Do you think the directors who brought us this fight sequence are able to properly direct a cosmic scale mayhem?

Do you think the directors who brought us this fight sequence are able to properly direct a cosmic scale mayhem?
I don't.

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of course they are, it's just more greenscreen and even less interesting background
it's gonna be something like desert or whatever now

Fucking great fight scene. Spider beatdowns, giant Ant Man? Fuck yeah!!! Anyone who says this fight is bad is probably a bitter Snyder cuck.

it's lame "fight" and I hate snyder's craps

>Russo bros are good
Is there a worse meme?

>le airport fight looked bad I swear it!!!!

ah yes if only it was shot during the night during a rainstorm

That's what Transformers 5 showed and it wasn't properly directed at all. But Bay is still better at making huge scale destruction scenes than Russo brothers I think.

Apocalypse is a preview of what we can expect from Infinity War: the big bad demonstrates overwhelming, unstoppable power, then there's a giant asspull.


Will it be the mass effect 3 of movies?

that was a reshoot


would suck dick

you don't follow these movies, do you?

seen apocalypse only bcoz i m sucker for every "egyptian themed (historical, sci fi, adventure whatever)" movies, it was big disappointment

ME3's ending will be better I swear.

you fell for the meme, let that sink it for a second


We need some webms of all the cool moments.

Fight scenes in capeshit are probably the dumbest part since superheroes have no consistent powerlevels. They survive absurd drops and horrific beatdowns until the script decides they are finally hurt.

>cool moments
more like soy moments

Capeshit fights could learn a thing or two from the Kingsman “Church Fight” scene...

well, i didn't see it in theatre, coz it's sill capeshit. cost me nothing but time

>Fuck yeah!!!

I hope this is just irony/false flagging because no one is going to get triggered at bait this obvious

oh shit good one Jimmy

but being able to do those things is consistent with most of their powersets

are there examples of people like hawkeye or widow doing this? you don't need it spelled out for you in a wiki article to be able tell people like iron man or cap would be able to take more hits than a normal human


The good ones have satisfying plot resolutions. Take Iron Man, for example. Even though he was fighting "a bigger, badder version of himself", Tony exploited the fact that Ironmonger didn't understand the technology himself, he was only having his engineers copy Tony's work. It made sense and was set up earlier.

That's not what I mean. Sure, they're tougher than your average bloke, but it's never established HOW much they can take before getting knocked out. Especially when the enemies consist of godlike creatures. Our cape fella was just taking a dozen direct hits to the face by a bionic arm, why should he be worried about a six meter drop from a bridge? It's all just spectacle and script convenience.

this name can't be real lmao
what's next, killmonger?

Hate Monger's up next. He's literally a clone of Adolf Hitler.

>Pic of Spiderman in motion
>Say it's trash because is blurry

is that true lmao

Fuck Marvel
He had an "H-Ray" gun that filled people with hate.

The "cinematography" of Marvel.

Who is there to call your shit out when you've paid off the people who are supposed to do that?

What are they doing? It's not a fight at least.

>Low-quality vid.

When you've literally reached lower than The Room and nobody is there to call out your shit. What has film criticism gone to? Certainly not to sanity.

What was so bad about that scene? I loved it

top kek

Clearly modified images.

>higher bitrate will somehow fix the 100000 cuts per second shit choreography of lazy kicks and punches
ok man

Did Marvel just get outclassed by Tommy Wiseau?

>anime poster
>says dumb shit
like clockwork

>Still low quality
I'm not four years old and I'm definitely not interested in this dumb thread anymore.

What does it say about the MCU when you literally can't even comprehend that it's actual shots of the film you're looking at? It really does say something about how awful this garbage film universe is.

I see what you mean now but I haven't paid enough attention to cape flicks/seen any of them recently enough to really argue

have there actually been times where someone like cap with the ability to take superhuman damage was worried about something lame like a drop from a bridge?

>Hey, we had Black Widow headlock this henchman and swirl around, and it looked cool! Let's make her do it another five times.

Obviously, since you can't form an argument.


Not him, but i get what you mean.

Captain America was able to fight aliens hand to hand and take direct shots from alien weaponry in Avengers, yet in Winter Soldier hes been kicked down by regular grunts and a gunshot wound is enough to really slow him down.

Its never consistent, which is what makes it ridiculous that people like Hawkeye and widow have any kind of chance.

Buying time. They even comment about it during the fight. "Are we still friends?" "Depends on how hard you hit me."

