Just watched Robocop for the first time. It's fun as fuck and everything about it is charming...

Just watched Robocop for the first time. It's fun as fuck and everything about it is charming. Why can he get shot by a million bullets but one rusty rod is enough to penetrate through his armor? How are the sequels? About to give them a watch.

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>How are the sequels?
The second one is meta as fuck. The third one is so bad it's good.

First I must say that I consider Robocop to be amongst my favorite films and objectively one of the greatest films released in my lifetime (old fag here)
Once you reconcile yourself to the fact that none of the sequels are even close to being on the same level then you can have fun with them.
IMHO part 2 is fun and worth a shot.
Fuck part 3
The series was fun and Prime Directives was a blast
Never bothered with the re-make...because fuck that.

Remake's only good part was when they showed him what was left of him that wasn't artificial.



>C'mon Sal!
>Tigers are playin', TO-NIGHT
>I never miss a game

By the point that Clarence stabs him, his armor had been shot to shit by Ed-209 and the Police.


Peter Weller is so pretentious


>robocop 1987 is pure R rated cyberpunk kino
>robocop 2013 remake is pure utter PG garbage

>"Can you fly Bobby?"
>he can't fly

really subverted my expectations

This is probably a valid argument, he had already been fucked up previously and didn't have any repairs to his exterior armour so it would've been vulnerable

>shoots hand off
>someone give him a hand
activates my almonds

Was Clarence bodicker a try hard? He is always trying to make smart comments

You'll like RoboCop II. But III is a little dissapointing.

Peter Weller is awesome.

The scene in Part II where the prototype kills itself by removing it's helmet to reveal its skull spooped me good as a kid

With his wrist a bloody stump, Murphy tries to stand. He turns to face the gang
>Well give the man a hand!

That's true, also what would happen if they shot him in the mouth area? If I was shooting him that's the first place I'd aim.

>Why can he get shot by a million bullets but one rusty rod is enough to penetrate through his armor?

His armor was full of holes by that point

I don't think it's addressed in the movies but in the comics the face is just skin stretched over a robotic skull similar to a Terminator. It's essentially just for show and to make Robocop less intimidating. Shooting him in the mouth would be about as effective as shooting him anywhere else, even if you did cause damage it'd be pretty superficial.

*bangs on table*

one of the best endings ever even with the cheesy arms effects

Yeah I was late to the party myself but it is pure kino.

Robocop 2 is alright, worth the watch for the stop-motion alone. Never watched any others.

The other robocop remake had some good scenes:

>The third one is so bad it's good.
No. It's just terrible.

Haven't seen these, aren't these the same guys that did the garfield stuff?

No other film will ever come close

>when the black guy gets excited at dick jones being shot
>when the black guy gives the thumbs up

so comfy

Part of a crowd sourced scene by scene remake of the original movie. Some really great parts and some pretty awful. vimeo.com/85903713

Fucking loved that scene and the one proto where he shoots himself in the head.

I think what makes it so resonant of a movie is the body horror or realizing how little of murphy is really left.
The dismemberment scene in robocop 2 has stuck with me since I was a kid as just one of the most terrifying visceral things I've ever seen on screen. When they dump out his parts and he's all fucked up.
Just great.

The rusty rod gets jammed through a hole made by the million bullets.

>Why can he get shot by a million bullets but one rusty rod is enough to penetrate through his armor
Well, those "million bullets" killed him, and like other Anons have said, his armour was fucked up by then.

>Never bothered with the re-make...because fuck that.
Same here

This. His face in the movie isn't even flesh, the idea Verhoeven, Bottin, Neumeir and Miner came up with is that he'd need a representation of his human appearance to avoid a psychotic break, even with his memory blanked and a set of programmed directives. In Robocop 2 he asks his wife to touch him and her response is "it's cold" to which he replies "they made this to honour him".

There was a making-of book released in Japan shortly after the film that has a cross-section of Robocop's body, he's basically a T-800 with flame retardant dust covers at the joints and armour plating that's as much cosmetic as it is protective hung over the superstructure.

>They made this to honor him.

total recall is the true sequel to robocop 1