"let's see her socks, or maybe her box"

>"let's see her socks, or maybe her box"
who was the cringiest character on sopranos and why was it christopher?

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fuck off paulie

>who was the cringiest character on sopranos and why was it christopher

watch it. that better be referring to meadow and not AJ. meadow and finn are the worst, but AJ is one of the funniest and most relatable characters on the show

Watch your mouth


Your hair was in the toilet. Disgusting.

>tfw when due to the drugs you can no longer function as a man

Artie bucc'


A bloo bloo bloo cry tears all day, this nigga killed a completely innocent person for no reason. Jesus christ

AJ relatable. You're pathetic dog shit excuse for a human being.

Nigga nodded off and suffocated a dog.

The doctah said ya popped ya pants

I've never read a more embarrassingly wrong opinion.

I never got how they portrayed him a tough guy who could kill on a dime but couldn't take banter? Same goes for Tony, what the fuck was wrong these men?

Yeah Christopher was a massive piece of shit. Was I supposed to feel bad when Tony suffocated him?

How are those two things related? You seem to know nothing about psychology

sock fetish is so patrish

Americans shoot schools killing many because they can’t take the banter

These "tough guys" were over sensitive bitches with mommy and daddy issues seeing therapist and going to rehab centers. They're exactly what they look down on.

yeah I feel like it's a hallmark of these guys that they love busting balls but literally cannot take a single ball busting. was just watching goodfellas and it's the same exact thing.

What banter are you referring to?

>AJ is one of the funniest and most relatable characters on the show

Wow...so your life is that cringeworthy? The only scenes I enjoyed were when Tony had to toughen him up. Biggest cuck of the show.

You were supposed to feel bad for Tony for having so much faith in him.

Yeah Tony was clearly blinded by his love. Feels bad man

>gets with a single mom
>failed suicide
AJ wins

soy levels reaching maximum

Only manlet plebs hate on AJ because he exposes their insecurities

>guys browsing Sup Forums at 1 PM on a work day whose parents are probably even more disappointed in them than tony was of aj
lack of self awareness on this board is stunning sometimes

That's WOPS for you.

>tfw you realize at Chrissy's intervention T says "I oughta suffocate you, you little prick!" and he does in fact suffocate him 2 seasons later
Based Chase

spring break


>only losers visit Sup Forums

This isn't 2008 faggot.

just watched the episode where artie gets his hand burned in the gravy. think his plotline in that ep was one of the best in s5/6. really liked how everyone in his life told him that they didn't like his banter. that and his rant.
>"this is how you repay me? with nonstop assrape?"

Say, Benny, would you like a martena? It's like a martini, but it's from albania

>reddit spacing
>not be a loser
>on Sup Forums

>I'm not a loser, I'm home alone posting on Sup Forums because it's spring break


start your day right


That's Ross from Friends, user.

fucking timezones how do they work

t. parade float

>a tough guy who could kill on a dime but couldn't take banter?
It wasn't banter for Chrissy because he couldn't say anything back.
The other guys all had a mutual level of respect for each other so they could laugh and make jokes at each other and all be friends but almost everyone in the crew respected Chrissy less even after he was made just because he was younger than them. So despite his status and the fact that he actually got shit done and didn't just sit on his ass and eat sandwiches all day, they constantly fucked with him and laughed at him but then got angry and treated it like a personal insult if he tried to say anything back.

They made him feel like shit about his drinking and drug use, then when he tried to improve himself they scorned him and thought of him as less than a man, then when he gave up and relapsed they laughed at him about it again. All things considered Chris was a pretty horrible person but the way the rest of the crew treated him made me incredibly sad

Slap the botty and bake me a potato for snackies cheese baked patatty goes straight to muscles doesnt make me a fatty im fucking poasting here


>Let's see her socks, or maybe her fucking shinebox

Jesus Chrissy

>it's an AJ gives his bike to some niggers so his black girlfriend will have pitysex with him while her son is watching episode

>every Ralphie sex scene

will you please check these duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubs?



