“A torture for the eyes”: Chinese moviegoers think Black Panther is just too black

>“A torture for the eyes”: Chinese moviegoers think Black Panther is just too black


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Well, (((Disney))) tricked them into watching the movie by not showing Chadwick's face on the movie psoters. I'm pretty sure a lot of them got burned by that.

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Blacks are the Jews ultimate bio weapon

I'm glad I can come to Sup Forums to have my, how you say, "conservative" beliefs reinforced.

China is just upset they can't colonize as well as whitey

>BP reaches a billion

Ha! This movie is actually terrible because some guy in China said so!

>BP reaches a billion
>according to (((news))) outlets

What about the inverse if your shitpost? If the movie's success speaks for itself, why are people writing articles shaming China for not liking it?

>Already made $70 million there in 3 days

>“When I entered the theater, a bunch of black people was fighting in the night… I’ve never been in a theater so dark that I couldn’t find my seat.”

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>Literally already a success in China
>Nuh uh the ratings were bad!
Top kek

Oh no how will Disney ever recover

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>“Black Panther is black, all the major characters are black, a lot of scenes are black, the car-chasing scene is black—the blackness has really made me drowsy.”

You mad blackie?

Why are the Chinese so close-minded when it comes to interpreting film?

Lmao what relationship do you have with Disney?

>actually defending this movie

You know you could treat your autism alright?

please, the chinks are sucking africa dry but the blacks cant pull the race card like they did with the whites.
Chinks dont give a flying fuck about blacks.

Whats there to interpret?
Its a black powerfiction completly aimed at the US in their current political state.

Why would a Chinaman understand that? For them, Blacks are funny animals who you shouldnt be aroundb ecause they are known to attack etc.

You wouldnt fucking believe just HOW racist the chinese are its insane.
My buddy worked as a "sit in white guy" when he was studying for a year in china. He got around 350-500 euros a night to just sit around, look german and be blonde. To them the white guy was an exotic specimen to show their guests.
That should give you an idea.

Black Panther BTFO!

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Subhuman. insect-like Chinese are really the last hope for niggers worldwide. It’s their only chance at drastically improving their monkey race by giving themselves at least a 15pt increase in IQ over the next few generations. Then again, mixing the animal level state of black reasoning, with the soulless void of morality and compassion inherent to chinks.... this could turn into the Jews ultimate golem... the Chigger.

God I love my chinese gf and I hate black people

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Here’s my thing:

I think this movie is massively, MASSIVELY overhyped. It’s bog-standard Disney capeshit with their patented mediocre to outright bad CGI, shot almost entirely on green screen in the wilds of deepest, darkest Atlanta. It borrows heavily not only from the earlier MCU films, but other stories, like The Lion King, and Killmonger is basically Koba from Planet of the Apes. It has leaps in logic and continuity that have become the stock-in-trade of Disney’s poorly constructed, low-effort treatment of their Marvel IPs and the cinematic universe they inhabit.


If the Black community wants to embrace it as some sort of sea change in identity politics and social justice, and cheer for a hero that their youth can identify with, then make it fucking count. Drop the bullshit ghetto thug culture and the crab mentality that shits on courtesy, intellect, and dignity for “trying to be white.” Your youth now have a hero of their own to look up to and idolize, a king. Try acting like him. Have some motherfucking pride. Try to be Wakanda. Try to make it real. Fucking try.

Ball’s in your court.

gook women dont like bla....

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>a film called BLACK PANTHER,
>almost all black people on the poster and in the trailer
>upset there are lots of black people in it
What were they expecting I wonder.

/tvpol/ BTFO into Sagittarius A

And how much of that billion is directly from Disney in the form of "grass roots movements buying out theaters?"

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China is literally breeding them out because of lack of wives in China post one child rule, workers are taking native wives and Africans are pissed.

China is the worst. Socially conservative and fiscally liberal


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Fear the white dick, for he steals your women.

>Black women prefer latinos and asians over white guys.
I call bullshit.

I thought Sup Forumsfags didn't think about this movie. What happened, guys?

are you a white person?

Black women are very salty over white guys

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I thought we passed the denial phase when it hit 700 million?

China will lead this world.

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Is dat sum nigra?

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>data from one dating site
kek so useless

> black panther literally bigger than spider-man and batman in america
> c-china pls help us!
The movie that broke Sup Forumstards

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Reminder that Empire of Dust is old shitposting now and Sup Forums patricians are discussing
I'm New Here

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> Doesn't understand sampling

lol brainlet

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Sup Forums lost the culture war

You can't deny that it has done fairly average Marvel numbers worldwide. It literally is all the domestic box office that made it a slightly bigger hit than Spiderman, Thor, GotG2 etc.


>sampling from one dating site
kek so useless

>And while the film filled seats in China, it didn’t exactly bring in rave reviews from Chinese audiences—in fact, online reviews hint at subtle racism and discomfort with the all-black cast.

