Any movie that makes me feel like pic related?

Any movie that makes me feel like pic related?

how come there are no good psychological horror movies anymore? Where is the "Possession" (1981) of our generation?

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Shutter Island maybe?
But I didn't like that movie

Because of the wife/family killing? Maybe yeah... But there was no dread in that movie... Noir detective stuff.

I'm watching The Ritual right now, it's very mediocre and unoriginal...

I need real horror. Even something meme like In The Mouth Of Madness. Fuck, Sam neil is such a good horror actor.

Silent hill is heavily inspired by Jaccob's ladder.

>Jaccob's ladder.

You don't say... Yeah, pic related stole a lot from jacob's ladder. But the question still stand: Are there no new good horror? Classics like Possession or jacob's ladder?

I'd kill for a movie like Siren

No, It inspired themes in Silent Hill 1 and 2. is one of Akihiro Imamura's favorite movies.
The originals four are inspired by things like Solaris and Alejandro Jodorowsk's movies which is obvious by just looking at the final boss of SH4 and they're a must-watch,


>psychological horror movies
´coz you are not looking far enough

the nips make these movies pretty often like

Kurîpî: Itsuwari no rinjin (2016)

Holy Mountain is one of my favorites, and El Topo is just so bonkers and good.

Tarkovsky's Solairs is a step down from Stalker, but is still a masterpiece.

Haven't played SH4, Just looked up the final boss. Why do you say it's similar to those? Just a generic big fleshy guy...

Was just wondering if there was any dreadful movie like SH2/possession. Solaris is a good candidate.

The Congress is weird enough, where identity gets taken away from you and everyone is detached from reality.

Actually the story and narration of Silent Hill 2 are copy pasted from Lost Highway.

>Kurîpî: Itsuwari no rinjin
Can you sell me more on those? I'm just started watching asian stuff. Their villains are awesome but haven't seen any real psycho-horror as of yet. I Saw The Devil is very good.

Jacob's Ladder

>Lost Highway.
Not really. They share the theme of infidelity and weirdness all around, but that's about it. Maybe add the sensation of guilt.

Great movie.

Watch Johnny Got His Gun. No weird monster or anything, but the war-dread is there. Very fucked up.

And the main character who killed his wife is in complete denial about it.

>Haven't played SH4, Just looked up the final boss. Why do you say it's similar to those? Just a generic big fleshy guy...
I guess it isn't that obvious but i noticed it quite quickly.
And good for you, I love the concept of SH4 but they made some terrible decisions related with the gameplay and MC.
It had a lot of potential.

Difference between a bad man killing his wife out of spite/jealousy vs a mad man killing his wife out of mercy and going crazier by that.

Yeah you're right, it has a lot in common. Guess i like Lost Highway now. That cowboy addon is still dumb as fuck though

Mothman prophecies, 1408, Mouth of madness maybe.

Thank you user! I didn't know about this. The side-by-side is excellent. Some of the art styles could be taken as generic horror stuff (like a body hanging from a wall) but watching it with the movie clears it up.

And yes, that's why i've stay away from that one. Seen a playthrough and it seem so boring. The concept of travelling through a room is fantastic though.

Have you play the Siren games?

Mouth of madness is so meme and cool. I can see Del Taco sour-creaming himself all over it.

1408 is awful, why did you watch that?

And i'll add mothman prophecies. Looks indie and dry.

But the guy goes crazy in Lost Highway too. Also you forgot the part where they both pretend their wife is a totally different person so they can imagine a different love story.

yes, again you're absolutely right. From the get go they don't seem similar because (at least in my memory) the tone is so different. One is complete dread and horror while the other is just confusion with lights and colours of places like vegas. Lost highway didn't seem dark or gritty enough.

But they do share a lot of the same topics and points. The video as a memory trigger... the doppelganger wives. The otherworldy (and hostile) guide...

One of the greatest games to be created.

There is a huge market for stupid cheap scares and has become almost effortless in production. Psychological horror is seen seldom sadly especially if you're looking for something that provides the feelings SH2 induces.

