Why are powerful men always such pigs?

Why are powerful men always such pigs?

Becuz pusy is tastey

there's your problem

because the root cause of their piggishness is the same thing that drives them to seek and attain power

It's just beta men going crazy. Suddenly they have access to pussy and they can't handle it.

Men are inherently evil. The future is female.

>hey can I masturbate in front of you
I don't see the problem

they are basically beasts, slaves to the passions.
men need strong philosophical principles like stoicism or buddhism to reach the standard of civility that is the norm for women

This. Real alphas don't do weak shit like this to get laid.

There are several highly cited papers out now that says people in position of power lack empathy compared to people who aren't. Whether lack of empathy gets them into position of power or having power makes people lose empathy is yet to be determined.


It's clearly the former. We live in a capitalist society that rewards ruthlessness.

luckily we have invented this cool thing called 'language' that we all understand, and people can use a languages 'words' to tell someone how they feel or what they want.

in the distant past powerful men could just rape and have more offspring. then after rape laws they were reduced to jerking off in front of confused women. today they will get ruined for even showing an interest in a female co-worker. In the future beta soyboys will become the dominant type of male since they will be the only ones making babies.

What about deaf people?

People are free to ignore anything anybody tells them also.

Every man is a pig and every woman is a slut. We're just animals.

so close to quints

>with regards, betaboy

this is the right answer. men are barely human and we should expect them to behave accordingly

>and people can use a languages 'words' to tell someone how they feel or what they want.

implying females ever do this.

yeah men are so much better at sharing their feelings

was he really that powerful in 2002 when this happened? i dont think so

Men need to be domesticated

When you think about it men are the best of the two genders. That’s why they deserve higher salaries.


what's worse, silence, or a river of lies?

this but unironically

this but ironically

irony but this-ish

It's the lack of foreskin. They just can't enjoy sex normally

Either they become total prudes who have sex through a hole in the sheet, or they become depraved freaks who can only get off to sick bdsm/scat/pedo shit to reach the same orgasm we get from normal sex

and can you believe the dems AND the repubs want to ban porn? It's like they're accelerationists too.

Femdom is lame. Twinks and traps are made for real men to use. Roasties can fuck off

Look for "how I yearn" on hentai cafe


Systemic enabling.

Tell me she gets raped

he's jewish

Traps are for gentle loving

It is surprisingly to see how similar stoicism and zen buddhism are, actually a pretty good way of living, you guys should try

of course , they are both trying to get the female vote.

I'm not falling for your tricks, Zeno of Citium

Fuck off Epicurus

Gonna have to disagree. They're made to submit.

because women want the power and will do any stupid regrettable thing to get it in the moment

because men can't be trusted

that has literally nothing to do with what hes done you goy putznasher

Cause you literally only become powerful so you can fuck hot chicks easier

Harvey got kicked in the shin for fucking a crypto chick
Luis got in trouble for exposing himself to jewish women

every single person accused has been jewish, so the better question is "why are jews such degenerate pigs?"

stop spreading lies because you have a small dick. just go out there and have sex. stop being so angry. get laid

I eventually got off the wagon on this thing but did anything really that fucking horrible ever come out of it?

I see him being dragged around like a serial rapist bu last i knew about ththe whole this is that he jerked off to some girls that weren't really into ti.