*rewrites history to make Gawker seem like the good guy and victim blames Hogan*

*rewrites history to make Gawker seem like the good guy and victim blames Hogan*

nothin' personal, kiddo

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Other urls found in this thread:


>leftists lie
and water is wet

>*refuses court order to take down illegally obtained pornographic blackmail footage*
>*gets sued*

Peter Thiel unironically did nothing wrong.

I need a rundown on this, all articles that show up on google say the documentary is in the right.

I don't even know but I'll take a guess. Gawker are a bunch of TMZ gossiping fucks that had a video of Hulk Hogan fucking and decided to host it. Hogan, a little embarrassed perhaps but still entirely based, sued the shit out of them and now gawker doesn't exist. Now Perez Hilton or some fag made a documentary saying how Hulk Hogan has a tiny dick, and it must be true because it's a documentary guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good stuff is in the beginning so don't worry.


Gawker posts Hogan's sex video that was filmed secretly without his consent.
Judge orders them to take it down since they're breaking the law.
They refuse on grounds of free speech or some such (even though the same site claimed leaking female celeb nudes was tantamount to rape).
Hogan sues and Thiel pays for Hogan's court expenses because Gawker outed Thiel as being gay when he wanted that to be kept private.
Hogan wins because Gawker clearly broke the law and the judge awards him a shit ton of money which kills Gawker.
Leftshits cry foul because Thiel is a conservative even though he and Hogan, quite literally, did absolutely nothing wrong whereas Gawker BROKE THE FUCKING LAW.

Nobody sides with the kikes on this one, movie or not. Don't sweat it.

I love a good revenge story.

Adding to this, the fact that they got the absolute maximum penalty for acting like retards in court (saying they would be fine with hosting CP and comparing themselves to holocaust victims for being sued)

Couldn’t have happened to a better group of people. The only thing I miss about Gawker is trolling their writers in the comments section. The shitty leftist writers just couldn’t help themselves but respond.

>gawker buys sex tape with hogan, puts up salacious clips
>hogan's original lawyers tell them to take it down
>gawker says no
>judge tells them to take it down
>gawker says no
>peter thiel, billionaire and gawker hater, secretly funds hogan's new lawyers to bury gawker
>case takes place in florida which is favorable to thiel and hogan
>gawker defeats themselves when the original article writer jokes in a deposition that posting a child's sextape would be fine
>florida jury rules against them, basically bankrupts them in $100m+ verdict
>gawker cries about free speech after the fact

the thing that nobody likes to admit is that no one was in the right. thiel is a gigantic asshole for holding a grudge all these years, denton is an asshole for outing him originally and thinking they're immune to legal threats as independent media (lol), hogan is an asshole for not bowing out of the public spotlight and being thiel's fuckboi, gawker staff are assholes for basically being tabloid writers with crippling college debt.

I especially love Thiel's revenge. Though Hogan may have won without his help; he still wanted to help him destroy Gawker as much as he could. I don't understand it, but I think it's pretty fucked up outing homos when they want to keep that shit private. In fact it makes me respect Thiel considering the average fag never seems to shut the fuck up about being a fag.

>written and directed by Brian Knappenburger

>thiel is a gigantic asshole for holding a grudge all these years,
Absolutely nothing wrong with holding a grudge. Gawker-types were smug as fuck in their anti-white-male agendas for the last 10 years. I will support any billionaire who uses his money to destroy leftist institutions (see: Donald Trump)

I will never feel sorry for the destruction of leftist institutions. They are the enemy in every sense of the word. They can all burn.

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>break the law
>told to stop breaking the law
>go to court even though you are obviously in the wrong


In no way imaginable was Hogan an asshole about anything in this.

but he said nigger once or something

he saw $$$ signs in exchange for the total destruction of a business
taking the tape down and/or getting a small settlement would have been different.

>taking the tape down and/or getting a small settlement would have been different.
They refused to take the tape down and it was the judge who decided the settlement. You are a fucking retard if you think Hogan or Thiel were in the wrong in any way, shape or form.

I wouldn't go so far as to call Gawker a business.

>thiel is a gigantic asshole for holding a grudge all these years
Bullshit, he was entirely in the right. If someone had pulled that shit with me, I'd be pissed off too

do you think proxy suing writers using limitless amounts of cash because they hurt your feelings is ok

What are some movies about two strangers with different interests teaming up for a common good?

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Yes I do.

>Hurt your feelings
Broke the law*

>hurt your feelings
>trying to make out that outing someone who didn't want to be is just 'hurting their feelings'

so the documentary about clickbait getting it's shit pushed in is also clickbait?

I'm sure he meant in Thiel's case, but it doesn't matter. Thiel nor Hogan broke any laws. Gawker brought their own destruction down on themselves.

