Why is Hürrem such a cunt?

Why is Hürrem such a cunt?

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Fuck off, turkshit. Saged.

Because she's half german in rl.
She even has that bitchy half breed look to her. Honestly I don't get why people like her as an actress there are far more qt turkish actresses who also knoe hoe to act.

>It's a 'Ibrahim plays the exact same song on the violin for three episodes in a row' arc

>tfw I know way too much about this show because my grandma was really into it

The eunoch was funny though.

Ibrahim was a good guy desu.
This series actually shows why bros before hoes is important.
Fucking pussy whipped suleyman fucked up the empire his ancestors built for him.

Kek I saw the actor in another series and I just can't take him serious after this.

>Ibrahim becomes more likeable than every other character in the show
>Writers decide to have him just randomly choke the fuck out of a bunch of women to distract from the fact that Hürrem is a terrible protagonist

What did they mean by this?

They don't want the audience to hate hurrem even though she was a disgusting slut and person.
Also they made him cheat on his wife without reason. His wife was qter and the fucking suktans sister why would he cheat on her with some standard bitch?

post qt turkish actresses

Same, except it's my mother. From what I've gathered the plot is bacially this:
>Hurrem is about to do something extremely cunty because she's a power hungry, envious, evil cunt
>has a change of heart at the last second because the writers want people to be able to like the protagonist
>rinse and repeat
I don't get why people willingly expose themselves to this. The dresses are very pretty though.

post more hurems please

I watch it to improve my Turkish and also because the sets are really good.
I'm also too many 100 minute episodes in to quit

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I think she might be the qtiest as in being cute.
Too bad she's a liberal race traitor though.

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>race traitor
She's fucking a white dude?

Name a better love story than Ibrahim and Soleiman.
You cant

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Nah she voted for the kurdish party which maquerades as a leftist party while it actually is a kurdish nationalist party that has ties with kurdish terrorists.

These two guys are like the turkish james purefoy and ciaran hinds as in that they play in the same stuff many times.
I winder if they are friends in rl too, they akways manage to show a good bromance.

>tfw want to watch a soap with qt hairy Turkish chicks
>tfw they wax EVERYTHING

They made a point to show that their relationship was under extreme pressure and tension. At one point his Ibrahim's wife insults him by saying since she's the Sultan's sister and he's nothing but a slave to the Ottoman empire she has the 'osma' so she can divorce him whenever she wants. Usually it's muzzie men who have the 'osma' bc they're considered superior and they provide for their wives so whenever they're cross with them they can just divorce them with a word and kick them out.
He probably had an affair to feel like a man again. His wife was a petty cunt.
The jewelry is fucking superb. Turns out the whole show's a big ad for a turkish jewelry brand.

I'm saying it now ya fucks. MUSTAFA DID NOTHING WRONG!
:'( I cried when that cunt Hurrem had him killed.

But Hatice is cute!! CUTE!