Why did they kill the best character of the show?

Why did they kill the best character of the show?

>Saves a muslim
>gets kill for it

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>Trash people comply with gun control
>Are immediately wiped out as soon as they give up their guns
Is Walking Dead secretly redpilled

Gimple wanted to go out with two middle fingers to the audience

Why would he want out for? He doesn't have much roles.

Literally because they negotiated his current contract to end right before he'd become a legal adult, and at the last minute AMC turned their noses up at the prospect of him negotiating a new one with a pay raise and more screen time because he'd no longer be subject to child labor laws. Yet another huge paycheck to write on top of the rest of the main cast was a no go for them. AMC has notoriously screwed this show over from the beginning with their penny-pinching. News already broke that they wouldn't compromise with Maggie's actress nor have they committed to killing her off yet, so she's doing a pilot for another show and will probably be rarely seen as a guest star in season 9 until they sort something out. Literally, her character is in limbo over behind-the-scenes haggling.

holy shit this is pathetic, how does a show like TWD still act like jews over money? they have all of it.


oh god why are they pushing her so hard to being a tough girl and shes a leader type. Terrible actor but nice butt.

>Saves a muslim
>gets kill for it
Just like in real life

Greedy out of touch execs who figured they could probably run an hour straight of a black screen and not lose a single viewer. An extra few hundred thousand per episode is a few hundred thousand not going right into their pockets and that's unacceptable to them. This show has been doomed from the start. Not only did they tell Frank Darabont they were giving him slightly less money for season 2 than they did for season 1, they also told him to make twice as many episodes with it. That's why he quit.

Why are these girls still in the show but not the guy with the hammer isn't?

Should have killed Maggie instead of Glenn, they had a perfect opportunity to flip the comic script and do something interesting

I get that they didn't wanna kill a pregnant woman, so just like, don't make her pregnant

seems like it

>but not the guy with the hammer isn't?

diversity. one is non-white the other is a dyke

Glenn was clearly a better character and more likable. Maggie is an angry dyke like the old lady. There untouchable by woman power.

he was a teen girl

but they're both nonwhite

He had to go back to Asgard

the lardass one is white by american standards

Steven also really wanted to have his character get killed that way.


Which is awful, because TWD is the only thing carrying AMC at this point and it's slowly dying. There's no mad Men or breaking bad to crutch it up anymore.

She starts to get really interesting in the comics after Glenn's death, but that's when the show writing became (even more) dogshit, so it didn't happen in the show.

Read the comics and you'll see how good this show could've been. In the comics every villain marked a definitive change in the tone/meaning, the show villains just feel like monsters of the week

And now Maggie is the leader of the hilltop for some reason. They didn't establish it very well in the show.

killing either of them would just be kicking a hornets nest on social media because of muh racism and bigotry

Rosita is CUTE cute!!!!!!!

>Saves a muslim
>gets kill for it
They're trying to teach the soyboys who still watch this show some important life lessons. Too bad it'll go over their heads.

Annoying in the show. Don't want to watch an angry latina every episode. Get enough of that from Angry Joe.

she's a whore

literally the only reason to watch the show

>fucks a 70s porn star stache

She shit.

Maybe with Tara because of her Jew/Scientology connections but Rosita is just a qt Latina. Hundreds of them die in Central America b/c of gangs and no one cares.

>kills old lady
>she deserved it

>talking shit about 70s staches
All plebs should hang.

Jelly? Me on the right

how much did you have to pay?

Tara was objectively cute once. What happened?

We need to make Walking Dead political memes about this and spread them. These two have potential so far.

>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect

plz go faggot

why is the girl on the right so fucking fat? She has a strange body.

How is she fat during the zombie apocalypse? What the fuck is she eating considering she has run for miles in some episodes.

Her and her gf were pretty damn fat in the show. They clearly had a secret stash.

Free. I'm cute.

shit jaw line

She found a pallet of pristine Twizzlers and has been munching on them since they got to Alexandria

>those glasses

Why does she keep wearing them? Is she cool?

Just look at that weak-ass chin

She's meant to be the quirky one
She's the Juno of TWD

really makes me think


She seems forced and I'm surprised shes still in the show this long.

I legitimately forgot that she's been on since the Prison for a moment there. She's definitely past her expiration date, along with everyone else who hasn't been relevant since S6.

The fact they killed Carl and not her is a crime. Could have gave her current pay to Carl and everything would have worked out.

I thought the same thing when i watched that scene.

It was a perfect example of the end result of gun control.

Her being the new revenge girl in this season is annoying. Are the girls so angry and stupid?

In the comics those two will get beheaded and their heads impaled together with Ezekiel and a few other main character.

sorry OP, the best character died a long time ago

Peak Walking Dead right here. Negan a shit!

The punisher guy was better.

Negan and gabriel scene was most kino this entire season prove me wrong

Eugene a shit
Rick a shit
Corrraall a shit
The rest a shit

after the governor's death it was all downhill for walking dead


this is shitposting. Literally useless and they always bring him along to fight which makes no sense.

It went to shit after season 2

Yeah if you treat America as a post-apocalyptic afghanistan warzone.


Eugene is pretty BASED. He knows no one will kill him because hes to smart and lives like a king.

nah not based, he had his chance to be alpha but wimped out with trying to take out negan. Also chances are he didnt get any of Negan harem. Fugging incel acting tough in zombie apocalypse the character.

Hes smart. Didn't want aids and free home without work.