Ralph was one of the most based

>It's an "Artie fucks up" episode

This was fucked up.

yeah but to be fair it was probably the one where you respected him the most. the jean-philippe/suicide attempt one was pretty sad. in this one, he finally blows his lid in an understandable way, beats up a mob guy, survives a grievous injury, and cooks up some dank rabbit. not too bad as far as "Artie fucks up" episodes go, though I guess the bar is low

Jesus Christ
Imagine if Paulie had said that about Meadow or one of Bobby's kids, dude would have been facedown in a ditch before he could say "watch it Chrissy"

fucking AJ

based meadow in the last seasons

>despite his status and the fact that he actually got shit done

actually that was the whole reason people shit on him, he got high up due to nepotism, not his actions

this is top tier banter, but it definitely crossed a line. Chrissy isn't some civilian or low-level guy--the "your daughter's going to be working at the Bing by then" line was too much, even given Chrissy's sensitive inability to handle banter.

I guess the point was though that Chrissy had stopped really being one of them, so why not just take the piss.

he was chatting utter shite you gimps he deserved to have his balls busted a lil bit

Ball busting =/= calling the infant daughter of a made man a whore

This is putting his balls in a damn vise. That was way over the line.

That's part of it, but it also showed he's not really respected as one of them anymore. The rest of the guys probably couldn't talk to each other that low, even at one of them being drunk/stupid, and just laugh it off as banter.

Chrissy was ostrafied.

Christopher just put Paulie's nephew in the hospital, he deserved a roasting

>AJ relatable

Paulies best "OHHH" is the episode where he and Chrissy kill the waiter in the alley

Artie was the most pathetic main character on the show. Only people more pathetic than him was were the T-1000 and Chris's screenwriter friend.

its a fuckin joke you losers

look at tonys face before paulie even speaks, chrissy was banging on all night and everybody was sick of listening to him

>good father
>has a great wife
>able to work out through his marriage problems
>stays loyal to his friends, even though they fuck him over
>always optimistic, learns to forgive and let go of the past
Artie is literally, unironically the best person on the show and a real human being. His only fault is being a bit deluded, which compared to other assholes out there is nothing.
The most pathetic person is definitely Tony, who remains a slave to his prejudices and insecurities all the way through the show.

>it was a joke
How many people almost died over jokes in the series?

>wife wears the trousers
>gets swindled out of 50k by a fuckin frog
>gets beat up by the frog when he tries to get it back
>gives his mob buddies free dinners to the tune of thousands of dollars
>gets beat up by a manlet when he bangs his waifu


Ah yes the Sopranos
The show famous for people making tasteless jokes and everyone laughing because they all are friends and can take a joke easily


A beta male is behind this post.

>user sits at his computer on spring break, smug because he just won an argument with another user about a show thats been done with for over 10 years on a Mongolian ceramic board while chads plow away at his crush and others spend time with their friends

for a dumbass, Paulie Jr. had some decent bantz there.
>I so an episode of Shark Whatever as a kid
Finn's a fag

I love Artie in an interesting way. He was Tony's only true friend, and their little fight with the gabagool is one of the most "heartwarming" scenes with Tony.

The fact Tony lets him live after he aimed a gun at him is also evidence of their relationship.

Saddest moment.

>yfw multiple blacks and Chads have defiled that user's college waifus at Panama Beach or Cancun and user is arguing on the internet about fake gangsters

It's almost like they're emotionally stunted sociopaths

yeah Artie is supposed to be likable for that reason I think.

I actually don't think the scene where he threatens T with a gun is good writing. I understand that Artie really didn't have the balls to shoot T, but it still comes off too unrealistic that he'd even pretend, and that T would just let him get away with it scot free. He'd HAVE to at least punch him a few times.

They should've just written Artie lash out in another way. Still greatest written show ever by a large margin though.

paulie was the one who shot the waiter

>gets beat up by a manlet when he bangs his waifu
what is this referring to?

So what are everyone's thoughts about Sopranos actually getting an expanded universe now?

He meant his alcoholic anonymous coach

>He'd HAVE to at least punch him a few times
If other guys witnessed the scene, then that would be the case. But since it was just the two of them, there was no risk of losing face.

Should've been killed off in season 1 desu

not a fan. feel like it wont be the same at all without those actors. i'll have a hard time connecting to "young paulie" if it's not that classic actor

maybe, but pointing a gun is just way too serious. Should've had Artie get drunk and smash some things/throw some things at Tony instead.

bennie and the slav

agreed. boardwalk empire did it right.

It's dumb. Sopranos wasn't mainly about the mob. A prequel can't deal with the same themes the show did.

>Implying I'm not shit posting during my lunch break

If only Tony's father was a mobster too, shame he wasn't

He was a victim of Benny, criminal mastermind.