ITT: Overrated shit

Don't get me wrong, it does deserve an 8. But I don't get all the spergs from the millenial generation pretending it's a clear 10.

Fuck off, it's filled with old tropes even for 2001, and several scenes are shit. Sure it was glorious for what it tried to do but that's it.

Pic related was at most a 7 from the start, to not say a 6. Most that give it an 8 or more are kids that got nostalgia.

Pic related pissed me off at how worse the Soundtrack was compared to the original. It was a bad copy-cat of the Vangelis original that didn't stop being repetitive and just utter shit.

Totally ruined the experience for me. They could at least use the original score verbatim in part.

Other than that Jared Leto was utter shit, to the point that he single-handily can turn it to a 7.

tl;dr: Similarly to LotR it's a good movie that is overhyped.

The source material INVENTED most of the fantasy tropes you numb-nut

You are a stupid shit. Almost everything in that movie was already a trope.

The only clear exception was the Gollum CGI but even that wasn't a first.

you tell 'em what they think! you are the crusader of objectiveness! it falls upon you to banish the false gods of subjective thoughts as legitimate and instead shine a light on one true thought everybody should have about films - the objective one! (which is your subjective thought but that doesnt matter)

anyways pic related is the only film everyone agrees is a 10 (or 8, or 6, or 2, ...)

Do you see /lit/ on the URL motherfucker? You are in Sup Forums you dimwit.

No, it's the hypocrisy or just plain stupid that pisses me off, and that's IS FUCKING OBJECTIVE. For instance you can't pretend it didn't have tropes even for 2001.

The main thing that wasn't a trope was some of the CGI but even that wasn't really that original, mainly the scale was relatively original or rare (the Gollum CGI might be a small exception).

god damn it's a film, stop wasting your time on a useless subject like discussing other people's opinions, makes no sense
you like it - you like it, you don't like it- you don't like it, carry on

what if someone doesn't care how many tropes did it or did it not have? what if they saw the movie and it was the best ever for them and they say it's a 10? how are they wrong?

They are wrong when they flamboyantly proclaim that the movie open the horizons of Hollywood to a new future and blah blah at how nothing has surpassed it and other shit.

Bullshit, it is objectively just a good movie still filed in part with tropes. It wasn't revolutionary for most of its parts.

Tropes are subjective.

I liked Return of the King the best

Honestly, the only thing in that movie that WASN'T overdone already was Performance-capture of Andy Serkis, and that was mainly because it just happened chronologically, not because of any incredible direction.

You retards told me Heat hadn't aged a bit .

I shut that piece of shit off when De Niro and a girl was standing on a balcony in front of an ugly greenscreen while slow atmospheric guitar riffs were playing

>I don't get all the spergs from the millenial generation pretending it's a clear 10.

Sure you do. It's a neurochemical issue whereby the shit you find yourself responding to in adolescence really stays with you.
Even if it's a massive pile of wank.

There are people that watch fucking cam rips from torrents. That tells you everything about how shit the taste of some people is.

>They are wrong when they flamboyantly proclaim that the movie open the horizons of Hollywood to a new future
don't know about that, I never heard anyone say that, but then again I rarely talk to people about LOTR
>how nothing has surpassed it and other shit.
well maybe for them nothing has surpassed it yet, nothing wrong with that
>Bullshit, it is objectively just a good movie
that's just your opinion, there is literally no objectivity in assessing the "goodness" in any given art piece, it's purely subjective
yes, you can talk what movie did technically or thematically or something else, but in the end the actual answer to a question "IS this movie good or not?" or "what is this movie's rating from 1 to 10?" is entirely in the eye of the beholder

That's best when you have some self-awareness it's mainly the feelings speaking. It gets stupid when they rationalize it.

e.g. "The Never--ending Story" is a movie that had that effect to me. I watched it when I was 4 and I thought it's a 10.

I watched it recently again and I recognized that if I had watched it as an adult it would be a 7 at best.

also are you fat? I'm getting strong fat vibes from you

Stay off the weed faggot.


I was genuinely confused at the love Leto got for BR2049. Can anybody who enjoyed his part explain why they feel that way? Because he was so bad that the immersion felt broken whenever he was onscreen.

so you are, nice, my fatdar never fails

More like your eating disorder.

>"several scenes are shit"
>doesn't explain which scenes and why
bravo OP

>thinking comfy shire, mines of Moria, and the skirmish at Amon hen aren’t 10/10
So you’re a woman right?

Almost everything at the pubs is shit. War scenes are usually bloatware CGI (that wasn't even that original for 2001 standards).
The best things in the movie are the acting scenes of Frodo, Sam, Gandalf and a partial selection of others.
Some Elven scenes were glorious but part of them were underwhelming.

>war scenes were cgi

Women are the first to give it a 10 you berg.

Almost everything is copy pasting you stupid shit.

you are retarded. Your opinions are henceforth discarded

I saw all three movies in theaters and it was something different. People talked about these movies months after they were released. The dvds had a waiting list in my shithole hometown. Those movies were some of the last and best movies Hollywood will ever make, especially now that abysmal shit like Black Panther and TLJ get praise

The source material as in books written in the 30's/40's you dumb fuck
>the only thing that wasn't shit was Jared Leto

Sometimes you will get a film that even though has glaring flaws it will excel in one or multiple areas so exceedingly that the flaws can be ignored and the film will be hailed as a major success and overall fantastic film.

This is the case for the LOTR trilogy. You'll be hard pressed to find many other films that can portray the grand adventure feeling on the same scale.

It felt like more like an MMO built into a movie than the Warcraft movie did.

There wasn't any green screen used in the entire movie, everything was shot on location.

You want someone to explain a feeling.

man you are obsessed with number. art isn't for you

I have not seen a good word about him in it

You don't have to agree, but it's a 10/10 for me.

the state of retards

Thats because you werent born when this came out kiddo.

Nowadays production standards and CGI are all essentially modelled after how Peter Jackson created LOTR. Back then armor was made from fucking plastic. Wigs looked like shit. Locations looked like shit. Very few serious actors would ever act in a fantasy film...

Every (medieval/war/fantasy) film after Lord of the Rings is essentially a copy or a derivative in how the film is made and how it looks.

I hate all the battle scenes in LotR
except for the Fellowship fight scenes, if they even count.

>overrated SHIT
>"it does deserves an 8"
you cant even b8 properly you stupid faggot

how autistic are you?