Piper Perri

Piper Perri
Elsa Jean
Gina Gerson

These are the top 3 porn bitches in the game right now. I love me a skinny white ass bitch.

Other urls found in this thread:


>no dakota skye


Piper Perri looks like her skin doesn't fit over her skeleton properly.

Bitch has one good scene. The one in the "public" bathroom

This Gina Gerson of her fucking an Asian guy on Pornhub is one of the most watch vids there with 25 Million Views. Why?

>not the one where Chris Stokes' rod looks fucking gargantuan slamming into her tiny little body

>Piper Perri
>Elsa Jean
lol maybe 3 years ago, both have since gone straight downhill especially Piper, bitch looks like a goblin now

Does she walk with crutch? WTF is going on with her calves? Does she date Walt Jr.?

Sauce me up famalam

It literally doesn't get more vanilla than this.

>piper had a baby and her boyfriend murdered it by swinging it around in a pillowcase



Is that Tom Hardy?

she's doing the one hip lower than the other to make the ass pop pose that girls do, and failing at it

When you watch others fuck you are the cuck.

Pornography destroys your interior psychic world and replace it with a prebuilt disgusting one.
All that "no-fap" is bullshit, the real problem is fapping to porn, not the masturbation. If you feel the need to fap 10 times a day, then do it, but with your own fantasies.

Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.

The thing is that your creative power, comes mainly from your libido. Your sexual fantasies can be easily converted to a powerful energy to create, think, or do other things. Sex takes an important part of your psyche, and is at the origin of a lot of its contents. By imposing its own degrading images and not letting you create your personal ones, watching porn will slowly degrade you're ability to create, because you will be used to have a pre-made material.

It's catastrophic because it impoverished your brain, you became lazy because all the images are available, and also you became more and more perverted because to be turned on, you always need more powerful and shocking images.

Porn is bad for your psyche, and bad for your creative power. You should try to progressively reduce your consumption, and try to masturbate without it more and more until you're totally disinfected.

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 1
Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 2
Pornography's Effects on Adult and Child
Your Brain on Porn

The most tragic thing about it is that everyone involved is probably better off for it.

piper is literally fucking U G L Y
she is facially unattractive
objective fact

Charlotte Sartre is the best new porn actress.
She's kinky as FUCK

t. mormon.


Wisdom is realizing that porn is detrimental to your health.

All porn is bad, my friend. Porn is a mechanism made to control and destroy masculinity, effeminate and pacificate males. Ask yourself - why is it free and so easily accessible? Easily accessible from young age high speed internet porn is highly addictive and rewires dopamine reward system in young males when their brains are developing and are highly elastic. Masturbating to porn at least one time a day can lead to further addiction and strange fetishes, even ones that do not match your orientation.

Addiction to porn can cause several mental disorders such as social anxiety, depression, phobias, general anxiety, unproductivity, memory and concentration issues, feeling of being drained from energy. It also lowers your testosterone and prevents you from getting a real female. And if you by miracle get one, you embarass yourself because you probably cant get an erection or cant cum. Why? because your penis is desensitized - real vagina is way softer than your firm grip. However, quitting porn will slowly "rewire" your brain to normal and heal your penis. It may take from 3 to 9 months to heal completely, however first subtle effects are seen just after a few days.


>Pornography viewing and sexual offense are inextricably linked.
>There is a connection between the consumption of violent pornography with behavioral aggression and the incidence of rape.
>The presence of sexually-oriented businesses significantly harms the surrounding community, leading to increases in crime and decreases in property values.

>Pornography engenders greater sexual permissiveness, which in turn leads to a greater risk of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. These, in turn, lead to still more weaknesses and debilities.

not even anal? what a waste...

>virgins make shitpost again
>more at 11




Why was aniston's first anal so fucking underwhelming lads

all of her vids suck
she's boring to watch

I'm good.

>Neuroscience Speaks: How Using Porn Destroys Your Brain

Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies have also confirmed that using porn over and over actually reshapes these areas of the brain, literally eroding our willpower and our moral compass.

Neuroscientists call it hypofrontality. Hypofrontality is a state in which there is decreased blood flow to the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Hypofrontality is observed in schizophrenia patients and is also observed in all manner of addictions.

“Compulsiveness is a good descriptor of hypofrontality. Many porn users feel focused on getting to porn and masturbating even when a big part of them is saying, ‘Don’t do this.’ Even when negative consequences seem imminent, impulse control is too weak to battle the cravings.”

The porn-addicted brain has trouble thinking logically. When impulses and desires come from the midbrain, instead of being moderated, the brain feels these desires as compelling needs. The prefrontal region is supposed to be able to weigh consequences and situations and judiciously shut down cravings, but hypofrontality means the addict’s ability to do this is impaired.

The more one masturbates to porn, the more dopamine is released in the brain. Eventually dopamine receptors and signals in the brain fatigue, leaving the viewer wanting more but unable to reach a level of satisfaction. The viewer becomes numb to things once considered pleasurable. “To escape this desensitization, people, and men especially, expand their pornographic tastes to more novel stimuli,” Black writes. This leads, again, to more fatigue.

To bring the prefrontal lobes back into working order, a two-pronged attack is needed: (1) the old neural pathways must be starved, and (2) new neural pathways must be built and fed, increasing dopamine levels in a way that build up the prefrontal cortex.


Why did op make this off topic thread from his phone?

Something about Piper Perri triggers my uncanny valley response or something. Like theoretically she's got all the features I like, but there's something off about her face and I just can't get into her. Something about her lips I think.

Ivy Aura is the best skinny white ass bith in porn btw


Reminder porn also leads to homosexuality which leads to child abuse

Porn May 'Shut Down' Part of Your Brain

Watching pornography would seem to be a vision-intensive task. But new research finds that looking at erotic movies can actually quiet the part of the brain that processes visual stimuli.

Most of the time, watching movies or conducting any other visual task sends extra blood flow to this brain region. Not so when the movies are explicit, the researchers found. Instead, the brain seems to shunt blood — and therefore energy — elsewhere, perhaps to regions of the brain responsible for sexual arousal.

Turns out, the brain may not need to take in all the visual details of a sex scene, said study researcher Gert Holstege, a uroneurologist at the University of Groningen Medical Center in the Netherlands.

"If you look, for example, at your computer and you have to write something or whatever, then you have to look specifically and carefully at what you're doing because if you don't, it means you make mistakes," Holstege told LiveScience. "But the moment you are watching explicit sexual movies, that's not necessary, because you know exactly what's going on. It's not important that the door is green or yellow."

>the pic of Ron
jeremy is just his face photoshopped onto Khalid Sheikh Mohammed