So why don't you have a big cock Sup Forums?

so why don't you have a big cock Sup Forums?
how are you still smaller than 9 inches you fucking dicklet?

The penis on the right looks disgusting.

Like the sissys says, the color matters more than size. A 6inches black cock is better than a 9 inches white cock.

My 8.3 inch BWC has never let me down. Fucked almost 100 Korean girls when I was over there as an exchange student.

get banned

I swear the mods are insecure beta fags

That is bullshit white cock on left would demolish small black cock

Just remember

7 inches is not the fucking average, fuck off with this meme.
Yeah, call me a dicklet or whatever, this is just like /fit/ calling anyone below 6'2 manlets.

i'm 6" and look exactly like the left one


Left one looks more aesthetic

Because the left one is not 7'' and the right one is not 9''.

>implying the penis on the left is even 7 inches
wew lad

Subtract 1.5" from both of those numbers and that should be about right.

Fake news

>self reported
into the trash it goes

Can we stop this 7" average meme? We all know nobody actually has a penis.

It doesn't stop me from fucking women, so why should i care?

>implying americans are humble

t. Dicklet

9" looks a bit ridiculous.

why are dicklets so pathetic lmao?

Be humble and just replay me again if you're at least a 7/10 sissy

Women buy in average 6 inch dildos gay men like ones who make these threads are size queen

5-6" is average, not 7

God I wish that was inside me

You're weird and probably the product of incest.

avg is closer to 5". I'm 8" and would not change a thing about my dick