Is this the most right wing Hollywood blockbuster ever made?

Is this the most right wing Hollywood blockbuster ever made?

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>right wing

birth of a nation

Only retarded sheep prescribe to left v right ideology.

>he hasnt seen angry birds

Defending borders is racist

Anything that glorifies masculinity these days is right wing.

This also glorifies western civilization.

These are things that aren't acceptable in today's society.

Not OP, but if I had to guess
>against racemixing
>personal freedoms are glorified yet allegiance to the government is portrayed as something noble
>set gender roles
>"toxic" masculinity saves the day
>bros being bros
>everyone is not equally good at everything and that's a fact

>everything in my life must be tied to my political views
Such is the sad existence of Amerimutt

>hollywood and the vocal minority make up society

Man the Orcs really let themselves go

Attached: 300.2006.BluRay.1080p.x264.YIFY_4.webm (1200x500, 2.92M)

Democracy was a mistake


Spartans fucked boys and each other all the time

Read Xenophon, the Spartans didn't do that

Yeah, spartans in particular had very strong opinion on personal freedom and pro-life...oh wait

>hollywood doesn't influence part of our lives
Are you living under a rock?

>masculinity and sexuality are the same thing

>Spartans fucked boys
WTF where can I sign up?

Rambo First Blood: Part Two is

It's a an adaptation of a Frank Miller comic book and his political views are definitely pretty right wing.
Also directed by Zack Snyder who's likely a libertarian that leans right.

Actually the spartans were the least fond of boyfucking among all the Greeks.

Attached: Screenshot_20180312-113440.jpg (479x738, 208K)

Xenophon was a fraud, Thucydides is considered a legitimate source.

thats irrelevant. sjws and the far left make up well under 33% of the population. that hardly constitutes all of society.

that'd be drive

>Ruled by women

What could be more masculine then that?

>all the time
yet they managed to have the manliest army of their time and were unmatched in CQC. all because they were faggots, all the time, right user?

I do believe you are confusing camaraderie and the sex between some soldiers with rampant homosexuality. They did not see it the same way back then because it was not as frequent as it is in your mind, and on the plus side it created some powerful dynamics in the battlefield.

Being the closet faggot that you are, ask yourself this; would you fight to the death to protect the one you love/like who is literally right next to you in the phalanx? I bet you would you little faggot so there is nothing wrong with that when it does happen, is there?

>t. user is confused once again

Attached: get_a_load_of_this_pleb.jpg (540x720, 54K)

it doesn't get more masculine than that

>faggot wants some of that and is bitter he can't have it
>labels everyone as fags

Attached: 1454688276958.jpg (682x600, 225K)

>the Athenian who actually visited Sparta and knew what Spartans were like is a fraud
homo lies 101

Athenians were fine with homofags, Xenophon liked Spartans, why would he lie about Spartans not being homofags if the Spartans were openly homofags like the Athenians?

The Spartans were the least gay of the Greeks for much of their history.

Its Neoconservative propaganda by well known Neoconservative israel-lover Frank miller, trying to drum up war with iran.

You're 12 years old and dont know anything you retard. What a surprise you dont know who Milius is.

>right wing
>bunch of closet faggots
Sounds about right

As if the general public is even aware that Persia is what Iran used to be known.

>left wing
>not faggots
Something is wrong here

Are americans really that stupid?

Yes. Most Europoors are equally clueless though. It's just generic desert empire #38959

>against racemixing
I don't remember this part.

Yeah, your logic.

Left wing politicians have their creepy pedos and right wing politicians have their grindr using closet cases

Wait a minute, could you elaborate?

I feel like I'm unlearning the 'ALL THE SPARTANS WERE GAY AND FUCKED BOYS' thing.

What happened to the whole 'when they got married the woman shaved her head and went into a dark room to be like a boy' to get her husband off and all that shit?


Well, it changes historical facts (it presents extremely authoritarian Sparta as the land of the free and noble despite the fact that it was Persia that at the time cultivated personal freedom, not to mention presenting Sparta as noble, honourable nation of people who will rather perish than abandon their culture and freedom, yet some time after Thermopile they joined Persia and attacked other Greek cities) to fit a pro-Western narrative.