Post documentary kino


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Television under the swastika

300 Dorra Sushi is a pretty good one. Don't let the Sup Forums memes get to you.

Chariots of the Gods (1970)
The original ancient aliens. Erich von Dänicken was the first person to suggest the theory of ancient aliens. This 1970 documentary is an adaptation of his first book from 1968.
There's an english version and a german version, they're almost the same except Erich von Dänicken himself appears in the german version but not in the english version. If anyone cares, the german version is called "Erinnerungen an die Zukunft" and can also be found on youtube. Here's the english version.

The Fog of War: 11 lessons from the life of Robert S. MacNamara

Spoiler: his middle name is Strange

>hurt durr la Hitler did nothing wrong lolololol

The Secret Land (1948)

Documentary produced in color documenting admiral Byrd's famous flight over Antarctica.


What did they mean by this?

Use hooktube and enjoy, kraut.

World at war is the undisputed GOAT ww2 doc series. nothing else comes close.

Civilisation is pure kino

This is alot better than most of the WW2 docs because it is shot in the seventies. Still fresh in people's minds.

Civilisation (Kenneth Clark)
Cosmos (Carl Sagan)
The Ascent of Man (Jacob Bronowski)
The World at War (Laurence Olivier)
Life on Earth (David Attenborough)
The Living Planet (David Attenborough)
Connections (James Burke)

t. kino connoisseur


Just watched the blackout experiments last night. It was pretty good, never heard of it before.

Exit through the Gift Shop is pure kino. I rewatch every few years. Exposes most artists for the shams they truly are. Even if it's most likely fake.

world without sun by jacques cousteau


>"Goodnight Nobody" is a documentary by Jacqueline Zünd where four insomniacs from four different continents guide the audience through their night that imprisons them.

24 Hours In Police Custody

has severe autism but still enough social skills to get them barefoot?

women are truly subhuman

do you have anything like the first 48 in the UK?