What is faster, a gun or a bucket?

They are pretending they're fighting. Why? Just turn off your brain bro

What did Scarlett try to convey with that facial expression?


I like how that spin attack conveniently extended all the way to the guy with the gun. Or he ran straight into it for some retarded reason.

>tfw too pleb to see what's wrong with this shot

feels bad man

although I don't like capeshit for other reasons

Is her stuntman a guy in a wig?


The perspective is all kinds of fucked up. It's extremely amateur shot.

hey why did you stop spamming these threads when star wars 8 was out? are you actually that uncultured that consume both "franchises"??

I will never understand what people find about Scarlett Johannson. She may be pretty, but so are others. And unlike ScarJo, they can actually convey emotion. I had the misfortune of watching her in Ghost in the Shell and Under the Skin, both roles requiring her to be bland automatons, and she managed to fuck those up as well. She gives me absolutely nothing.

For instance, Tom Holland clearly looks like he has been pasted in, and poorly so. Look at how he stands out from to the background.

>Under the Skin
>requiring her to be bland automatons
Don't watch films you're still to sophomoric to understand

She's a jew with connections and who doesn't hesitate to fuck producers for roles.

they didn't seem that far away from each other, I guess he was still disoriented after she knocked him down? I don't know, but there's probably tons of shit like this in action movies that are beloved here

He's too far away. The only plausible excuse is that he ran straight into her epic spin attack.

I see what you mean although no matter how hard I look at it it doesn't feel like anything more than vaguely off putting. I was talking more about cinematography though

how is that a quip, or a joke at all? Did you seriously laugh when she said that? Why?

>tries to cinegrid
>it's still awful
The Pest cinegrid was better

he just wanted to help his friend

This is the same universe that turned Thor's long-time friends dying into a quip. So don't be surprised when people do.


she is a tranny?

>Thor's long-time friends dying

Not everyone suffers amnesia.

looks good tho, stop nitpicking

Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 were capekino

case closed.

Like way too many Marvel movie shots, the background is just cheap generic city footage. This isn't so bad for Spider-Man on paper, but there's no thought involved. Nothing visual is of any real significance. Even when you have it set up where there's a sort of dividing line between the skyline and the inside of whatever it is Spider-Man is sitting on, it's doing nothing. It's just a place to have these two characters talk. It's like you took what was planned as a stage drama and then added a background in MS Paint.

Even for a grid it's still pretty bad

Thor Ragnarok was faaaaaaar better visually


>that color balance
This entire planet was awful to endure because Gunn went full retard with the new Alexa cameras.

The first one pulled it off perfectly imo

The second one was oversaturated in parts

Because the moment is about the characters. Not every scene needs to have shit going on in the background.

That doesn't give you an excuse to shit all over cinematography. This is cinema after all, not day-time TV.

Yes, but that doesn't work when you half ass everything that makes your medium distinct and think, "It's okay, the audience knows it's just two guys talking in front of a green screen. Why hide it?"


The CW team up episode had better visuals on a fucking tv show

whats an alexa

I kind of see what you mean but I just need to watch more movies I guess. Nothing about it looks particularly good to me, but it just doesn't look that bad. I can understand though how things like the constant. lazy use of green screen is bad on a principle level. It's just that the end result doesn't look bad enough for me to wholeheartedly say it makes the movie look shitty (although I haven't seen Homecoming so I'm only talking about this shot in particular)

I'd be willing to believe you if you were only talking about shots comparable to the one being discussed, but if you're talking about that fight scene with the aliens that everyone posts then you're actually just a contrarian

all of these look like backstage shots for the DVD's extras

>"It's okay, the audience knows it's just two guys talking in front of a green screen. Why hide it?"
this is the correct mentality, why bother? people care about the characters.

none of those look like that, you can stop shitposting you know. We are at 100 posts, yet we only have 26 IPs posting. We know its you. Stop.

Because I paid to enter the cinema, not read the tl;dr of the movie. Why charge me $14 at the door if you're not going to invest any of the money into providing a visual entertainment?

oh no they made a fight scene in a relatable environment instead of a cgi hellscape

I'm sure Marvel can survive without your ten dollars m8 kek

I would rather their profits go down by a small margin than them changing the formula to please autists.

What do you think?

This, the contrast between the white/gray background helps me Identify where everyone is.

I lost it at the third shot which is just a parking lost with a badly CGI explosion

>What filter should we use?
>the grey one

there is no filter, that's the problem retard