Why was the only reason I watched this movie not in the movie? Sup Forums you tricked me again

Why was the only reason I watched this movie not in the movie? Sup Forums you tricked me again

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>tfw constantly seeing this bait picture everywhere trying to trick me to watch it
>the bed reviews make me think otherwise

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why the fuck would you watch threads unless you want to have an existential crisis?

I loved the bit where they played the oasis song even tho it was quite out of place

Don't watch this fucking movie, it will fuck you up. Don't do it. Do NOT do it user. Just the OP picture alone is giving me the shakes.

>the bed reviews make me think otherwise
not sure if typo or reference to that one part

I think we ought to watch only the kind of movies that wound or stab us. If the movie we're watching doesn't wake us up with a blow to the head, what are we watching it for? So that it will make us happy, as you say? Good Lord, we would be happy precisely if we had no movies, and the kind of movies that make us happy are the kind we could make ourselves if we had to. But we need movies that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A movie must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.
This is my belief.

>Not doing a double feature

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>non Southern Englishmen will never experience the joy of watching Northerners get what they deserved

it's a great antidote for all of those american fifties films that tried to pretend nuclear war would be over in half an hour and the radiation would die down in about a month.

> this is the skeleton of a cat
> this is a cat's skeleton

"Bleedin' Northern monkeys!"

> bloody Southern fairies!

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I watched it and the entire second half is a nonstop emotional manipulation. Fuck, you don't even need an atomic apocalypse, just make a highlights video of the terrible moments in the life of some literally who untouchable Indian kid and the audience is going to end up feeling the same.

>yfw you realize that all life on earth is essentially in the hands of a few hundred bureaucrats

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Aye, watch When The Wind Blows instead.

What's this?

All life on Earth is in the hands of the Earth itself.
One wrong move and we're all dead, even the rich turboJews are dead.

I thought people watched this movie to be filled with a sense of dread and despair, and to realize that the feeling of control over our lives and the threads that tie us together are a brief and fragile illusion. I didn't think about any of this shit before I watched Threads, actually, but watching it is like getting stabbed in the gut. It's "Anti-comfy" kino.

Darude Sandstorm

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It's just misery porn tho.
The only comparison I can think of is The Road, but that movie had an actual underlying theme of preserving humanity in the dace of the apocalypse.
This is just "what if the world went to shit"

Hes in literally three frames of film I think.

That's a nice bit of wanky nonsense. Never mind that the themes in Threads are actually real, and still relevant.

Not him and it's not. Threads is a deliberate attempt to scare people into being anti-nuclear.

Well some concepts like nuclear winter are probably exaggerated (or outright false), but in general it's a rather accurate representation.

Great film. I'm a Yorkshire lad myself so it resonated massively.

Are you pro-nuclear war? Fucking mentalist spastic.

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You can do more with nuclear than make bombs and weapons. That's like saying if you use petrol than you are pro-invading iraq.

You're the one being dense enough to correlate an anti-nuclear annihilation film, a somewhat agreeable position, with being some kind of Greenpeace anti-nuclear power propaganda.

Would I get anything out of this if I'm a burger

I'm a wop not a mutt btw

A ruined afternoon and a couple of days of existential dread. Watch it, it's brilliant.

>tfw live in Sheffield for uni

Dropping a bomb would improve this place

>the only reason I watched this movie not in the movie?
the underage sex scene is at the end

What really gets me is how depressing life in pre-war Sheffield looks as well. God, the UK is a morbid shithole.

Maybe there is another way. Some sort of third position?

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Don't be racist user

>God, the UK is a morbid shithole.

Which is why it's one of the world's largest tourist destinations.

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The movie is obviously about the bombs.

*Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way*

Only an idiot would argue for one-sided nuclear disarmament and collective nuclear disarmament is impossible because MAD.

>yorkshire voted best place in europe two years in a row

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Long live Essex, lads!

The grim silence for years after the bombs dropped always got to me in this. Does no one have an old acoustic guitar to bang out some tunes with?