How does this feel so fucking real?

How does this feel so fucking real?

Even in modern high-budget productions, like BR2049 or Marvel films, many scenes betray their movie set origin: cheap, clean, recently made and too orderly. How to shoot to make the scene immersive?

Because the director is Mexican.

I will bump once and fuck off.

>you arrive in europe, 2040

Alongside Apocalypto,the best movies of the fuck did that shtty version of infernal affairs beat those

sure, except for the vomit filter.

I don't get it. Why is this movie praised so much again? It was fucking tripe with stupid annoying characters and a retarded plot vehicle that ruined an otherwise mildly interesting premise.

because it is the most realistic cyberpunk

>very little to no cyber

>retarded plot vehicle
which one was that?

The whole movie. Especially the ending. I can't pinpoint it precisely, but it just left me in bewilderment in how people thought it was good.

Because it is very visually impressive.

Cuaron's films with Lubezki have that intimate, immediate quality, I think because they treat the camera as an actual present witness of the things, and not just filming equipment.

To me, most of it feels obviously choreographed. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Well sure, I'll concede that, but people don't usually want to watch movies ONLY for visuals. People expect a story to go along with it.

Long takes are extremely overrated.

I said realistic

To quote Alfonso Cuarón himself talking specifically about Children of Men

>“What I hate is when cinema is hostage of narrative,” he told me. “Then I say, ‘Come on — don’t be lazy, read a book.’ If you want to see performances, go to the theater; it’s fantastic. It’s an actor’s medium there and a dramatic medium — at least conventional theater. But come on, leave cinema alone! Let cinema breathe, in which narrative is an element of the cinematic experience, but it’s [just] an element, as acting is an element, cinematography is an element. Music and decors, those are elements. But right now? Cinema becomes just about seeing illustrated stories as opposed to engaging audiences in an experience in which you don’t explain much.”
>“A lot of reviewers nowadays, they fall into that vice: they want stories. They want explanations, they want exposition and they want political postures. Why does cinema have to be a medium for making political statements as opposed to presenting facts, presenting elements and then you making your own conclusions — even if they are elusive? There’s nothing more beautiful than elusiveness in cinema.”

Yeah, I agree, the story was unremarkable. 7/10 overall, 10/10 for set design and atmosphere.

you can’t even articulate, just fuck off

honest filmmaking

Suck my dick faggot. Go blow some critics some more.

Reaching for different ideas I think

The same reason Black Panther and Get Out were. It was pro-black people.

Wow what brilliant criticism. This comment proves only brainlets hated this movie.

COM is in my top 5 of all time. The scene where they are trying to get away from the farmhouse as the sun rises and there is no background music or sounds other than hushed breath, footsteps, and the sound of early morning birds chirping was the definition of kino

Imagine being this much of a brainlet. The asshole resistance leader that killed owen’s ex and Michael Cain was black

Maybe I'm too low IQ but I still don't understand what this "dishonest" meme means.

this is literally you right now you faux intellectual.

We need more people in cinema like based Cuaron.

One of my favorite films. The long shots were all brilliant and immersive. It has a way of capturing you, and pretty well gone gritty atmosphere. The Resistance seemed pretty legit, and no your typical Hollywood idea of what an insurgent rebellion would look like in that type of environment. A black whore giving birth to the only child in 18 years, sure a little trite but whatever I loved it.

>To me, most of it feels obviously choreographed
I agree, it often feels that way. I guess it is hard to get away from that while filming such complex long scenes with a lot of extras and pyrotechnics use as it is too prohibitive to rehearse it to perfection. Still, I appreciate flawed ambition more than competent but unimaginative execution.

Haven't seen this movie in a while, did they give a reason for why the government was basically purging civilians? Wouldn't they be a little less indiscriminate with killing people if no one had been born in 18 years?


I usually hate on Cuaron but all of this is absolutely true

>it's dumb
>it's retarded
>it's stupid
>the whole movie
>muh critics

You're an embarrassment. Not defending the movie but you fucking suck.

