Are there any movies shot exclusively from first-person? If not why?

Are there any movies shot exclusively from first-person? If not why?

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Video games

Yeah that one, what's it called, Resolute Richard or something

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Hardcore Henry


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porn doesn't count

Roon roon gf simulator when?

I think it was Zealous Zachary

Great flick

the cinematography in this made me nauseous as fuck

Pissed-Off Peter

Enrique El Duro

Angry Anthony

Think it was Steadfast Steven

Hardworking harry

Buggered Benny

It's because first person filming doesn't work. It doesn't replicate what you're actually perceiving in real vision. Look up saccadic masking. Your mind basically blocks parts of what you would see when moving your eyes. It's pretty interesting, but it explains why first person filming feels wrong.

Badass Billy

it was called Hardcore Hen-

Challenged Charley

Fucked-up Frank

Extreme Ethan

Committed Chris

Radical Riley

Movie Mohammed (not pictured)

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Freaky Frank

Haywire Harrison

disgruntled dennis


Mad Max

Jacked Jeremiah

Attached: enter-the-void-movie-poster-2009-1020555763.jpg (520x804, 90K)

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the 2012 remake of Maniac with Elijah Wood. It's great.

>Hardcore Harry
>secret girlfriend (show)
>doom (one scene)
>any handheld found footage movie if that counts

Someone needs to add a Lego brick in there to make it look like she's eating it out of his hands

>hardcore harry

Attached: hardcore_holly.jpg (487x500, 18K)

yeah that's a good one
frodo the absolute madman

Attached: elijah-wood_maniac_death-waltz-665x336[1].png (665x336, 340K)

Frustrated Francis

Buttercup Gingersnatch

Lady in the lake


Bob Holly's descending from the sun because you pissed him off.

oh fuck you
i looked up and after the fly related example now i feel like a handicapped retard
human body is shit

>hasn't succumbed to transhumanism yet
do you even augment?

hardcore henry

but it sucked

Happy to hear that I'm changing lives. Seriously though, if they took this into account they could probably make a first person movie (or even scene) feel more real. I think the problem is you'd effectively have what looked like jump cuts to where the attention changed, and since you, the viewer of the movie, don't know what direction the view was changed to, it would create a new kind of confusion.

Radical Ronald

Lady in the Lake (1947). Really good.
Hardcore Henry. Video-game tier but enjoyable.
Grace: Possession. Below-average horror. Interesting enough for one or two watch.

Intense Ian was great man!

Psychotic Samuel

Quick Quentin

all movies are shot from first-person
you're spectating the film with voyeuristic gaze

enter the void qualifies

Holocaust Hitler

Headstrong Heimeric

Grace has a POV masturbation scene.
It's a mash-up of Carrie and The Exorcist. Not as bad as it could have been and the POV is actually the demon (but he's in the girl for 95% of the movie).

Mind.... BLOWN!!!!

Lady in the Lake is Kino.

Zany Zack

Real Nigga Randolph

Yodeling Yannis

Dangerous Daniel

Soft Steven