Norm's officially announced his Netflix show

Norm's officially announced his Netflix show

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fantastic news

>Norm loses interest and stops showing up after the first week so he can devote more time to live tweeting golf

Fucking why? Youtube was such a better fit for this asshole, he can't fucking work a schedule.

>the show is just a live feed of Norm live tweeting golf

Would watch.

It doubt it's weekly, it'll probably end up being the same format. One of the reasons we knew about it was that David Spade took a video from the green room so they've definitely already pre filmed stuff.

Is this why all his fucking videos are private? He's moving them to netflix?

fucking hell.

Yea this was predicted a while ago.

>More unfunny shit


iIt's a Norm show. We all know it will be cancelled due to low rating long before he can lose interest.


keep the douchebag

Egret confirmed

he got a more lucrative work offer under the Queensborough bridge, he was hired by some punk for 15 dollars an hour.

>location scout
It's a talk show, what location scouting do they need?

congrats on owning norm with the Sup Forums humour epic style

It's a joke you autist.

>That part in Norm's book where he strings together 20 Rodney jokes as if they were actual harrowing life experiences that were confided only in him

he never got any respect

>an hour
Wow, he's got some stamina.

At least he doesn't have JOSH and Silverman on his back anymore

He's probably going to release a season at a time like a lot of Netflix shows

must have been the stellar camerawork that convinced them.

>finally gets mainstream attention just as his brain is turning to mush from Xanax abuse

it’ll be a trainwreck

What are the chances this goes past 1 season, honestly Sup Forums?

They had the numbers from his stand up special to consider when making the initial decision, so it's say it's absolutely possible.

Fun is over.

If it gets the ratings, probably fairly likely. Netflix clearly don't care if their shows get an annual release considering the breaks some take.

I wonder how Norm's life would have turned out without Lori Jo Hoekstra.

Yeah, it's been like that for like a month

they scrubbed most of them over a week ago, but curiously one or two stayed behind. all gone now though it seems.

It's Neflix, there is bigger chance of Norm dying than being canceled there

That sounds like some commie gobbily gook



>Norm posts on twitter
>legion of fans parrot one of his 13 punchlines back to him ad infinitum

I love Norm but his fanbase is fucking cancer

>inb4 a "This guy's a real jerk!" (You)

>people latch on to catchphrases

shocking, I know

>legion of fans parrot one of his 13 punchlines
well...they're fun.

what's she thinking now?

he might take it more seriously now that it's not just a youtube channel

Sounds like Norm is about to get #metoo'd

I see more people asking for his holocaust denying sidekick than just shouting lines desu

Do you like pre stuff?

so it's a neutered, politically correct version of what we got for free on Youtube.

Norm doesn't go after whores. He's too pure for that.

oh what the fuck. i just watched the mike tyson one a few days ago

>canceled after 3 episodes for giving a platform to a Holocaust denier

His book any good? Thinking about picking up a copy on the way home today


you think they'll make norm tone down a lot of the edgy jokes?

I'm kinda worried as to whether Netflix will object to that kind of jokes, or if they won't give a fuck as long as people are watching

Am I a super polite retard in text conversations or does everyone type like this? I'd need to add like 4 emojis to these

it's his act
instead of reading it, get the audio he recorded

Who's gonna be first guest?

They've all already been reuploaded

>I'd need to add like 4 emojis to these

i hate people like you



we should only be so lucky

*lowers volume*

Super Dave

not sure i'm willing to pay for netflix just for this, at least the youtube show was open, plus they're working to remove reuploads too.

not sure about first, but Kevin Spade and Michael Keaton are guests.

Just torrent it idiot

The purge has begun.

Conan O'Brian

yeah i guess, it'll probably be on btn.

>behind-the-scenes look at Norm's world

I hope this is referring to the skits and we aren't getting some Netflixy character study ""kino"" shit

There are also tiny tiny rumblings of an adaptation of the book. Could this be done? How can you make that a movie?

I hope they get that cocksucker "I'm not Norm".
I like his videos but selling shitty shirts is absolutely terrible.

Looking forward to the edited, censored and grossly zoomed in versions on Netflix.

>Could this be done? How can you make that a movie?

Norm and Egret in front of a green screen for 4 hours.

Norm confirmed the movie in the same Reddit ama where he confirmed the Netflix show. He then had to say he was making it all up the next day because he didn't think about how many ndas he was breaking. Since the Netflix show is happening, the movie is too.

>I hope they get that cocksucker "I'm not Norm".
Pretty sure thats actually Norm.

aww crap, I love I'm Not Norm

I'm glad he's got a show on Netflix, but I wish it would have been something other than the podcast. I really enjoyed watching them on YouTube, hell I even bought YT Red just so I could download them. Guess I can say goodbye to those days, because I can't afford both Netflix AND YT Red.

it's his son

I mean, this guy was spiteful

>low rating

A fella, goes by the name Adolph Hitler.

>I even bought YT Red just so I could download them
You know there's a million sites that let you download YouTube videos, right?

yea he loves that people say that shit. "I'm not Norm teehee! ;)"
Meanwhile he's just a dude who uploads everything Norm's ever done and sells generic shirts.

All Norm posters on youtube get banned eventually
>mfw Happy the Dog disappeared

Fucking retarded, have you never heard of youtube-dl?

Bruh, look at this dude

>I even bought YT Red just so I could download them


>Paying to download youtube clips

*tells a long joke with no punchline in a deadpan voice*


I got for like $0.99 back in September and I don't have wifi at my house so downloading stuff to my cheap netbook that has little to no space would be out of the question as well. I'd love to torrent everything but it's just not in the cards for me at this time.

they actually all have a punchline retard.

So you paid for a service to download them, even though you don't have the space to download them. Nigga u dumb

Norms moth joke is my favorite

>it's a sad parody of the podcast, with roughly the same guests, on a cheap ass netflix set
Not sure about this bros, I might not even watch it, what's the point of bringing Spade again?

I download them to my phone that has space.

Mark of a true brainlet

Norm's episode on Comedians getting coffee is one of the best.

its the only one i watched

watch the ones with super dave

Alec Baldwin is good as well, but in my defense I really like 30 rock.
Also Larry David episode is recommended.