Sarah Silverman isn't funn-

>Sarah Silverman isn't funn-

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Occasionally I remember why I used to like her

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That's pretty good.

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Pretty damn funny. I never thought she wasn't funny, that bitch used to write for Larry Sanders, and that alone is worth quite a bit in my book. She's just a dumb cunt politically who should stop running her dumb cuntflaps that she calls lips.

What the fuck has Kal Pen done in the last 20 years? Aside from bailing from House MD?

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That's pretty racist Sarah, what are you a Trump supporter now?

Top jew bantz.

the same reason you own an oven, sarah

Harold and Kumar Do Halloween

cuntflaps ARE called lips
I'm just Saiyan

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lol google it bruh

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he had some really shitty PopSci show that lasted a season


Isn't that Kunal in that movie?

And people say Trump made the White House a joke. How soon we forget. FUCK Obama.

In showbiz i meant of course, spare me the politics=showbiz joke.

ahaha funny protected jew woman tweeting at personal friend, hillarious

I laughed more at this gif than anything Sarah Silverman has done

>This is the KKK on modern times.

Low energy. The right can't meme.

It's a low effort shitpost.

Really not that clever or funny.

she's a nasty coalburner, that's what she is.

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for celebrity twitter its not so bad

Jewesses love black dick.

He had some faggy job in Obama’s White House to brainwash kids into thinking socialism was hip and cool. I dunno if his position carried over into Trumps White House. Either way it’s been downhill for him since van wilder

I will be honest, I smiled. I will fap to her now.

Ronald Reagan literally starred in a movie with a monkey.

That was pretty based, credit where it's due, not often a roastie hits the bullseye like that.

Accurate depiction

There's a reason whites aren't able to reproduce successfully

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Obama literally ate a dog. Literally.

Man to go back, i used to jerk off to her all the time but when she appeared on that movie naked and had a fucking shit tier body my dreams died, i never been able to do it again no matter how much i try. The magic is gone.

If you haven't seen her nudes never look them up.

Wow racism is not funny

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How did this happen?

Fuck it, that's funny. Some episodes of the Sarah Silverman show were decent, too.

Iszat an NGage?

That's a bit racist mate.

>for celebrity twitter its not so bad

For someone who's supposedly a professional comedian it's not that great either.

ok thats funny

>wanting to be white so badly

it must hurt desu

>when she's not taking about her vagina she puts out some zingers

She's not bad.. it's wrong to put her in the Amy Schumer/Lena Dunham category

He worked on the campaign and subsequently got offered a white house job in public outreach.

that's Sup Forums newfag tier humor but it's still impressive coming from a woman

silverman was a bedwetter. you know how fucked up psychologically those people are.

all women are bedwetters if youre any good in bed

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>le based

fools, she’s on their side, mocking ignorant people who may think this way. not jabbing at the indian men in question for the very thing of which they are expressing concern

fucking autismos


I keep thinking Kunal is also named Kumail.

I'm seeing double. Four Muslims from Africa!

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Her whole appeal was not being politically correct. Transforming into a leftist scold destroys this and renders her undifferentiated in a sea of mediocre “muh Drumpf” hacks.

all this blacked shit is gay af. but kinda true, niggers have higher T and an actual connection to their culture and people while white boys are enjoying jewish brainwashing on the daily.

but blacks are more likely to be trans than white...