Phantoms (1998) has a strong silent hill vibe I think

Agreed, even in it's own series, SH2 is one of the only worthwhile experiences. That says a lot about game companies these days, squishing every penny out of fantastic ideas, making them crap.
the last 4 or 5 games of the series are plain unplayable.
Still think that Siren is good though. Not SH2 good, but it feels dreadful and psychotic in its own way.

>Phantoms (1998)
Haven't seen it, but a first take on imdb, it looks very plain and bad. retarded matt daemon friend is in it also...

but i'm open, why do you think of this one? dreadful and weird?

1408 is basically an loose adaptation of Silent Hill 4

I admit it loses momentum in the second half but it's about a ghost town and has amazing atmosphere and mystery in the beginning. More like lovecraft horror though.

downloading right now. Thanks for the recommendation. Lovecraft is good... I still think mouth of madness is a masterpiece, even though is goofy and loses momentum in the second act too.

Only Book of Memories is unplayable in my opinion. The others have some charm even if they're not masterpieces. Even Homecoming.

Oh come on. Downpour is just too stupid. Origins is a bad resident evil ripoff. Homecoming has such a shitty plot and dialogue, but at least the gameplay is ok.

I guess Shattered Memories is good in it's own weird way. Not very silent hill though.

and let's not talk about book of memories.

Because silent hill 4, but yeah it's kind of a mess. SH also give me some comfy feelings that I also found in mothman. Yeah, Carpenter is del taco's husbando. If you guys wanna see a little town getting fucked up by weird shit check The Box too, though it's way closer to the body Snatchers than SH.

The box with cameroon days? Is it passable? Not even good but, i won't want to take my eyes out?

i've avoided that movie for such a long time. Same with The Gift. Joel Edgerton is no bueno

There's a SH4 easter egg in Downpour, I immediately loved the game when I saw it. I'm just a sucker for anything silent hill. Thinking of rewatching the second movie tonight actually.

why would you want to watch a dreadful movie instead of something good? LOL

i like malcolm mcdowell in that one. he's just a sellout. Kinda sad they didn't continue with the Radha Mitchell arc, but i guess there was nowhere left to go

first movie is legit good

Carnival of Souls
Jacob's Ladder
Head Trauma
The Abandoned
have all been cited as influences for the game

dreadful doesn't mean shit mate.

some of my favorite movies are masterpieces and have a dreadful/depressing tone.

favorite games too... maybe i'm mentally unstable, but you're here too so don't lol

Jacob's Ladder and The Others.

Have you seen Session 9?

It's passable for the stuff surrounding this guy. The family is average horror movie family.

downpour is the one that starts with a monster in your mom's basement right?
dude kills a merman and just go talk to his mother like it's the most normal thing that happened instead of going WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT

nah, downpour is the one you're a prisioner. Starts with you stabbing a fat guy in the showers of a jail.

very, very bad

How does SH work? how does it get into a room?

you mean SH4?

The idea of Silent hill as a cursed/weird town is only really stablish in SH2 and some of the later games (origins, homecoming)


>is only really stablish in SH2
You kidding right, because SH1 is completely about the town being cursed because the cult they followed and the children they sacrificed, SH2 is more about "your inner demons and your sins"

The Others, also The Babadook.

true, but then 3 is only about the cult, so are the movies.

sh2 is the one that stablish the idea of the town as a center of evil and where your inner demons show themselves. downpour and shatter memories have very little connection to actual silent hill

>how does it get into a room?
SH4? It was because of Walter, the antagonist.
You will understand if you play it.

That's Homecoming I think, haven't played it in 5 years. And I seem to remember that it starts in a hospital, the home basement is later in the game.

>In the Mouth of Madness
>meme movie
Is 'meme' just another word for 'popular' now? How fucking pleb can you be?

>thinking that mouth of madness is anywhere near popular

How retarded can you be? Why are you in my board if you don't even know what meme means? fuck off back to retardit

You're in luck, bexause I'm fairly certain they did make a Forbidden Siren movie.

Pic related to some degree

Looks interesting enough

Tell me more, have you seen it?

Came here to post this.


Session 9 has a lot of similarities.

