Imagine being the fat brother

Imagine being the fat brother.

Attached: Arnold vs sons at 19.jpg (1441x825, 308K)

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The fat brother has a way more attractive face, the spic looks like he has downs

this, what a waste.

You know how I know you're fat?

Imagine living the high life on your brother's money, except you have to put zero effort in desperately preserving fleeting, eventually withering good looks.

>the spic looks like he has downs
Like his father?

Attached: arnold-son-t.jpg (1025x514, 160K)


Attached: 13rm1o.jpg (236x199, 9K)

Do you think the fatty ever gets jealous of his spic half-brother? I wonder if they've even met.

the juan virgin vs the chad beaner

Kinda looks like a fat and tall (or just regular height) Jon Snow.

I am the fat brother.

Why are white boys so mad that Arnold's bean is superior?


he's bulking

Do they ever meet I wonder, does arnold invite his side kids to family gatherings. Is the fat son's fatness connected to the break up of his parents marriage or was he fat before that. So many questions.

Also will we ever get a king conan film and will arnold's ripped son get to play young arnold in flashbacks.

I know that the fat one and side kid are only a week apart in age

The beaner son is his favourite

Attached: Arnold-Schwarzenegger-Sohn-Joseph-Oktoberfest.jpg (640x640, 99K)

That is pretty fucked. I wonder why he did it, the side chick is not really particularly attractive, I imagine his Kennedy wife was cold and frigid like a mad men wife so she could've been warm and loving. Or maybe arnold has a compulsion to spread his seed like a Tudor king, knowing that his first born son would be a chub who can't carry on the line or some shit. Did he ever say why he did it.

>Sup Forums

Because Arnold is a man, and fucks whatever and whenever he wants.

So this is the power...of race mixing

Where are they in that one? I can truthfully say I never expected to see Arnold wearing a Tyrolean costume.

>Tyrolean costume.
It's just Lederhosen and they were at the Oktoberfest

>a compulsion to spread his seed like a Tudor king

black dude in tub.gif


white, rich
what else do you need?

This sort of relates to a fantasy i have. I want to travel round the world impregnating women and then dipping out like a basketball American but then i come back into their lives after twenty or so years and all my estranged offspring are wildly successful people and they embrace me into their lives.

based Pabla

Attached: based Pabla.png (127x238, 52K)

>be son of a housekeeper
>you've never met your real father
>sometimes mom takes you to Mr. Schwarzenegger's house and he's always nice to you
>one day you come home from school
>Arnold is sitting on the couch with your mom
>"Patrick, we need to talk...son."
>tears fill your eyes
>Arnold...I mean Dad...tells you about how a man can be emotionally faithful but still physically stray and that it doesn't mean he never loved you
>he starts teaching you to lift weights and crush pussy
>become Arnold 2.0

It's like a fairytale

I think that's typical male instinct.

He has his father's ears

Pablo's sister Rosa Maria at the back.

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Holy shit based

his face says "please don't take a picture of my fat tits"


*sigh* I thought we would've grown out of caveman-like behavior like that in 2018...

>one son has had mind poisoned by kennedy angry mother
>fat worthless mess
>one son was raised by a loving mother and only wants to know his dad
>seems like a genuinely happy and motivated dude

soyboy cuck pls go

You can feel arnold channelling his life force into Arnoldito and feeding of his youthful energy and lust for knowledge and power
>finally the son I've always wanted

Hehe, yea...imagine being the fat brother....

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Arnold's genuine mistake was thinking his wife was half the person he was. The only reason we even know he had an illegitimate son was because he came forward after confessing at church and being guilt tripped into realizing he really couldn't live like this.

The maid kept quiet. His wife basically threw a shitfit and aired all their dirty laundry in public and dragged his name through the mud as much as she could.

But fuck it, his illegitimate sons is his best progeny. Something even better came out of the whole ordeal, imo.

so become a sperm donor

this is so sad, the fat one would be a literal 10/10 chad if he just fucking lost some weight

But read deep into your local laws about that first.

You don't want to wake up one day with an 18 year old on your doorstop asking for money, and getting it.

I would like to see this, the fat, spoilt and decadent son grows to despise the low born son, who is obviously superior physically and mentally, and his relationship with his father. He will do anything to ruin him and this is the overarching theme of the film/series/etc.

Well if you go through a sperm bank you aren't legally liable but if you're a risk taker...

How shit do you think the fat fuck feels when he sees these happy pics of his father and his half-brother?

Depends on where you live, iirc in germany the offspring has the right to know who their father is.

There was even a case where the donor had to pay a bunch of shit to the kid.

I mean I would be pretty miffed if I got cucked for 18 years under my nose and elite women are known for their vindictiveness, I could see why she was angry, I can also see why his maid/side chick would bang arnold who was a literal superman at the time.
What I don't understand is why he chose his housekeeper and not some supermodel or something; was it lack of affection, her warm coca love where he was lacking, his need to spread his Austrian oats, he was just bored, something else. This is the only missing piece of the puzzle.

If you're German you've got bigger problems.

Well have we seen any pictures of her when she was younger?

didn't super handsome patrick's brother become thin?

lefty is bulking
righty is going for swimmer-mode

100% he was home alone with the housekeeper, was horny and decided fuck it, lets get it on, any holes a goal after all.

>ywn have a cheat day at the oktoberfest after doing mad dead weight with Arnold.

Let Billy Rednuts explain it for you

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>Choose a super hot wife to breed with, get a fat beardlet son
>Pound El Goblino maid because you are a degenerate 65 year old Austrian, get a handsome son

God is the biggest rustler

Right is a chipolte of the old block.

The fat one would look good if he lost weight though, like, not even go to gym or put effort into a diet to reduce body%, just losing weight

>haha what's even the point lmao

>english forum

Its Leather Pants