Aside from

Aside from
What else went wrong?

after that does it matter?
that's like saying
>besides the shotgun blast to the brain and the immolation, how did he die?

The book itself is hard to adapt to film, especially if you're going to make it pure kiddie shit. It's a kids book, but there's enough serious subject matter that it needs to be taken seriously. This new one looks like shit from the two previews I've seen.

Oprah, obviously

The fact that the story is full of Christian imagery and alliteration, that has been removed in the name of progression. How can you adapt something if you take out the core ideas behind it?

This. I preferred when Christianity was part of mainstream culture and now it’s been faded away.

Haven't seen it, but it seems like they keep making the same mistake of moving a director straight from low-budget indie films to a >$100-million special-effects driven blockbuster. Ava DuVernay had one feature film under her belt before this and it was entirely character/dialogue-driven. I imagine she got in over her head and fucked it up just like Josh Trank fucked up Fantastic 4 and countless other examples. This is never a good idea and I don't understand why studios keep doing it

if Ryan Coogler had gone straight from Fruitvale Station to Black Panther, that would've been a mess too. He had Creed in between, a mid-budget film where he could figure out how to work on a larger scale and appeal to a larger audience, stage fight scenes, etc without plunging straight into a MASSIVE blockbuster with special effects in every shot. This is how it should be done, one step at a time

Coogler also had Stallone to lean on and learn from on the set of Creed.

I wouldn't know, I refuse to watch movies with black women in prominent roles. Yes, specifically black women, men are fine.

>just like Josh Trank fucked up Fantastic 4
Plus they made Charles Wallace an adopted brother like Fant4stic.

too right mate

shit's got Oprah in it, of all people.

Nothing wrong with it. Everyone who complains is a Trump supporter or a Tsarist russian.


They took out the brain.

>proving my point

>trump supporters and tsarist russians

Then what was the deal with Taika and Thor?

I knew Letterboxd was controlled by Russian hackers and Trump. Are they attacking it because Oprah is thinking of running for President?

It wasn't the shitty 2003 version.

Tsarist russians hacked the election. There is no place that white nationalism can't infect nowadays.

I must have read this book at least 200 times and honestly never really got any sense of Christain Imagery. I mean yes there's the part where calvin asks charles wallace to read genesis but i saw that more as painting a sense of foreboding and "good vs. evil" And yes the 3 witches are described as "guardian angels" and messengers of God, and they talk about Jesus as one of the fighters of darkness. But she also mentioned Davinci, Shakespeare, Einstein, Bach, Gandhi.

Ithink it wasn't so much the christian imagery as it was meant to depict a fight between good vs evil and our judeo christian infused western civilization sees christianity as a perfect way to depict that struggle betweee good and evil in pop culture.

the sequels got more religious.

mangling the book

He directed 4 feature films before Thor, with a similar tone, and a ton of TV work on top of that. It was a bigger budget & scale than he'd done before but he had a lot more experience. And even so, I thought some of the effects in Thor were kinda dodgy.

holy shit i had no idea this book was banned in Alabama school district in 1990

America is so assbackwards thank god I didn't end up in one of those flyover states.

Apparently she was a devout Episcopalian and she was a writer at St. John The Divine in NYC. Learn something new everyday.