Geek culture

>Geek culture


I hate women too.

How long until this fad ends, more importantly, what will replace it?

This is what happens when a society severs itself from the light of God and starts reveling in false gods and idols.

If you want to know what will replace it just look at whatever creepy sex offender "men" are doing now, eventually there'll be an insult based on it.

Polarized political ideologies

Wait, owning a dog and using discord at all is soy?

Yes, very soy. Discord is the poster boy for soyware. Soyboys are obsessed with dogs, or ''doggos'' as they call them, at the moment.

More like the corporate pimping of the bloated, rotten corpse of what once was geek culture. Really the nail in the coffin was when normalfag movie franchises and young adult novels came to be considered "nerdy" on the same level as tabletop wargaming or autistic old-school fantasy. Now things that 90% of normies enjoy are considered "geeky," so they can consider themselves part of some insular, underdog subculture while still being safely mainstream. Corporate pimps will burn.

>DBZ is soy
Soyboys don't like anime

DBZ isn't even considered anime. It's the most entry level, shit tier ''anime'' ever. Soyboys and niggers alike flock to it.

It’s a weird time to be in your thirties. Dollars don’t go as far as they did in previous decades, so many in their thirties are still living with parents. Couple that with a deluge of super hero worship and entertainment overload, plus crippling school debt that many, let’s be honest, were tricked into, and you get a generation of weak people who are extremely dependant on their parents. There’s a heavy infantilization of adults going on with memes like “I can’t adult today” and that whole bacon craze from ten years ago.

What are all the references? I only got Harry potter Star wars and Star trek.

This is completely accurate, my friends have lost all ability to be objective and just consume whatever the latest meme flick is, I made some legitimate criticisms about the new star wars and black panther and they couldn't handle it

Hitchhiker guise to the galaxy with 42, we aim to misbehave is firefly, may the odds be ever in your favour is hunger games, I guess once upon a time is the show by that name or just fairytales in general

>mfw i don't want to be a hipster but the world is making me one.

>asian women is soy now

It's pretty ironic now that everyone with a beard is considered a hispter.


Been around for longer than the concept of SJWs you fucking pretentious fedora tipping trenchcoat wearing exmplar of masculinity


Ah, I see, this is a shitpost

If you stop liking something because Sup Forums now has decided it's degenerate then you are just as pathetic as the soyboys themselves

You enjoy getting fucked in the arse by Microsoft?

fucking nerd

>wrestling is soy
What the hell I thought only Trailer trash rednecks watch that shit

I had to look up the hunger games one to be fair, but this is hardly an insult coming from a cretin on Sup Forums

No, WWE is soy. Woke Wrestling Entertainment, they call it.

t. soyboys

It's literally fine to be a hipster
In an age where culture and identity has been replaced with corporate products and merchandise, being able to exert the smallest amount of taste and distinction is very valuable

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read YA fiction, play video games, obsess over Star Wars and anime, and cosplay?
Are there any movies about this phenomenon?

Who are you calling a cretin, you nerd?

Because modern women are not worth it

>in this house we believe in estrogen

spoken like a true bitter incel, keep telling yourself that instead of finding good girls

BASED is the new EPIC

Because men need hobbies and interests

I mean, fuck... according to this, I'm a soyboy because I have an Australian Cattle Dog, a half-Nip gf, and I like vidya.

I thought I was a normie pleb.

t. Roastie

Normalfags love DBZ. It's in the same category of trash as Netflix, CR, or Toonami shit.



You, you cretin.

me on the middle left

t. toxoplasmosis fag

t. virgin

>good girls
>implying they are not already taken

you fucking nerd

The worst part of those placards is that most of them aren't even nerdy stuff, it's just catchphrases from highly successful movies that you just need to have a grasp of pop culture to get.

It's like people who call themselves nerds for knowing who Chewbacca or Yoda is. Star Wars hasn't been nerdy since the 70's for god's sake, it was just considered nerdy if you were dressing up like a Jedi and all that other autistic shit. To everyone else it was just a highly popular series of sci-fi movies.


Truth is, and what Sup Forums and autists wouldn't like to accept is men in the past would probably like the same shit, it just wasn't available to them

Back to whatever shithole you spawned from normalfag.

Video games are cancer.

Heh, nice touch adding the gook in there. This image gets more accurate every time it's posted


yes, every good girl alive is already taken. the cope...

