What's the moral of this movie?

what's the moral of this movie?

Attached: American-History-X-1998-Edward-Norton.png (1280x720, 494K)

Minorities are bad people

Its not okay to be white

doesn't really have one or address any of the issues it brought up

he was right all along

Niggers are violent

it's what happens when you find a stranger in the alps.

Be white, and you will go to prison.
Be white, and you will be raped some time in your life.
Be white, and you will let your family down.
Be white, and you will turn on those you once loved.
Be white, and you will die.

You guys have been looking at this lib kino all wrong.

>Stomp a nigger's head when you get the chance
>You can hate black people all your life and then instantly renounce your beliefs when a bunch of white criminals rape you
>Renouncing your hatred is pointless because soon someone will make you remember why you hated them in the first place

A nigger is a person and not a skin color

>tfw non-black nigger tier people

Violence begets violence
I know Sup Forums is sub 80 IQ, but this is pretty straightforward

life would just be easier if non whites didnt exist

Niggers are violence

violence is cyclical

Around blacks dont relax

The circumstances of one's upbringing largely determine their perspective and actions later in life, making their ideals largely predetermined and not their control
Prove me wrong.

Whites can stop acting like niggers, but niggers won't stop acting as niggers

Niggers and Jews, bad news.

the 13th amendment was a mistake

This is a black film. The film is literally a story about how a white man fell in love with a black man. The last scene represents a white guy in a toilet, and a black guy unloading in his face, the whole thing was black homoerotica, but the audience is too dumb to pick up on this.

Karma is the 4th Universal Law.

life in the US is hell

Couldve worded it smarter

Don’t cast Ed Norton because he will ghost edit your film to give himself more screen time and ultimately fuck the movie up

What are the first 3?

You'd be surprised how polite and friendly they are, until you get shot because you didn't tip.

All of these replies are stupid

The moral of the movie is that hatred, intolerance, and violence is cyclical and seldom harms those who are truly guilty, and even those who are maybe more human than you give credit for. The death of the boy at the end is senseless, but was caused by racially charged bullying

It's also worth noting the film was cut to shit and didn't resemble it's original form much, the director tried to get his name pulled off it


>All of these replies are stupid
Bullshit, the film is a mockery of white nationalists falling in love with black people, the film is black like a Black Comedy.


Why didnt he join the Nazis in the prison?

He did, then he found out they were cutting deals with the black and Spanish gangs and selling drugs. They weren't practicing what they preached. Basically they didn't hate black people enough for him.
No, it's about a white nationalist learning a black man can be human

>Why didnt he join the Nazis in the prison?
In a way, they joined him.

It's been a long time since I watched it, but I think this is true. The moral is "life's a bitch then you die"

Being fucked up the ass turns you into a liberal soygoy

This, moral of the story is don't get fucked in the ass

gas all jews

he was a bit looney

>Let's just say that I was not what you'd call "user friendly". I understand now that when someone offers advice, you shouldn't flare up and throw some prima-donna hissy fit. Better to come up with answers to their questions - or to lie and say you'll give it some thought. I couldn't grasp that.

>Their first reaction after I bawled them out was to ban me from the cutting room. Eventually they let me in. At one point, they even let Norton work on the editing. I was so staggered by what he was doing to my film, and by the fact that New Line approved, that I punched the wall and broke my hand.

>Whenever I argued with Norton, I didn't have a leg to stand on. He could wipe the floor with me because he's a great articulator. My problem all through American History X was that I could never tell anyone what I wanted to do with the film. Sometimes I didn't even know myself. More often, I was so intimidated by the process that I went into meltdown if I wasn't left alone to work things out. Of course, if you actually listened to what Norton was saying, you could hear that none of it made sense in film-making terms: that's not his forte, as you'll know if you saw the movie that he directed, Keeping the Faith. "Pretty fucking awful" hardly covers that one.

>When I realised that this cut was being released, I went into a kind of mania. Not that I hadn't already kissed goodbye to rational behaviour. I had hired a priest, a rabbi and a Buddhist monk to sit in on a meeting between myself and the studio executive Michael De Luca at New Line. The priest, the rabbi and the monk hadn't seen the film, but I wanted them at the meeting to lighten it. I told them, "You don't have to be on my side, but if you want to say something in there, just come out with it." They were totally bewildered. It sounds preposterous now, but I was looking for some help from God - anything that would give me the 10 extra weeks I needed to recut the picture

I support this moral.

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