Unexpected kino moments of tv

unexpected kino moments of tv

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here is where they found her
there is another video with them extracting her from the sieve. They were filming an episode of 60 Minutes Sports about her already and this happened in the middle

Mirror? Blocked in leafland

>she looks like she's 35

I wish people didn't do dangerous things.


Well it does say "drugs/alcohol."

Narp, blocked there too


Why was she arrested

if that still doesn't work just search bing videos for "Shannon Christy" until you find one that's not blocked then (it's way better at finding copyrighted shit and porn than google video search)



>3/10 having standards
Women are too entitled.

she looks like a methhead and is shorter than him.


just use hooktube

damn i didn't see that coming. she was kinda cute too. shame she had to kill herself over something stupid like kayaking.

god damn that came out of nowhere, why would they preview it like that on a morning show?

>anyways, david you look good for an emmy winner


Someone should put together a supercut of all the times a guy nexted a girl because she was too fat. This was back when fatshaming was A-OK. Pretty sure it happened more than a few times.

>good luck with that



>fucks her bareback
Absolute madman

i assume 99% of Sup Forums has seen this
this one is for the remaining 1%


Oprah got trolled

based race realist minority

This is still hard to watch after all these years.
>Staff at every bump & crevice to help the ladies up

3/10 in a sane place, she's definitely above average in la creatura land

>check if that's some joke video made from different clips
>it's actually uploaded by cbs

What the fuck is wrong with Americans? It's like they have no soul.

>thank god. now i don't have overlook how old you are.

Next was from the early 2000's when soy and fat levels weren't so high, she's just average in that era.

what a fucking waste
Why were people encouraging her? If it were a man in her place, everyone would have called him reckless and stupid for trying such a dangerous race with only 3 years experience

how on earth do u get it up to that

I don't know who's more suicidal.

why did he put the steak back on the cutting board where the raw meat was?

When there's a potential for grevious bodily harm, I'm in favor of encouraging their delusions.

The natural selection will continue until women improve.

those two are literally same color

What's wrong with the video? They told the story straight.

All women are whores. Even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your classroom and barely says a word is most definitely a whore.

She was a stupid bitch. She most likely surrounded herself with people who encouraged her only. Cunts these days can't take no for an answer. Hence when these retards kill themselves all you can say is "welp she died doing what he/she loved".



t. Elliot Rodger

Why am I so emotionally screwed up I couldnt stop myself from laughing at this, I really tried

no she doesn't. her face is an ugly shape and she looks kinda like a guy.

>what a fucking waste
Was it really a waste? She obviously wasn´t particularly bright, and from what the clip shows us, her physical features were mediocre.

still wouldn't think twice about it

Jesus fucking Christ

That is disgusting


>how many guys have you sucked and fucked

>David's red eyes from crying and forced smile

And it's beautiful. Nothing better than filling the quiet innocent girls asshole with hot jizz after a good hard spanking.

quite the conoisseur user


This guy gets it

Based Chuck

ramsay knows his ingredients well and aint afraid of no raw shit

I'm not sure how I feel about this. My entire opinion on racial matters is dictated by how much I hate the supporters of either side, lately, and I hate alt. right racists just about as much as I hate bleeding heart liberals. The brown dude didn't really say anything wrong, though.

I think, at the end of the day, it's just so incredibly easy to blast a hole in a liberal argument of "we're all equal", because we're not, and that's a pretty simple fact that people want to ignore because it clashes with the wonderful, non-existent storybook version of the world we're all taught to believe in as kids.

Los creaturos

Kek it's like Brass Eye

You have to give individuals the benefit of the doubt though or you're just a bigot. Judge people by their character not colour of the skin etc

you wouldn't be so cold if you were ever close to anyone who died young and unexpectedly

>My entire opinion on racial matters is dictated by how much I hate the supporters of either side
Why not have a real opinion though?

To be fair he's fairly clearly an islander look at the size of him lel

I suppose this basically sums it up. I always treat others as I would like to be treated, usually even nicer because I'm not a snowflake or anything, but then at the end of the day, the fact remains that I know far FAR more irredeemable minorities than I do whites. I'd say, "that's not racism. That's a fact." and then the liberals would say "No, it's racism you shitlord", and then I just weep inside, for true objectivity is dead.

>only two years of kayaking
>attempt the one of the most lethal and fatal runs
The hubris of western white women

go back to tumblr

Hawaiian dude said he met black people, hates them, and won't give them money. That's cool.

The nigger chimping out is also okay, because he is literally too stupid to understand the other guy, he even said so himself "we worked together yesterday", he is too dumb to understand the difference between the nigger in the photo and himself.

The nigger in the studio worked his way there, proved he had some value, so the Philippine kid had no reason to be an asshole to him, and he wasn't an asshole to him. The nigger in the photo has jackshit for show except that he is black, therefore the Vietnamese man has to base his opinion considering the black population he knows, which he already said he hates.

Everything is reasonable from all parties involved. The Mongolian stated his reason based on his personal experience. The Chimps chimp out and fuel the hatred the Mexican has for them. Nothing to say here, nothing to argue about. Unless you have severe autism. Do you?

>There's nothing to argue about any longer hehe, everything has been said, Im right, because if you argue with me, you're severely autistic!



Holy fucking shit in dying

Found the autist.

im a minority and hate niggers. its always baffling to me that the apes think only pinkdicks hate them





>reply to two people who are actually in favor of harsh judgement of minorities, just not blind racism
>go back to tumblr
Christ, it's another one of those alt right snowflakes. Fucking horseshoe theory at work.


because steak does not have infectious bacteria like poultry/fish/ground beef you dumb fucking burger.

I assume he means how they show the expert kayaker guy talking about how you absolutely do not ever want to be swimming in these kind of rapids or you will die, and then the next thing it cuts to shannon basically saying "it's okay to get out and swim if you have to, everyone does it". Then they announce that she died while swimming, after losing her boat. And to top it all off, that black lady anchor said "You look good for an Emmy winner" when the 60 minutes guy was red eyed explaining how she died.

there isn't a white man in that entire crowd


Found another autist.

Also this one is behaving like the nigger in the video.

>she just describes how it was drawn

>cause he's black
>he himself is some kinda indiscernible colored mutt
I can't get over how powerful meme magic really is

I wouldn't, but I would make sure they don't do something so stupid. It's only tragic when you aren't asking for it.

It's likely he had flipped over his cutting board.

>menatly incapable of processing a 2 variable at minimum sytem as a 2dimensional plane yet pretends to 2smartxd
>lol dude ancaps are the same as communists
>regulated market
Horseshoe niggers need to be gassed

And there isn't a straight man in all of Europe.

>tropical island

America is gayer than Europe mate

Absolutely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt OBSESSED

Whatever you say, Europoo.


I don't get it. Did his mother find his mlp fle

He's an Islander, so he's not los creatura mixtada

what are you even talking about retard? You think hating blacks is a white man thing? what about Asians? what about Hispanics? Do you even realize how much we hate these fucking negros? Its our continent, white people beat us in a war for it. We, the rightful owners of the land, didn't invited them here, they have to go back.

And once your dumb race of white people disappear. The Chinese and us will take care of what you cowards were incapable of doing.

>"every issue is a 2-variable, 2-dimensional plane!!!"
Someone needs to be gassed all right. Also, something that only has two points and is straight is called a line. Which is one-dimensional. You dumb, dumb cunt.

Jesus, I did not expect that ending

>tries to make geometric reference to sound smart
>fucks it up
Why is it that every alt. right faggot is a literal 15-year-old? I'm sure you'll learn that about dimensions in class soon enough, junior.