>out you while your traveling in a country where being gay literally gets you the death penalty
also protip: dont flagrantly break the law and act like total fucking retard and you wont lose your media conglomorate.

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Thiel was outed while in Saudi Arabia. Quite possibly the worst place to be outed.

>we have a large sum of money so we can bury Hogan in this lawsuit!
>Hogan has a benefactor that has even more money
>Wait a second! This isn't fair!

Just because no one was in the right does not mean everyone was equally wrong. Gawker was so totally in the wrong it made hogan look right simply by comparison.

where's that video about gay muslim little boy gangbang when it's needed

So what does the documentary do to make Gawker seem like the good guys?

Gawker was tabloid trash of the worst kind. The stolen tape lead to Hulk Hogan being fired and blacklisted by WWE, they removed every mention of him.

If you post a sextape of a woman online without her permission that is literally rape now and you can go to jail for it. Gawker is lucky they just went backrupt. They probably could have even used the same revenge porn laws that they used to fuck up that other dude if they wanted.

why? because he had sex with a woman?

Basically makes it seem like an attack on freedom of the press, despite Gawker's complete hypocrisy about white knighting women after the Fappening. Also makes it seem like Hulk was basically in the wrong but only won thanks to being bankrolled by Thiel. It's pathetically biased against guys who were completely in the right.

No, the stolen tapes are where Hulk saying nigger comes from.

>If someone had pulled that shit with me
You won't be, because you're a poor deluded republitard who thinks you're one lottery away from joining the country club.

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lol the democraps were literally saying Trump's tax break for Americans was tyranny and that a thousand extra dollars is crumbs for the average family.

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Holy Reddit Batman!

Gawker deserved to die. Utter garbage site and 'reporters', they serve free speech better dead than alive by not tainting it. Their trial only highlighted how fucking incompetent and unprofessional they were. A normal person would not joke about CP in a court of law, and yet that moron (AJ?) did and deservedly got slapped down hard.

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83 bucks a month is crumbs, yes.

Netflix is fake news and fake art.

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He was such a smug little fag in the trial, Gawker really was cancer.

Free speech buddy. First amendment to the constitution. I can say whatever I want to anybody at anytime and get away with it.

>literally used the MUH SIX GORILLION defence on the first day

Why was Gawker based in Budapest if it was allegedly started by Denton in an NYC apartment.

The. entirety of Gawkwr Media was a propaganda apparatus.

>video documentation of celebrity sexual abuse
>not newsworthy


Being flippant about showing child pornography does not make them great newsmen.

>Why was Gawker based in Budapest

The problem is that billionaires have the ability to destroy media organisations I guess?

I don't really agree with it though considering that posting someones sex tape without their consent is an incredibly fucked up thing to do - pretty sure that there will be revenge porn type laws in the future preventing this. Gawker tried their best to represent this entire thing as a 'free speech issue' but I don't think anyone really bought it.

It was funny to see the extremely well connected Gawker people get Netflix to promote this documentary. The entire thing came off as propaganda.

Funnily enough many people also talked about the double standard at the time of Gawker taking a strong stance on not publishing or linking to the celebrity nudes that were leaked during The Fappening yet somehow the leaked sex tape filmed without Hogans consent was fair game.

I'm pretty sympathetic to Thiels' reasons for suing too - they outed his homosexuality. At the time I don't think he was the most noteworthy person either, pretty sure he was just high up in a corporation.

So for all intents and purposes Gawker seemed to think it's okay to bully and harass people who were white, male and rich for what I assume are political reasons.

I'm actually taking the other angle. The fact they somehow think child celebrity sexual abuse would not be newsworthy in some instance makes them horrible newsmen.


sauce on that retarded court behaviour?

> thiel is a gigantic asshole for holding a grudge all these years
They outed him as gay when he didn't want to be. How is it being an asshole to be pissed off about that? They made themselves his enemy and he used legal means to get back at them.
>denton is an asshole for outing him originally and thinking they're immune to legal threats as independent media (lol)
having your writer joke about CP wasn't smart either
>hogan is an asshole for not bowing out of the public spotlight
Is Erin Andrews also an asshole for being famous and having a video of her naked in her hotel room released to the public? She also sued and got $55 million
>being thiel's fuckboi
Thiel helped him get justice. How is that being an asshole?
>gawker staff are assholes for basically being tabloid writers with crippling college debt.
also the CP

I think you're adding a bunch of context that isn't really present.

Sure. Cool story.

*sheistering intensifies*

and fucking kek at calling anything related to Gawker media a 'news organization.

Wouldn't a child sex tape under 4 years old be pretty big news?

Obviously you wouldn't show it, but it should definitely be reported to the police/reported on.

