ITT: Perfect Films

It doesn’t have to be your favorite film. Just a movie that is perfect in every aspect.

Structure, story, dialouge, characters, no superfluous scenes, technical aspects, cinematography, lighting, audio etc.

Amour is the closest a movie has come to perfect for me. Haneke is far from my favorite director and Amour is not even my favourite Haneke film, but it’s just perfect.




>non-consensual youth in asia is totally distinct from murder, guys
I'm not a Sup Forumstard who throws around terms like "degenerate" loosey goosey, but this is an actual degenerate film


Back to the Future part 1, and Fellowship of the Ring.
If you disagree you are a fucking chump.



You have a really good taste, OP.

Pic related came to my mind. It's a total different tone compared to Haneke but all elemets felt flawless.



I consider Whiplash to be like this. You may not agree with the plot, but it's a technically perfect film and executed flawlessly

The second half of this kind of disappointed me because Haneke couldn't for once keep his nihilistic sadism in his pants, but yeah I kind of agree, despite it's flaws this one is an 8.5-9/10

What do you mean? The film had a happy ending.



I'm not talking about the ending. I'm talking about the second half of the movie and some of the stuff that happens there. You might want to work on that reading comprehension.

Jurassic Park

perfect movie desu


These are the correct ones thus far.

Quite possibly the best, most wholesome kid kino ever made. I have never seen a film so devoid of cynicism and ironic "comedy" than this one.

snooze kino


Great choices

Here one I feel is perfect for what it is.

What? The film is tense as fuck.

once they go outside and theres a scuffle with oil drums and fire, one guy transforms, it gets tedious and dull
i always wake up to the last two guys in a boring brown cave doing something uninteresting with dynamite and then it ends

i've watched it 3 times



The bit where bald guy is actually nice to kids is way too on the nose

For real? You mean you were on board for the predictable bit where redshirts get wiped out and not for the actual climax that decides the fate of the world?


Shawskank is not ambitious, but it perfectly executes what it sets out to.

Schindlers List

Revenge of the Sith
Batman v Superman
Blade Runner 2049


Might get shit for it but I find this to he a supremely comfy movie and have enjoyed it every time I've watched it.

carpenter is a good ideas man but a shit director
i can't finish anything by him without getting bored distracted or falling asleep

this one was bretty good. the only problem was that i couldn't get my boner down the whole movie.

This might not be your taste, but every element is perfectly executed. Every scene is necessary and the storyline is perfectly taut as it unravels.

Other than that one plot hole, yeah. Pretty perfect.

I forgot about that, might not even have noticed it. Can you tell me what it was? in a spoiler of course

I love all the elements falling into place one by one as the movie 'progresses' like how you don't really notice the awkwardly fitting suit in the beginning. It adds a lot, just the fact that you go with it initially.

>flick is about sex

fucking liberal retard

2 films that always strike me as being pretty flawless whenever i rewatch are Chinatown and On The Waterfront

The fact that he can still remember shit about his amnesia despite the fact that his memory is limited to 2 minutes since the accident.

Amadeus or the first Rocky

I mean, it's not even that unrealistic, with many repetitions eventually the message makes it into his damaged mind, and he projects it as someone else problem. But yeah, you can think that he would also realize that he was also killing people for a while.

>about sex
please explain