It's utter shit. Don't get too excited. Has almost nothing to do with the games. Doesn't even make use of mindjacking for one scene.

never understood the mindjacking thing to be honest... was it explained in-game?

as long as there is body horror and lovecraftian gods, i'm in

and Session 9.

There isn't. I'd ruin the ending for you if I told you but it's closer to melodrama than lovecraftian.

Antiviral (2012)
Starry Eyes (2014)


I don't really know what to tell you other than that it's weird. It's got some bad acting performances in there that are a bit distracting.

And mindjacking was everyone tuning into each others minds like a hivemind because they were all turning. It's why the Japanese teenager heals instantly after he falls. Everyone in the game's at different stages of turning because of the raining blood.

fuck, meant for

Ben Affleck was a badass here

Do not watch Starry Eyes. I don't know what this user is thinking, it's giallo shit and has nothing in common with silent hill.

Downpour was basically Silent Hill: The RPG. Main quest missions and side missions.

There's nothing giallo about Starry Eyes at all. I thought it was one of the better horrors to come out of the past several years. Mostly body horror mixed with evil Hollywood cult stuff.

I remember liking this

>using meme as an adjective in the first place
Literally the biggest retard on this board. Sup Forums might be more your speed if you're so prone to autistic outbursts.

>disparaging an entire board because you don't know what you're talking about

i like Sup Forums, i like good movies and good games. Now go back to retardit and leave us alone you faggy imbecil. You're not welcome here.

>female protagonist
>lots of blood
>weird/psychedelic 70s aesthetic
It's giallo

Mate, I can guarantee you I've been longer than you have and trying to associate a single movie to the bipartisan movie forums that exist in your head is autistic as fuck.

I'm on it.
>That atmosphere even in the first game
How did RE survive more than these?

>ywn be as immersed by a sound track as much as Silent Hill 2's

Nothing even comes close, it's dark ambient at it's finest

The SH series was too arty and ambitious for its own good. There's only so far up you can go before it starts coming down and Silent Hill already started very high while Resi was schlocky as all fuck so they could just chuck anything in and fit the tone of the series.

"i've been longer than you have" what? You illiterate nigger.

You clearly know nothing about movies, you haven't watch mouth of madness, you don't know what meme even means, and to top it off, you sound like a faggot gurgling in cum while being somewhat smug about it, like it's the best and most classy cum.

Now, please, go back to retarddit. You have nothing of value to share here. Bye

>Resi was Schlocky
That's what made it amazing, it's brand of horror was amazing for the time even if it had somewhat ridiculous situations in it. Also it had a pretty gud sound track

unironically felt something similar with the first season of twin peaks and fire walk with me movie.

top soundtrack. You can feel the narrowness of the world.

Oh yeah, I wasn't saying it was bad, it's just that schlock doesn't really have high ideals so just throwing ever more ridiculous situations in for every sequel works. Silent Hill was a bit loftier in its ideas so you have to keep that kind of thing short and sweet before it becomes a parody of itself.

the 'tism is off the charts on this one

is that why only SH2 is good?

Are we doom to only have one masterpiece, considering how vast and open the that universe is?

well yes, we're on Sup Forums after all. I'll take the autist over the faggot though


1-4 are all brilliant in their own ways. But by 4 you could see they were veering too far from what made it Silent Hill because you can't keep the same thing going forever without it getting stale. The non-Japanese games were fucking awful because of a combination of staleness and the lack of vision of those lesser dev teams.

>Johnny Got His Gun
Isn't that the one Metallica bought the rights to?

Don't know about rights but they wrote a song about it.

>Eventually, the members of Metallica bought the rights to the film in order to keep showing the music video without having to pay additional royalty fees -wikipedia

You must be kiding me.

4 is very lackluster

Yeah, trumbo book AND movie, and metallica cover/rights.

Shows it's agenda very plainly: ultra anti-war. But the setting and consequences are very terrifying. Just watch it. You'll feel like shit afterwards.

I guess I'm not the only one who dislikes happy endings

I really want to play the first four games. What is the best way to go about this?

2 is the strongest because it ignores the dumb cult shit in favor of engaging character studies. Exploring why the town does what it does is stupid and doesn't need explaining, and focusing on that is the downfall of all the other games.