How does it feel knowing Black Panther is a cultural milestone and future GOAT directors will site it as a major...

How does it feel knowing Black Panther is a cultural milestone and future GOAT directors will site it as a major influence to them? This movie is the Godfather of the 21st century.

Is the hundredth thread you've made about this? Are you mentally I'll?

It's gonna be forgotten after Infinity War. It made shitton in USA but rather average around the world. Infinity War gonna do 1B overseas alone and people will be talking about it a lot.

this is literally the first time i made such a thread you paranoid schizo.

How do you know this is the hundredth thread he has made?

I had a dream last night where Infinity War had 25% audience score on RT.

kek, that will be Avengers Infinity War

What matters is that you or me will never say that. The movie was pretty mediocre and is definitely the most overrated movie of possibly all time. Anyways, what might be possible is that future generations won't say movie, but Disney. Maybe paranoid, but still kind of possible.

I dream too, maybe they gonna fuck something up like that did with SW TLJ. There is little chance but man can dream.
Capeshit should finally come to an end. Enough. Please....

We have become exceedingly efficient at it.

You may need a glass of water for this one. I'll let you in on a little secret, Sup Forums.

Black balls are far superior at making semen, being able to hold 4x more than white men. Their sperm is also more dominant, easily beating white sperm, which allows them to always fertilize the egg.

Their cocks are also much bigger, easily able to push their heads right up against the woman's cervix. Allowing their seed to be shot directly into the womb. After they are finished filling the fertile woman, they slowly withdraw their thick shaft and head. This allows them to scrape any other males semen out of the vagina.

Often they will keep the woman pinned down, as a way to make sure no other males attempt to mate. They keep their penis at least partly inside the woman, while holding down her arms. This arouses the women to no end, causing her to have orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. These orgasms pull his sperm even more quickly towards her soon to be fertilized egg.

White women know this, it's completely natural for women to sense the dominant males. Unable to control themselves, their vaginas quickly lubricate in the presence of black men. I mean how could they not? The idea of a huge powerful black man deep inside them, must drive them crazy.

White women long to be filled with black cum, because they know it's superior. They dream of being bent over, with a black man stretching their pussy like no white man could even dream of doing. Watching as all the little white men cower in fear, as the black man claims what's rightfully his. White women are proud to take black mans DNA, and grow their babies inside their round little tummies.

The true purpose of limp dicked keked white males is to serve black men as effeminate castrated sissy maidservants and help raise the next generation of mixed race children to be a super race.

And Asians are even more effective.

I think they are already risking with the 20 something heroes in the movie. In the dream Infinity War was kind of like Justice League.

It's completely fabricated. It's absolutely pathetic that a dime-a-doen blockbuster produced by a faceless megacorp is what people choose to rally around to identify with. Imagine being this culturally starved and gullible.

noone gonna remember this. it's literally nigger wetdream powerfantasy.

only 60m more to go whitebois

the movie isnt even that good, it had some interesting art derection but its your standard marvel shlock

>capeshit keeps getting more profitable
Just fucking kill me now

>DCucks literally dream about an MCU movie finally getting a bad RT score

Your nightmare has only just begun.

I personally love this quote and use it often. Thanks user.

>wetdream power fantasy
you're dumb as i can see by the use of racial slurs but maybe you'll understand this. the bad guy wasanother black guy. do you think the black power types have wet dreams about killing other black people?

>are you mentally I will

Great, especially because it triggers Sup Forumsfags

>I think about Sup Forums all day

>t. Sup Forumsfag

yeah, having this pic and pics like it and posting em whenever anyone says something that isn't racist or desperately overcompensating with failed attempts at overt masculinity isn't obsessive at all

A cultural milestone? Fucking hell no wonder the Europeans found you living in mudhuts. If you're not black you actually deserve a stint in the Gulag for that post, you cannot be that pathetic. I bet your idea of art is to shit your pants and call it "My soul".

I think Infinity War will be the pinnacle of superheroes, when Evans, Hiddleston, Stan, and RDJ have left the franchise or hit the wall looks wise in the next few years people will turn off in droves. These are the men keeping this stuff alive, everyone wants to be Cap or be his wife.

Don't forget Bongdick Cuntpunch, Strange was arguably the best solo movie

>getting triggered by an image
not even him but I have gotten that reaction to my posts without even talking about anything political.
Its a reaction image, reddit. Its not trying to haunt you.

nah brah it's chill. but you're saying people DONT do what I just said? maybe I've been having a stroke for the past six months

>maybe I've been having a stroke for the past six months
wouldn't be surprised, don't use Sup Forums everyday

ok maybe i'll check this 'reddit' everyones constantly shitting their pants about. i mean if this site is giving people strokes maybe i'll even help them sabotage this site :^) though god knows most of you deserve worse than strokes

check /r/movies and /r/television, from there on you can expand.