Capeshits are dead

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Wow it only took 10 years and inflated ticket prices to beat a movie from 2008!! Congrats Marvel!!

It's a case of one of the best movies of the MCU getting bolstered by a lack of competition and perfect marketing. Totally earned.

>its been 10 years since TDK came out

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>Le Creatura nation get's BLACKED
and idiots here thought this film would fail.

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Sounds like it's doing better than ever for some reason

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in most of the world it's doing better than ragnarok

really makes you think

what's black panther
is that a cam newton biopic or something

>The Dark Knight: $666,185,359
>Black Panther: $562,015,601
>The Avengers (highest grossing MCU film): $702,364,007

These are the inflation adjusted numbers. Black Panther is reaching $600 million before the end of its run. The question is whether or not its legs will carry anywhere near $700 million.

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Just another shitty comic book adaptation made by a Jew that makes Negroids with an inferiority complex and their handlers feel good.

I think we've reached the peak, it can really only go down from here. Seriously though, BP had an ungodly amount of hype and a really aggressive ad campaign online, what else could they possibly do for the next movies? No one's even talking about the Avengers, I think the hype train blew it's load with BP. I could be wrong but I think the masses will start to get more and more cape fatigue in the next year.

Superhero crossovers have been seeing depreciating returns since The Avengers' $1.5 billion back in 2012. Seriously, each one has been made less than the previous. Civil War only made $1.1 billion in 2016 and Justice League didn't even hit $700 million last year. Black Panther will likely reach $1.2 billion by the end of its run. But that came with the perfect alignment of circumstances (first black big budget film in forever, no competition, black history month, excellent marketing) and Infinity War doesn't nearly have that much hype behind it.

Funny how not that long ago Sup Forums was saying there was no hype for Black Panther because everyone was so focused on Infinity War, and then look what happens...

I just wouldn't count out that movie just yet, senpai.

Even after being btfo by BP, you're doubting Marvel? Wow.


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la creatura es no gringo

>pornstar wears tasteless tshirt
yeah im so mad

>tfw black but pretty average, almost small dick

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bottom barrel as expected

>stay cucked, dcuck

>whiteboi larping


>Funny how not that long ago Sup Forums was saying there was no hype for Black Panther because everyone was so focused on Infinity War
Who said that? There was a lot of hype leading up to BP.
Never doubted it'd be successful. Especially with no competition. But making over a billion is a real accomplishment. Only other solo MCU film to do that is Iron Man 3

>Who said that?

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>Ask about hype.
>Only one talking about hype before the actual hype happened over a bunch cherry picked post about flopping.
Your technique is getting weaker.

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Ayo dis gon be da combacc f4m

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>Marvel's "best" movie is literally WE WUZ KANGS 'N SHIT overhyped diversity flick, but somehow it is DChads who got cucked

Really makes me think.

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inflation is a capitalist lie to trick people into poverty, so go back to Sup Forums

b-but Sup ForumsSup Forums told me it was a flop because muh niggers and joos

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nooooo how do we recover bros its not fair!!1
Trump help
kek help!!

>10 years of capeshit
>Looks like there is more to come

Fuck me lads I just cant seem to care anymore, oh wait of course I feel this way it's been ten fucking years..

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good it's a better movie

>one capeshit movie is replaced by another capeshit movie in the list of capeshit movies that make money

The only people who care about this are capemongs, you fucking peado

You guys told me nobody would watch niggers.. now niggers are going to take over.... How can a fucking porch monkey bring in more money than the god damn bat man?

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>sister listening to the black panther album non stop since seeing it
>basically just muh dick shit with kendrick lamar
it's over, the one person i still cared about in this world fell for the nigger meme

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Again, stay cucked and blame marvel about your master's failures.

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Im fucking serious dude. I'm mixed tho so make of that what you will. If I lost weight I guess I'd be above average but I'm only gaining again

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