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I'll be sure this thread stays up the next 120 hours for our black panther box office friends


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>SJWs always lost the culture war

>52% domestic

I bet 200 of those millions are in gibs.

> still doesn't understand what sampling is and how it allows you to make statements that can be generalized outside of the sample

Just using the word isn't enough, user, you have to understand it too.


>subtle racism

lel, like the chinese give a fuck.

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They were pretty good back in the day, so good in fact that we still call the area that they colonised just "China". It's helpful if you share borders with them and kill almost all the locals and replace them with Han Chinese so that no one considers it colonising and acts like China just was that big from the beginning somehow

pretty much this

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>Also, because the film’s colors are a bit dark, it’s nearly a torture for the eyes to watch the film’s 3D version in the theater.

I know reading is hard, but this is what they were actually saying. They were uncomfortable with the amount of black people because racism, but the 3D is what was described as torture for the eyes

see >It doesn't matter if it's politically correct. This night's movie shoots my eyes.
Will you like to watch niggers for 2 hours 30 minutes?

> You can't deny that it has done fairly average Marvel numbers worldwide.
already bigger in foreign box office than gotg2, doctor strange, deadpool, wonder woman, x-men days of the future past, the dark knight etc. will prob beat thor ragnarok and spiderman homecoming this week
still top 10 superhero movie even if you ignore the domestic box office

>grasping at straws this hard
>feeling a guy's bicepts is the same as petting a cute dog

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>Save us!
I hope the aliens land and take us all away to the stars where we wont have to wipe the shit from Earths ass every decade.
>Then we can come back in a few centuries and retake the great graveyard
>That'd be nice

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women fuck dogs

Top ten isn't #1. The liberal outsiders who have shilled the box office on this board will pay. China won.

To be fair, man fuck dogs too

>this dog has fucked more and hotter women than many posters here

never thought about that

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>this mad

Damn niggers/liberals NEED this movie to be liked! How's not being white?

it's an article about cherrypicked reviews on douban. Douban is like their imdb, if you go to Black Panther's reviews there you'll see it''s full of salty Sup Forumstards too.
I'm sure China has its fair share of butthurt incels too, but fact is that Black Panther has a giant opening in China (which means people were willing to see it). The fact is that Dangal (an indian drama) and Coco (a cartoon with mexican characters) were giant hits in China. The fact that diverse-cast of Fast and Furious is super-popular in China. /poltv/ is grasping at straws


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Keep giving me (You)s. You've been BTFO countless times now you and your friends are just playing dirty cause you ran out of bullshit cards. How does being a brainlet feel?

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This is the state of Sup Forums right now. They are literally siding with the oldest and longest-surviving marxist country in the world, over Disney, one of the most icons of American exceptionalism and capitalism in the world.
How long until Sup Forums will unironically praise Che Guevarra because of his racist and homophobic comments in the past.

This is where we are right now. Sup Forums would rather be fucked in the ass by communism than let black people have one successful blockbuster.

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Sampling must be representative to make generalized statements. A dating site is not representative of the general population

>Chinese arent racist meme
>Tfw kept telling people on Sup Forums that Cmthe Chinese and all of Asia in general is extremely racist, especially Eastern Asia
>None of them believed me

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/poltv/ picked the president and is unstoppable.

What are some good dogs to fuck?

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Yes it is haha. You lose. Desperate liberal/nigger

>He thinks post Deng China is still Marxist
Sometimes I forget that people on Sup Forums get their politics from only tv and movies

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Another golden one:
>The commenter said he had to pinch himself more than 10 times to stay awake during the movie because “Black Panther is black, all the major characters are black, a lot of scenes are black, the car-chasing scene is black—the blackness has really made me drowsy.”

They believe you. They have to convince themselves they're right ever since Trump won. It's low self esteem and trump derangement syndrome.

>A dating site is not a good day to collected data on people's dating prederences because there isn't *enough of the population who uses said site*

This is the dumbest comment I've heard in a long time. Take a stats course plz

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Personally not into dogs but just make sure hes a good boi

>These were all smash hits in China
>Doesn't post any of their actual financials

That isn't the poster

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>behold, Tyrone, the ultimate bio-weapon

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Dangal made like 200 million and F7 made more I believe. Not sure about Coco.
Look at the site. Theres more 5 star reviews than 1 star/2 star reviews.

>Trump derangement syndrome

This will unironically be written about in the future, but it's not like people put their political views on their twitter and facebook.
>That would be very embarrassing wouldnt it

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Where did I ever talk about sample size? Goddamn you're stupid. Learn what a biased sample is

Not an argument

It's literally the biggest Marvel movie overseas aside from the team ups and Iron Man 3. It's gonna pass Homecoming and Ragnarok next weekend

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It will become more!

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>being on China's side purely because of a movie about Black people
No, I'm not going along with this. Have ANY of you ever met a native Chinese? They're the most heinous people in the world. Fucking insect men.

No, it's because the info you get from people who use fucking dating sites are different from normal or even their own actual preferences.