That one actor whose death will completely destroy you

That one actor whose death will completely destroy you.

What's their name, Sup Forums?

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Nathan Fielder

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Clint without a doubt.

william shatner, patrick stewart, and ian mckellen

Anthony Hopkins.

>being this attached to people you don't even know


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>Bill probably started this thread so he could have a bunch of people say nice things about him and that they'll miss him when he passes

It's true though, we'll miss you Bill

He's 80 bros

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Not actors but directors.
>Michael Haneke
>Roy Andersson
The only two truly great directors that are still working. I know they will die before me and they day they are both gone will be the day my faith in cinema will vanish.


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shiit, good pick, though he's gotta another 30 in the tank fo sure

This. When arnie goes itll be in the news for a month. Last big celebrity to go was michael jackson. Arnie will dwarf his media shitstorm

These are good candidates, but they won't destroy me

imagine losing clint and caine in one year

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I wouldn't say destroy but Kevin Sorbo's death may hit me hard. Hercules was my role model growing up.

Rowan Atkinson.

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McKellen would be alright purely to make it harder to justify any further attempts to fuck with the LOTR franchise.

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>whose death will completely destroy you
that's only reserved for family and pets tbqh

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more than just actors

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Are you guys so emotionally attached to people that you've never met, that you would actually bereave them?

You do realize that A-listers like Arnold and Clint would never give you a second of their day to shake your hand or sign an autograph?

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It's depressing that all these old men I grew up watching in the movies are dying off.

Tom hanks

>That one actor whose death will completely destroy you.

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Whether I go first or he does it will always haunt me that I never got to be his gf (male).

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wait, isn't he already dead?

It was James Gandolfini. My brother wrote me a text at like 6 in the morning about it. I was really sad all day.

Gal Gadot

oy vey it'll be like another shoah


I was sad when I found out Gandolfini died. It was about a month ago.


It'll just feel really uncomfortable, because he's an amazing actor, but he did some bad things. "'Mask Yousumtin" saying that Spacey was a bully on set was actually worse than hearing he's a child molester.

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Pic related and Larry David

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John Cleese

Dubs guy

>brendan fraser
Yeah, it would completely destroy my sides.

Oh that’s right, some parts of the world eat their animal compatriots

The guy who played Count Dooku.

Uhhh, I'm guessing this is bait, but if it's not, he's already dead....

It already happened for me.

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Malcolm McDowell

Rip in piece mister doubt fire

Destroy me. None

You don't know these actors personally.Sure the death of my childhood hero actors( Arnold, Stallone etc) would make me 'sad' for a bit. But that's about it.

>says none

>then lists some meathead actors

I don't know about "die" but in this psychotic censorship-crazy #meetoo-verbal-abuse-of-a-woman-yall-is-racist-for-serving-me-ribs-at-a-bbq world. Death can come from above at any moment.

>His show was canceled this afternoon
>PBS has removed his show and all past episodes from their website

>You used the N-word in a show!
I am a voice actor and I was just following the script
>Why did you agree to be in the show then?


this desu
he's a bit of a faggot but a truly legendary human

Steve Buscemi

>How come he don't want me, man?

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This and also nice get

Nice get.

Brb necking myself

you mean bowie

Not him but yes.


not even fucking around

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Mel Gibson


Didn't his daughter turn gay and die because he made too many movies?

Not sure if I would cry or laugh if he hanged himself

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nope, she was depressed because >muh race and
>muh adoptive parents

hapas commit seppuku

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Does he have an actual kid?

Would propose to as a Mexican
Adrian Voit.

While sort of not an actor, this is the one that hit me the hardest. The world became a worse place when he died. He was what was good and right in the world.

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from wikipedia
>Snyder has eight children. The four eldest, Olivia, Willow, Autumn, and Eli, are from his first marriage to Denise Weber. Willow and Autumn were adopted from China. Two younger sons, Ezekiel and Jett Elin, are from his relationship with Kirsten Elin, who was his line producer on commercials for a while.[1] Snyder and his current wife Deborah adopted two children during the course of making Man of Steel.

Mads Mikkelsen

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Billy Herrington

Crocodile Dundee 2.0?

The less retarded Australian hicks on my 720p the better.

This but unironically

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Tom "guaranteed kino" Cruise

hes a fucking legend

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Acquiring so many kids that odds are one will probably die.

>t. never had kids

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The little cunts die or become intolerable faggots.


I don't care enough about actors for their deaths to impact me but probably Mark Hamill because he embodies my childhood more than anything.

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>I don't care
>lists the only one hit wonder actor in the universe

It already happened,Rik Mayall and Christopher Lee

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Doug Stanhope

>Dad is yellow.
>Only has one yellow kid.

Enjoy your cuck manual

he also starred in a movie called legend.

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It was Alan Rickman. I was so upset, fuck cancer, FUCK cancer.

Not really an actor, But he doesnt have long does he

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He's a living joke and will be remembered as one (if he's remembered at all) when he dies.

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>he doesnt have long does he

prohibitively hard to answer. on the one hand he's a very old man on the other he's still knocking stuff out with his brain unimpaired and in a comparatively sturdy state of health

Hideo pls

Sorry Sly, I'll not be back.