Attached: ricky.jpg (250x201, 7K)

Atheists should be rounded up and put into camps.

>but it says in the Babble-

What happened to that guy's career?
Last thing I remember was some bloody athiest magazine cover and his fans getting fed up with how he treated Carl Pilkington

>shames your beliefs
>demands people respect his

Attached: 0403.jpg (640x360, 30K)

>shames grown adults believing fairy tales
>demands people accept truths

Wow, so mean

>shames the people that he demands respect from
wow so reasonable

What's wrong with being humbled once in a while?

Reminder that Ricky thought he could get away with going full retard.

Attached: dereknetflix_front_500.jpg (500x321, 110K)

>Get check from restaurant
>Under "Subtotal: $10" I see a blank space following the word "Tip:"
>I write down "god isn't real"
>I use a lower-case letter G to emphasize his not realness
>leave the restaurant with the satisfaction of knowing I have given the waitress the most important tip she'll ever read

Attached: B1NRP22CcAAM8aK.jpg (320x263, 13K)

Militant atheists have never humbled anyone.

>"shaming" is bad

Found the fat, unfit, sexdoll owning drug abuser. And that's a good thing.


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faggot christcucks almost always tips with shitty bible quotes/fake dollars

>trusting a genocidal megalomaniac who's smarter, stronger, and overall deadlier than you are
This is amerifats are dead last in education.

British currency is worth more

is the blind item about him converting to islam true?

Ricky Gervais is an unfunny faggot.
It's ironic that he always shits on Karl Pilkington but Karl is 100 times more likable than him.

There's still only one flag on the moon.

Attached: gNoGo3H.jpg (1200x800, 122K)

That has to be one of the worst memes I have ever seen.

>fake dollars
what are you talking about?

These. I actually got a few when I was in college working part time at a local restaurant. Strange, because they were super polite the whole evening, then leave this.

Attached: .png (750x563, 809K)

*braps down your throat*
Do you believe in god now? Because I fucking own your ass.

Attached: braaaap.gif (720x540, 448K)

That would make me want to burn down a church.

How rude of them to attempt to save your eternal soul after you carried three dishes from the kitchen to their table.

It's just the fact that they make it look like money, if they just left a regular pamphlet it wouldn't be nearly as bad..

The people shaming fairy tales are usually the ones believing in them. You just need to look at the way irreligious westerners worship platitudinal words like "progress" or concepts like multiculturalism with the same drive and fervor. Humans need a spiritual outlet and if that's not organized religion it will be something else, like politics.