If I saw that line of thought in a movie, I would dismiss the character uttering this nonsense as an over-the-top caricature of a dumbass with a hard-on for fascism. But I'm afraid you're genuine. This is the world we live in now.

Two wards, “Real Set” !!! You can see good ones in “Saving Private Ryan”, “Path Of The Glory”, & “Full Metal Jacket”

The movie feels sterile, the characters do not engage with each other in a natural manner, but more like they've rehearsed the scene a dozen times. Alfonso's quote here sums it up pretty well, people are so hellbent on making a "good movie" that they forget the things that make it natural, real and clumsy.
I'd also count "bumping the lamp" as dishonest, it's literally showing off without it actually having anything important to add to the film, BR2049 being the worst offender of this.

Realist style. BR2049 and especially the Marvel films are going for something different than pure, gritty realism.

If you knew anything about kino, this would be obvious.

>The movie feels sterile, the characters do not engage with each other in a natural manner, but more like they've rehearsed the scene a dozen times
What a dumb headcanon explanation you just made for yourself?

What if the world of a film is literally sterile? What if the characters are literally meant to interact in an unnatural manner?
Do you think every film just wants to be as "realistic" as possible? What about David Lynch films which are mostly set in dream-like narratives, should those be more "real"? Should the characters in Eraserhead act in "natural" manner? What about Kubrick films, are they automatically bad because they are all cold and sterile, even if that is entirely intentional?
Stop making dumb headcanon imaginations about certain terms my dear friend

You didn't even understand what Cuaron was saying there. Nowhere did he say that all films should be as realistic as possible (that's entirely retarded btw), he said that films should be viewed and made as experiences where every viewer get's their own personal experience from it, not as expositional political pieces which you have to put together in a certain kind of way to 'get' them, that films should not have some singular universal message you should get.
Learn what the word elusive means.

dishonest posters just keep shooting themselves in the foot baka

Cuaron is a hack. If you like movies where a continuous shot makes everything happen as soon as the camera's eye focuses on it, you hate good pacing. His movies have the aesthetic of video game scripts.

>video game
Oh look, it's him again.

Absolutely spot on

Because it looks cheap as fuck and realistic.


Based on this, Cuaron is pretentious and stupid.

Nah, you're just a fragile brainlet.

Glad all the plebs could band together in this thread to prove that only retards dislike children of men

The only part that kills it is the Geordie singing Blaydon Races. It's like having a black character start singing slave songs.

In my opinion most of the immersion in this scene is the haunting but not-in-your-face background music and more importantly, the sound design. it's timed perfectly well with the muzzle flashes, ground impacts and ricochet's. The icing on the cake is the good acting and good hand cam work. Obviously this is a dance that was coordinated over a long time.

Strange, I've seen this film at least seven times and I don't remember those billboards at all

why didn't the Fishes reach out to set up a pipeline with brown? Blowback from the fascists?

They weren't purging civilians, only illegal immigrants flooding to the UK because it's one of the last "stable" nations.

Details. It comes across like it's actually happening because of all the incidental details, like people running around and getting shot as it goes on.

And I wouldn't call it purging. They ghettoized refugees and wantonly executed them, but I wouldn't call it a concerted genocide.

Handheld long take. Extremely detailed production design. Seamless visual effects based on practicals. Exquisite sound mixing.

that's a refugee camp. they didn't care about wasting those people.

please just stop you are embarrassing yourself.

Sup Forums is probably the only film based board on the internet where most of the posters aren't even interested in cinema

They were fighting the the armed rebels, everyone else was just in the way. Non combatants get brutalised in every war.

Really it's the rebels that were putting civilians in danger by hiding among them.

This crap was probably shot in Romania. They have whole permanent sets like this. This doesn't feel real in the good sense, more like real like a BTS footage with a crappy DV camera. This ugly, pal. How can you compare Romania so it's just permanently grey.

They take me out of the movie. You know the director is a try-hard and it also appears as a ridiculous choregraphy.

