Who ruined their show more?

Who ruined their show more?

My vote goes to Elaine

Kaitlin Olson's feet are so sexual they bring out perverse behaviors in nearly anyone they happen to waft by. They seem to emit a powerful, intoxicating set of pheromones that all but enslaves anyone with the slightest heterosexual inclination into being a hopeless addict for her feet.

>Elaine ruined Seinfeld
Literally what the fuck are you talking about you moron?

how did dee ruin sunny?

neither. you're just a dateless wonder who hates women.

What ruined Seinfeld was the audience laughter, not Elaine.

They aren't that great.

Neither ruined those shows, in fact, Kaitlin Olsen made her show better in my opinion

Both of them are among the best written females in sitcoms and were usually pretty good.

>hating on Dee
If this is bait, good job, I'm actually quite angry

Childhood is thinking Dee ruined Sunny
Adulthood is realizing Dee is consistently one of the funniest actors on the show and if anything Charlie ruined the show by getting too famous and taking over with his retarded reddit-tier so random XD humor and running gags that were funny for maybe five minutes before being beaten into the ground over the course of multiple seasons

>hating Charlie

>bird lol BIRD!

doesnt matter who ruined the show, the only character on the show that really matters is frank

incel faggot

elaine inexplicably got hotter as the show went own, so it's not her

neither you retard

>character is just as screwed up as the male characters and the actress allows herself to be made fun of for comedy's sake

>lol take that evil men Elaine always wins

Charlie is hilarious for the first few seasons. He also checked out long before the others did and did infinitely more damage to the show
In Season 12 he very clearly doesn't give a shit anymore, in fact Dennis is probably the only one who does. But the way they ruined his character by just turning him into a child and then making so much of the show based around his exploits and his brand of humor (the fucking Ponderosa Trial episode is easily my least favorite episode barring the abortion that was S12) is unforgivable

She's 80% why I watched Senfeild. 19% for the memes and 1% for Kramer entering the room.

>He doesn't watch Seinfeld for /our guy/ George

>the abortion that was S12
Why people always feel the need to hate the latest season of ANY show ? It's like clockwork. Edgy people have this urge to hate the recent, the present, because the past HAS to be better, the childhood you're not allowed to ruin.

Please ask yourself some questions and realise why you always hate the latest season/show.

Elaine had more to do on her own. Dee has to be paired up, I want to see her do something on her own.

George is "the memes"

I hated it because I watched the last two seasons live, every week, without missing a single episode because Sunny was my favorite show at the time
Season 11 is weak but it has some 10/10 moments (the suburbs episode and the Frank episode). Season 12 is demonstrably awful. It genuinely made me sad with how much it felt like they were all phoning it in. I can't remember a single episode that I enjoyed as much as the old seasons (other than maybe Old Lady House).

>Please ask yourself some questions and realise why you always hate the latest season/show.
Please ask yourself some questions and realise why you automatically assume anybody who doesn't like the things you do is being an edgy contrarian and why you think anyone with a different opinion is automatically wrong.

What are you talking about? Dee was hilarious

If you like Seinfeld and not Elaine you're a fucking faggot

He's right though, season 12 was shit
The reason most people usually hate the last season of a show is because the last season is usually the worst one, that's why it ended after that one

holy fuck get laid

It's the first season to have a great ending

Have you ever even seen Seinfeld? Elaine fucks up all the time

>the fucking Ponderosa Trial episode is easily my least favorite episode

That was a a season 12 episode and yeah, that really was pretty terrible.
The only somewhat funny moment was when the police officer said that after the first interview Dennis stared into the camera for 6 hours without blinking.
It's at least more entertaining than The Gang turns Black which really felt like they were forced to do by the studio.

Elaine usually got into fights with other women hence why she hung out with Jerry and his friends.

You're thinking of the Making A Murderer episode that was season 12. I'm talking about the Bird Law trial.

I agree though both of those were pretty terrible.

Oh shit, yeah you're right my bad.

you will die a virgin

Elaine was at least hot and had nice tits.

>things often get worse as they go on because of complacency and an ever dwindling well of unexploited creativity, and the ability to keep something fresh after over a decade of continuous exposure is inherently difficult, if not impossible, without certain elements getting worse or simply less funny. Almost all shows get worse the longer they go on because they don't have an unlimited potential, and most of that potential is intensively tapped within the first few years or so. After over a decade things start to get repetitious, or in worse-case scenarios even resort to becoming a cynical, overly self-aware, ironic, subversive, uninspired parody of their earlier glory days. Knowing when to end on a high note is a quality, as stretching out the show indefinitely will invariably lead to some degree of stagnation or regression, even if the show doesn't necessarily become outright bad in the process. The most recent season can still be the worst of the series without that season or series becoming truly horrible or unwatchable, but are rarely better than or even as good as earlier seasons for pretty logical reasons. IASIP, specifically, arguably doesn't *need* to end right now, but it can't be denied that recent seasons don't share that same freshness or magic of earlier seasons, and while its quality isn't truly awful by any means, it's certainly decreasing at a steady pace. It makes sense at any given time for the more recent season to be the 'worst' one.


Dee is Sunny's biggest pleb filter. She's one of the funnier characters on the show and easily the most underrated.

By far the best episode of the last season was the one where she gets revenge on the stripper by having him grind on his estranged daughter.