As much as your stupid little fucking story entertains these plebs, I’m foaming at the mouth here...

As much as your stupid little fucking story entertains these plebs, I’m foaming at the mouth here. What do you actually have?

Sup Forums, what do you have? No sharkposting

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I have a perfectly intact foreskin

and for that reason, I'm out

uhh uhhhh a pizza that heats itself up in the morning
it uses electricity from batteries

>Entrepreneurs have to kneel in front of a cabal of super rich people and beg for their favor.

>I have this worthless startup that the first round of investors valued at $5 million
>we still haven't done anything but it's been a year so now we value the company at $10 million
Every time.

Fuck off commie

I've invented putting butter on your bread so that when you toast it the bread stays soft.

They chose to actually

Based Mr. Wonderfull.

I would let Barbara sit on my face desu senpai.

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>Your invention sucks, your business model sucks, and I don't like your attitude. I also get the distinct feeling that you're a bad person and I hope to never be in the same room as you again.
>I'll give you $70,000 for 5% and that's my final offer

I have device that you can screw on to water bottles and essentially turn them into aqua globes for your plants, but it only exists in my mind because no one wants a bunch of upside down water bottles watering their plants except for maybe me?

I have an extremely unrealistic and potentially harmful dream of becoming a director for a living even though I can’t lead worth a shit

it was always like this

You guys think its weird how the one black guy on the show is bald? Never really thought about it till now.

I have a big proposal for you

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For the love of Allah, please post it.

>wanting the toast to stay soft

I have this little mind control pill that i already slipped into Lori's drink and shortly she'll turn into my dominant mistress.

I always bring this up to my friends
Shark tank is the most cyberpunk show in TV. A 1-1 copy of this show would exist in a cyberpunk universe. Nobody I know appreciates this.

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A blanket that is also a cape

She seems like a super freak. I want her to invest my penis in her vagina.

Shark Tank has become rather out of date show since it started after the last great market crash in 2008. Economy has risen from the slump ages ago.

Its a great way to advertise. I seen some shit on there I was like damn I would buy that.


Me too but I think I'm alpha and crazy enough to pull it off

Yeah even if you don't "win," you still get a 10 minute advertisement for your product on primetime network television. That, to me, seems much more valuable than selling a quarter of your company away to some dubiously rich TV personality (or Mark Cuban.)

i liked your post user

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