"Think about where we are now, with this very vapid...


>"Think about where we are now, with this very vapid, unintelligent president and our world is crackling on the edges because of that," Cole said. "Think back to Tony Stark, him being douchey and being okay. If that character, Stark, was created in a movie today, I wonder if the response would be like, 'Oh, it's cool that he's douchey and disrespectful to women ... that's fine.' I think we're at a different place. I think it's a better place."


Nu-male Tony Stark coming soon.

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Other urls found in this thread:


i only like flawless characters

Niggers are apes.

>Nu-male Tony Stark
Isnt it Dr. Strange already? He was arrogant and confident, but became a passive depressed fuccboi after getting his hands wrecked. It's an interesting contrast - Stark literally forged his path out of his misery, while Strange had to get on his knees and beg a bald woman for it

Killmonger shot a woman in the face.

This is the writer

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>very vapid
These people are allowed to write for movies

Considering he writes movies for kids, I guess it's appropriate for him to talk like one too.

he shoots all over ur mum's face every night

tony start, from the abengers

Tony matures as the movies go along. By Spiderman he's asking Pepper to marry him and supplying free renewable energy to people.

He's at his absolutely least mature in Civil War though.

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Is there such a thing as intelligent nigger? Whats the highest documented negroid IQ?

He probably won't be any more powerful or wealthy than Tony once he gives up vibranium secrets, which is what he seems to be doing at the end of the movie.

>Think about where we are now, with this very vapid, unintelligent president and our world is crackling on the edges because of that,"

Kek. Someone this clueless calling others stupid...

but that what makes him work. he's cynical, selfish and 100% of himself. reminds me Nick Cage from "Lord of War"

Isn't Tony Stark already a numale? He's got metrosexual penciled in facial hair and is catty/sassy the way a fag is.

The writer talks about Tony Stark being a misogynist when he is really a womanizer.

What you said. Tony Stark HAS to be "douchey."
He wouldn't be Stark otherwise.

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What does he say next

>guy using the term douchey to refer to someone being disrespectful to women

total idiot

nah that writer is right

if iron man 1 came out TODAY, people would call as sexist, call tony a rapist, misogynist pig, call it "a trump movie" because it glorifies military, killing muslims etc

same with trophic thunder which came out around the same time. IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN. PERIOD.

in the comics he wasn't really a douche until the movie came out.

>The writer talks about Tony Stark being a misogynist when he is really a womanizer
this is literally the same thing for sjws. they say the same shit with bond. being a womanizer = sexist, misogynist pig.

Stark is confirmed /ourguy/ though.

Nothing, the Helicarrier got attacked.

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Depends on how you look at it. The guy went on a rampage and beat Avengers up, plus the US Government, over his IPs being stolen. He became an ultra douche during Civil War, so 2 years or so before the movie. The guy was planning on genociding the Atlanteans.

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>european spook trade

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Shh, don't burst mcuck's bubble. They (even after newborn Spider-Man goes to kick Captain America's ass because some rich dude that blew up European country yesterday told him to do) still think those flicks has anything to do with comic books they are "based" on .

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Not if it is a Disney movie.

Kill all Toxic white men

But in the Civil War comics Spiderman does team up with Tony and fights Cap and is basically Tony's protegee just like in the MCU. Iron Spider suit and everything. Only much later in the CW story does he question the morals of his actions and changes sides.

How the fuck did they give a movie like panther to someone who wrote that shlok

Being a straight white male is literally rape.

Could you imagine if Trump was kidnapped and ended up being iron man.

Disney gave the reins to a SW film to a literal who with 2 movies on his resume. I think they just hire Yes Men now.

And this is his wife.

Curb Your Enthusiasm music plays in your head

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Also I forget.

This is her wife...

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That's Spider-Man near OMD, not a very good argument.

And cinematographer of Fant4stic did Wonder Woman, and writer of Pan wrote it.
Because we live in a world where up is down and down is up.

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wow this makes sense actually...did the huge success of Iron Man set the stage for Trump to win....wow

Nailed it. Someone should ask this "intelligent" writer what Shuri's motivation was for leaving a suit behind for Killmonger to use. As I see it, the options are:

1) She panicked.
2) She forgot.
3) She wanted him to have it.
4) The writer was stupid, lazy, or both, or just so cynical that he assumed his audience would be.

Note how only one of those isn't diametrically opposed to the personality and spirit of the character.

Post the edit with manlet Stark.

>unintelligent president and our world is crackling on the edges because of that

Yeah, I remember when Obama was starting the road to peace with NK.

