Holy shit jonah looks good

holy shit jonah looks good

He looks 20 years older

Jonah u got to up your Photoshop skills.

You probably consider yourself to "look good" too.

This looks super weird, almost like Photoshop

>being less than 8 foot tall


The chad 6'1" vs the virgin 5'11''

Is that the Shol'va???

>not posting the original

in what world is jonah hill only one shaq head shorter than shaq?

I thought Jonah Mountain had the trifecta of being both weak, a jew and a manlet?

Did I ever tell you guys the time I tried to look Shaq's dick?

>be me
>perfect 5'10'' new england man
>never met a real black man irl
>go to north carolina
>in the aquarium there is a nigger literally twice my height
>I couln't even comprehend what I was seeing
>think he caught me staring because he looked very angry

anyone else ever had this experience

Jonah is 5'7 and Shaq is 7'1 according to a quick google

Was this before or after you fucked his wife?

I went to the US recently and every single nigger I saw or met seemed angry

Anger is the natural emotion of the weak minded man, and all niggers are fucking dumb


Why are wh*tes so physically unimpressive?

i lived in the US for a few years and the first time i looked at a nigger he got mad and yelled "watcha lookin at?". After that i understood why americans just cross the street when they see a nigger in the same sidewalk.


It's confirmed six inches, probably why he's so insecure

What’s it like getting mogged, do you feel insecure

This picture is old and shooped

This picture is ancient, you only need to look at Shaq to see that.