Do you think there is any slight chance of her carrying on her career as an actress after Nuwars trilogy?

Do you think there is any slight chance of her carrying on her career as an actress after Nuwars trilogy?

Attached: star-wars-the-last-jedi-first-woman-of-color-kelly-marie-tran-rose__oPt.jpg (580x347, 25K)

she is fat


Maybe, she can be a fat comedy actress like Melissa. I think casting a fat Asian woman is the best way of inciting white roasties' sense of superiority.

her head alone looks like it weighs 60lbs.

Nice Laura Roslin cosplay on the right.

she looks like mindy kaling, I imagine her career will go the same way as hers
never watched anything with either of them in it so I don't know whether that's considered a success


I had a dream tbat she spent the night with me and we wome up together. I need to stop browsing /tvt/ before bed.

I want to see her with hairy arms, pits, and legs first, then I can decide. She also looks like she'd have a really hairy asshole.

I heard she was only in star wars because she won a spot on the movie in some fan based entry thing

maybe not some netflix show but why the fuck would they hire her when thare are cheaper, prettier no name asian actresses

She'll go back to acting in shitty youtube videos

Attached: rose_period.jpg (886x694, 100K)

She'll probably get at least one other fairly major project. Better hope it's good and she doesn't fuck it up.

She will be the essential quirky best friend in rom coms.

Possibly quirky best friend in some TV show for women like Gilmore girls.

Hopefully in porn

>she won a spot on the movie in some fan based entry thing
That makes a hell of a lot more sense than them just choosing her, but that is still insane.

She can do mad tv bobby lee parodies

She will play Mulan in the remake

Rush hour 4

But she must lose weight

whatever she does I'm sure it'll be oscar-worthy

Attached: kmtrap.jpg (1108x600, 83K)

>people actually make videos like this
>people actually watch them
>probably don't use adblock
>money is being made

Among actors, any paid job is considered a success.

No, they actually spent months casting Rose (like 3 months until Kelly was informed she got the part). Quite impressive, considering that the character was so unnecessary in the end.

No even a hope in hell.

It doesn't matter. she already did more than you will do in your life.


Yeah. She'll be quippy, diverse best friend in some shitcom. That's about the extent of the roles that chubby, unattractive asians can obtain in Hollywood.

christ no she was aweful

Thought the same too

shes a babe

I don't see any of them having careers after the trilogy
Except Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac


Looks like Boyega's made the move to other shit already, can't say I'm particularly fond of him but he'll probably be okay career wise.


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that dick.... my god just perfect

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I don't think she's fat but she has a really unattractive face. I hate to call her ugly but she's just ugh looking at her.

I'd Porg her

It's nu-hollywood. There are probably people running around over there wanting to make a Gladiator remake where she plays the Spaniard or Caesar.