What are the critics missing? how can there be such a disconnect between the critic score and audience score?

what are the critics missing? how can there be such a disconnect between the critic score and audience score?

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Because modern day critics have to see a deeper meaning in everything. Just take a look at Bright.

Just looked up the reviews and wtf? This was easily a 7.5/10

yeah I just finished watching it and I was thoroughly impressed. Something about Leto's character pulled me in

Netflix is a major THREAT to Hollywood.

Obviously all the (((critics))) are paid to give harsher reviews.

what, how in the fuck would you not see real world allegory in Bright. i'm pretty sure Will Smith talked about taking the role specifically because of that in interviews

it was just a mediocre movie with lazy world-building that didn't know what it was trying to say about anything

There is no real world allegory for fantasy monsters living in the modern day.

they mostly just hate "white male fantasies" like this. especially when it involves white men and asian women banging

do you actually think they would've given it a pass if it came from another studio?

The Mouse fears Netflix.

They're all paid shills. After seeing TLJ get nothing but 90s for the first couple of weeks how is this not glaringly obvious? It's a racket.

...was it kino?

Critics score would be at least 40% higher if it wasn’t a “white male power fantasy”.It’s not a great movie but it isn’t as bad as these critics are making out.I’d be interested to see the reaction in Japan, I think it would be quite different.

it's a movie about racist cops in LA that's almost exactly like real world LA other than there being two new made up races.

honest question: are you dumb?

have you ever been to LA?

escape from LA looks like a documentary compared to bright

it was kino

Critics forgot that their job is to judge a film on its technical qualities. They're using their knowledge of film and cinema to create a personality around their own styles of writing. I blame Roger Ebert for starting the trend of film critics inserting themselves into the review because it started the trend of big critics who will do or say anything to be famous.

I watched it, it was ok

>Critics forgot that their job is to judge a film on its technical qualities.
stopped reading there.

ban this guy

What did Leto do to end up in a Chinese prison?

Nobody wants to know what your personal feelings about certain actors, and film directors are. The reader just want to know if the film is watchable.