Elle Fanning Opens Up About The Boy Who Made Her Feel Insecure About Her Appearance

How rude!


sodomize and bury it op

>direct link to buzzfeed

Wow what a brave woman

Oh poor baby she was born a beautiful white woman in a rich family she has million boys drooling over her, one didn't like her hair much! She must be traumatized forever the poor thing!

Slightly curly (wavy) hair is way more attractive than straight hair, and glasses are cute

I agree

Now I finally see why the intersectional movement includes rich white women. This is almost as bad as dying in a gutter in downtown detroit!

>you look like a pig, and you'll never compare to your sister!

damn....was he /ourguy/?

I know a guy who doesn't need glasses.

Fake blonde roastie.

Nobody care nigress and their nigress problems.

elle fanning is ugly and is lucky her sister paved the way for her


On most girls yes but not on her


How horrible.
>"My hair is actually really curly, so I got it blown out straight, and I wore contacts — my eyes are terrible — and this one boy came to me on the playground and said, 'You’re so beautiful. I’m going to marry you!'"
>"Whatever. Then the next day I washed my hair, so it was curly, and wore my glasses. And he told me, 'I’m not going to marry you anymore.'"
Kindergarten Chad didn’t want her anymore.


>Thousands of men around the world will do anything to get me. ANYTHING.
>One guy makes her feel bad

Come the fuck on.

What a trauma...

>my eyes are terrible
So is the rest of your face.

>womens worth is based on appearance
isnt that common sense?

>Dakota is getting nude this year
finally board will accept what true patricians have known for years, bros...

her moles are fucking disgusting

she was homeschooled until 4th grade

More like homely schooled.

Actually linking fucking buzzfeed.

We hit rock botton here folks.

pls no bully

>hahaha smelle fanny!

wow, she is so brave

He should have thrown acid in her face so the rest of us never had to look her either.

He did, the acid was all like "Eww, what the FUCK" and ran away

Based Kinderchad, he knows a future coalburner slut when he sees one.

Mary is pure

Purebred goblin.