...what? wouldn't that be insanely newsworthy?

Post yfw Hulkamania ran wild all over Gakwer

Yes, which shows the flaw in his argument. There's a difference between reporting on a sex tape, and hosting it for everyone to see.

even jews job to the hulkster

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How can a sex tape of a 4 year old celebrity not have an ocean of context?


I can't really see a difference. Post a blurred version that allows for identification of participants, completely blow open pedowood, the billionaires responsible can't do shit.

Gawker media was nothing more than a ((())) bully pulpit.

And by ((())), I mean 5th column.

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>Director: Brian Knappenberger
every tiem

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The Hulkster did nothing wrong, fuck those guys

Peter Thiel is great and it is weird how they treat him and palantir like the devil. So many articles smearing him. He also was against the PC thing a long time ago. He literally wrote a book called "The Diversity Myth" back in his college days.
>he's evil. He enamed his company after that evil thing from LOTR!
Palantiri weren't evil you dummies. Lords of Gondor used them to monitor their domains a long time before Sauron seized control of one.
He just opposes the politics of professional journalists so he gets shit on by them.


Curious, what do you guys think the limit is to the right of free press?
Or should the press not even have rights?

To me, this issue is shady as fuck and I hate Gawker and all celebrity gossip bullshit, but I'm not sure how what they did would be illegal. It's not like it's defamation

>(((free press)))

One part of the saga I love is that Gawker streamed video of the court proceedings. They were believing so devoutly that they would be found in the right and look fantastic that they didn't consider how video like this could hurt their reputation.

Can someone explain to me why american lawsuits come down to whoever has the more money?

Sounds G*rman to me

>film you masturbating without your consent
>release it online
Yeah bro this is what the press is totally here for.

You think the elites would allow a fair justice system?

And (((Gawker Media))) had endless money

Don't kid yourself.

So gawker filmed it? That certainly changes the game.

Personally, I don't have problem with the full extent of free speech, even to the biggest leftie faggots out there, but didn't they post a sex video of his for which they had no right to? I'm pretty sure that's considered invasion of privacy and doesn't fall under the category of "free speech".

Tje limit would be when youstart lying.

Or when you start making the news....ie: mass shootings.

Freedom of speech is kind of dumb to be honest. Most things that people say are intellectual poison. We need a group of people smarter than us to decide what things are beneficial to talk about.

That's true anywhere though. More money = better and more lawyers. Only in clear cut cases where the little guy is obviously right will they win.


They ignored the boundaries of decency, ran afoul of the law, then declared themselves martyrs that were wanting to defend the first amendment when the law caught up to them.

>case takes place in florida which is favorable to thiel and hogan
Choosing a state court that’s likely to be favorable is a common practice for lawsuits. However, Gawker could have requested a change in venue. Thiel isn’t an asshole for fucking with someone who fucked with him first. And why wouldn’t Hogan accept when some billionaire offers to pay his court costs? He’d be a fool not to.

I think it depends on whether the act of publishing something illegally obtained is protected or not.

Again, gawker is seedy and Hogan had every reason to sue, but it sounds similar to things like leaked government documents and shit which the courts generally protect the media from repercussions if they report on then since they werent the ones to leak them.

>We need a group of people smarter than us to decide what things are beneficial to talk about.

Except how would that group of people be determined? It would either be a group of rich people just because they're rich or a populist moron who the moronic masses support.

Gawker is to journalism as Robot Chicken is to Star Wars

No we really don't and if you do you should kill yourself.

I've heard a bunch of people talk about the CP thing. Didn't hear about the holocaust thing but I don't doubt it.

the point of the free press is that they're allowed to invade famous people's privacy somewhat if doing so is considered to be a public good. for example they can go sniffing around for information on aspects of a politician's private life. what kind of stuff do they own? what is their income, what are their business interests? does what they say in private match what they say in public? and so on.

as a society we've decided that the right of a politician (or other powerful person) to privacy can be traded off somewhat against the right of the citizenry to know about who rules them. likewise for other powerful figures.

but spying on some celebrity having sex and releasing the tapes without their permission is not in the public interest -- it's just titillation. so, it doesn't count as protected speech.

They had every right to talk about the sex tape and its contents but no right to actually release it online, in my opinion. There's a major line between reporting the news and outright voyeurism but they were a hack clickbait site that didn't make that distinction. They deserved to die, especially for ignoring a court ruling to take it down.

>call someone a retarded nigger in the street
>get sued

I think there's a big fat Venn diagram overlap between the people here who think Gawker was in the wrong, and the people who think there's nothing wrong Deepfake pornography of celebrities.

If you're okay with one but not the other, why?

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They can make as many shit documentaries as they want, history won't change