Wow what a faggot. "If you want a good story, read a book." Kill yourself you dumb nigger trash.

Considering your level of reading comprehension, you should definitely pick up some books.

No. I get it, he's a proponent of aestheticism. It's why his movies are full of meandering ambiance. Thing is, his style of filmmaking is not particularly compelling and the medium and the format aren't a good fit for what he wants to achieve. He's trying to rewrite what film is in order to argue that no, it's everyone else who's wrong. And he does it in the least convincing way possible, by claiming that because film critics are clueless idiots (which they are) it somehow proves he's smart and correct (which he isn't). He is pretentious specifically because he has never made a movie good enough to validate his approach.

Because none of the people in london are white :(

it is beyond ironic that he says all this (which is 100% correct fact) and yet his movies are dishonest and sanitized political postures that don't leave much to the imagination

Oh look, no arguments again

The longshot/shaky camera used adds a lot to the realism effect, really well done sequence

am i the only one who thinks the ostentatious and showy le ebin xD rebbit long takes like this are the opposite of immersive?
they make everything seem so staged and rehearsed

Damnnn yaaa sooo deeep, user !!!


It hadnt been done to death yet when the film came out. Some directors can pull it off and some cant. Also the set looking like a legitimate dystopian slum helped

Use a real fucking set. Use real fucking props and costumes. Don't fucking use CGI for anything. I don't give a shit how 'advanced' it is, it still looks like shit.

Is such a world like this even worth saving where subhuman niggers and shitskins run rampant and the only hope of mankind is a nigglet?

>which is 100% correct
It is beyond retarded to say that the narrative is just an element among others. The elements of film compose the film, which IS a narrative. Good directors know that people will derive meaning anyway, and take advantage of that.

it's just conceptually distinct and ambitious enough to get recognition, with competent production values, to trick average viewers into thinking it's great.

It's actually middling pseudshit, but hey, muh long takes, muh gritty realism.

maybe he is being too stubborn yeah
the quote basically says he thinks there should only be movies one way

Spielberg pulled it off in War of the Worlds but I'm 100% sure camera tricks were used in the van sequence. it's not the same as a long take like this or in Snake Eyes. I don't have problems with cuts at all, but long cuts can work. If anyone needs to see perfect cuts and editing look no further than the bank heist in Heat.

Honestly i envy Syd. Just deporting shitskins all day in that concentration camp and compensating all the human misery he encounters with light banter. Makes me want to move to hungary and enlist in their border force desu

>I can't pinpoint it precisely,

You are retarded.

Is a meme word for soyboys that they can attach to anything they dislike and feel intellectual.

Aaaannddddd here is the faggot ladies and gentlemen.
Do you open your mouth when are typing this?

>TWBB, NCFOM and CoM are my faboreet patrishon quinoas

why did long takes become such a meme?

>>you arrive in europe, 2018
fixed that for you

and that's a good thing

>but more like they've rehearsed the scene a dozen times.

Wait, wait, wait, are you saying that those shitty experimental films that teenagers make where everybody does what they want are better because they are more "honest"?

> make it natural, real and clumsy.
So, things like your shitty phone videos in holidays are, better because they are more authentic? or the lazy work of pseudo-intellectual pretentious people like Jodorowsky?

Kill yourself and stop wasting good oxigen that someone useful can be using.

It happened because people are incapable of discussing meaning, so they turn technique into something valuable in itself. Most long takes aren't masturbatory nonsense but even those might appear as such to people who lack the tools to interpret visual storytelling.

This movie is so retarded


the sound design is excellent

i think it's:

1. sound design
2. well-done shaky cam angles
3. no cuts
4. human reactions to the situation
5. attention paid to the minutiae of the situation (pushing past people, the way he apologises for bumping people when diving for cover)
6. the way the camera lingers on certain PTSD-inducing things - the guy with his legs blown off, the dead body etc. mimics human attention, as if you're on a tour bus through the place