I also remember when he didn't invade Libya and kill hundreds of thousands there, and destabilize Syria.

I'm starting to think Soros mass bought tickers for this film.

Hundreds of millions is nothing to him.

No. Tony stark is a genius. He is an inventor and an engineer or whatever. 45 probably couldn't pump his own gas or scramble an egg.

have to do with stark
fucking capeshit must do whats little left of this niggers brains in

>Polly Coal

>movies go out of their way to show Iron Man has PTSD
>pretty neat idea that someone going through all that trauma has lasting effects instead of just ignoring it like most movies/comics
>total personality shift by Civil War, paranoia and fear rule him


>not a single person, including his friends and a former soldier, notice or say anything about his PTSD if they do notice
>even has an after credits gag where Tony is discussing his trauma with Bruce Banner who falls asleep so funny xd

And dropped. What a waste of a good idea.

oh my fucking god I need to knock the missus up twice

Nah, he's adept post-911 world theory. Comically he's portrayed as not "getting" Spiderman, yet his competence and dilleniation of threats are more refined.

Not really, at least in the books. Alongside people like Nick Fury or Punisher, he used to be one of the few "manly man" characters. He used to be James Bond mixed with Q. Nowadays he's been soyfied, but everything from the 60s till around 2012, with some exceptions, is darn good. For a cape character, he's got some pretty surprising depth that's not found in other capes easily.

Pic Related is Ult!Stark, but he's essentialy 60s/original Stark in a modern setting. In a way, he's truer to the original than the current version.

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Most likely it is 9/11 that made Iron Man unexpectedly more popular or as popular as Batman.

Jaded cynicism has always been RDJ jrs thing. This paired with a vulnerable superman as opposed to a Superman Returns did the rest.


Also even if he did that in Civil War (Millar is shit) he knew these people Captain America and Iron Man for decades, also in comics Iron Man wasn't as arrogant as MCU ones, never created Ultron which destroyed entire country.

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isn't he a hologram who acts as iron nigress' sidekick now?

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>the president is unintelligent
The funny things, the truly intelligent manchildren fall for this sort of thing.

Like I said, Pre-2012. Post-2012 Iron Man is a whipped NuMale, but for the majority of his existance, he wasn't like that. And no, he's in Coma. And kinda woke up. The Hologram is an AI. There's also a hot girl-hologram that is technically his AI daughter...

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You’re just now starting to realize this? How many people do you know actually saw Black Panther?

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>I think we're at a different place. I think it's a better place."
yes a better place where each year is the worst year for movies in decades


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This is a character who has

>unlimited wealth
>major daddy issues
>major mommy issues
>genius level intellect
>everyone around him praising him at all times

And the director of BP is upset and SHOCKED he’s a bit of a narcissistic dick?

Literally what.

Good Lord, what is wrong with her face in the 2nd panel?

at some point it makes her just look like a big blob

That's Iron Man's character & considering Iron Man 3 made 1.2 billion at the box office, i don't think Marvel will change him

He gets X-Pac heat for being an insecure manlet. We all know the audience wouldn’t want to cheer for some insecure manlet.

Obama could have nuked all of Africa & Niggers would still worship him

Fake news without even reading it. Soros only has a net worth of $8 Billion.

even if Stark goes to retirement to live with peper potts someday, the suit lives on

so i'm expecting this eventualy

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This suit looks like a shitty mech anime

film has a long way to go in order to catch up to literature in terms of representing strong, intelligent, proud afro americxn characters

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Everything produced by Disney is 100% written and directed via marketing teams and focus groups. The only reason they hire writers and directors is because of unions and because it just kind of looks bad in general if your film has no actual director or writers in the credits.

They've shitcanned that idea, Riri got all Starks' shit taken off her.

>Tony Start


>thinking sub-saharans have anything value to contributes to the planet

Adorable. Simply adorable. It's like, why abuse a retarded puppy?

Tony will literally give up his position of iron man to a nigress after infinity wars, disney has no reason to keep paying gorillions to RDJ, people don't like him that much

Damn, that’s unironically Based.

Because they don’t really have control in many situations. They are given plot lines and told to make them work. That fag wasn’t sitting around brainstorming a plot, Disney have him an outline and he stitched it together.

>President is vapid and unintelligent
>A character in a movie from 9 years ago couldn't be made today
I shouldn't even get angry anymore but it's deeply disturbing to me that people seemingly take these meme opinions seriously

Interesting read

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>Tony Start

Drumpf ruined the world

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jaja el bar sinson