Beauty. Her fappening nudes pale in comparison. Professional camerawork and make-up really make a difference.

I kind of fell in love with her in American Gods.

>Best bet for a GS is to research someone that breeds a working line is

You're correct. The working line is better, but I've heard it's deteriorating from inclusions of the show line too.

I recommend Belgian Malinois.
>Although the Belgian Malinois, which has an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years, is not prone to any major health issues, it does suffer occasionally from elbow dysplasia, pannus, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), hemangiosarcoma, and cataract.

That's about as good as it gets for dog breeds.

>"Who's the big guy? Who's the big guy? You are! You're the big guy for me, Woody! :D"


The show where she blew Dane Cook? You're sick, that made me fall out of love with her.

>american akita is literally a mutt

KEK LE 56% face

It wasn't that part, it was what came after. She being all cutesy zombie chasing over her husband.

>Dane Cook
Fucking hell, I kept thinking who the fuck is this guy.

Why? I know you won't actually elaborate. People like you don't do that. But I will explain mine anyway. Bred dogs are far more expensive than rescued mutts. This will raise the bar so that low income people don't get their hands on dogs. Poor people are the ones who increase the number of strays.

The australian shepherd is another breed with minimal health issues and is one of the smartest dog breeds too.

Please understand beforehand that all medium sized energetic dogs will need exercise and companionship or they will go nuts on you, from gnawing your furniture to becoming hostile. Know that you have the time to invest in a dog before getting one.

If you're a small apartment guy in the city who's barely home, get a fucking cat or a ferret that won't give a shit.

Just a man and his dog


Even cats should be given some attention, like playing with them and SUPERVISED outdoor time. Most people shouldn't own pets period


That's a good dog.