I dont really enjoy any nerdy or geeky things but I see nothing wrong with this picture. Just some friends hanging out and having a good time.

Sportsfags do this with Fantasy Football and March Madness and no one really gives them shit.

Is that guy in the background wearing a shirt with the twitch symbol on it? What the fuck?

I spawned from this shithole

Anime is the most soy hobby in existence. Betas are attraced like flies to shit.

Why are dogfags so stupid?


Oh, hi Sup Forums.

If a girl is not taken by 22 she is probably not that great

>Fantasy Football
I've never understood how this isn't mocked more. It sounds like the most autistic shit ever to me.

>implying i'm wrong and you aren't permavirgins
nice memegraphic btw

Proprietary, full of DRM, waste of time, turns people into numales.

Soyboys hate anime because it's sexist and problematic

It usually involves money, so people take it seriously.

The only thing it's missing is a minion

Because adults shouldn't play pokemon.

Tits or GTFO cunt

>doubling down on hole logic

kys yourself

Nothing is a waste of time is you enjoy what you're doing, DRM is shit but it's a market reaction to piracy, the only thing that turns you into a nu-male is being weak of body and mind

Fair enough Sup Forums is a cancer containment board.

You sound insecure

I'm a normie pleb and there is literally nothing wrong with playing videos games.

So what does this really mean? Like, if you showed this to an alien, how should he interpret what these collection of words are actually trying to convey?

>complaining about anime on an anime imageboard
I'll never understand newfag logic.

>That guy on the bottom left
His face screams "I wanna play cards but this dumbass with a camera made me stop for a photo"

I'm not wrong, why are you so mad?

Oh shit famalam, you're right. What I should have said is


Do people take e-sports more seriously now that it involves such large amounts of money? Last time I paid any attention it already involved some money but people who weren't playing the specific game were still mocking it or at least not taking it seriously. Meanwhile I've never actually seen anything mocking fantasy football stuff at all. It's weird.

>Nothing is a waste of time is you enjoy what you're doing
>DRM is shit but it's a market reaction to piracy
Software should allow users to fork it. Source code should be freely available. Piracy wouldn't be an issue, then.
>the only thing that turns you into a nu-male is being weak of body and mind
Playing with toys makes you weak.

Because it takes effort and willpower to grow as a person and advance past the shit you spent all your free time on as a child
Even though you've entered adulthood proper and gained the freedom to be able to mostly do whatever you want, or experience something new and interesting, it's infinitely easier to just stick with what you know, especially when you have a group of other braindead losers to encourage you

There are multiple levels of beta male invalid, people.

Fuck. You can't even lightly criticize anything. I will even play nice with these fucking kids.
>"Yes, it was enjoyable... But...."

And they give you the look of someone crushing their dream.

I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm 29, married, own a house and have a kid on the way. Most of my friends are moving out/in with there parents. Wasting money on stupid shit like travel, going to music festivals. Even after their parents paid of their loan debt, they still live pay check to pay check. 10 years ago, it was normal to be against gay marriage, now you can expect to lose your job over that opinion.

Keep telling that to yourself roastie

Well the other user wasn't wrong either when he called you a slut, was he.

>implying enjoyment is a valid measure of quality
>implying the real value of video games aren't zero, that drm doesn't enforce artificial price floors on video games, and that piracy isn't a natural market force

>Nothing is a waste of time if you enjoy what you're doing
There it is, the hedonist philosophy at the shallow core of every bugman

Tits or GTFO is older than you are. So really fuck off.

People are ambitionless these days

Let me guess, you're in your late teens or early 20s, decided that the world is filled with degeneracy and weak men and you don't want to go that way so will only occupy your time with pursuits to self-improve. You're weak if you let other people tell you what you can and cannot enjoy

>we do cosplay and passion

Did you just claim not to be a "numale", user?

Sorry nigger, you are a little bitch. This is why ISIS deserves to win. We need to end coverture and cull faggots like you.

i love how there's always a few things thrown in that pretty much everyone likes

>Meanwhile I've never actually seen anything mocking fantasy football stuff at all. It's weird

I don't know. I guess it just gets a pass because it a "normie" activity. Co-workers usually start a pool as a little game to play around the office.

Nope. Just don't like proprietary software.

>it's infinitely easier to just stick with what you know, especially when you have a group of other braindead losers to encourage you

five years on Sup Forums for me & I'm confident it'll be at least ten more!