This is a real Sci fi. Not some crap like arrival or interstellar

This is a real Sci fi. Not some crap like arrival or interstellar.

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I'm gonna watch this ultimate titty kino this evening. Anything I need to know? Some last words? How many jars of lotion will I need?

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This ghastly fuck just killed your favorite meme. What sounds do you hear when he tries to lure you?

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Kike nigger fucker,I won't be watching this fine film thanks.

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really love the BBC scenes in this

its pretty in some parts

otherwise nothing exciting happens

>*sniffs around my unit*

Go shill your movie on reddit, Herschlag.

Sup Forums hates it because it's on netflix
Same with Mute

sci fi is fucking gay anyways

Mute was legitimately fucking awful. How can your taste be such shit that you actually think that was good?

Soundtrack is pure gold, the music playing with the Crawler reveal was 10/10

how long before you faggots start hating this i give it 2 days the cinema faggots need to feel special so they will start nitpicking

> why did the crocodileshake just grab her bag
> WHy did the

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I loved it too OP. Some of the best real scifi I've seen in years. Don't fall for the meme thinking it's about the "female troop", it basically ignores this. Awesome cinematography and effects, genuinely scary in several places

havent heard of mute...
>a mere pun or clear indication of your shit taste

>don't know
writing lazier than a nigger

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I admit the relationship side story added next to nothing but if .01% of the story ruined it all for you because it was a black guy...

The movie was great but the cgi was garbage so why do people praise the visual effects?

I liked the effects but I more enjoyed the overall arc and ways in which the shimmer slowly started to take hold in its victims

T. brainlet. Everything is literally there. It's about two conscious living organisms coming to contact with each other for the first time, not knowing what to do with one another so they start devouring each other.

At the end they reach balance and a new life from emerges. That's why fake Kane is eager to hug Lena, he knows that there's someone else like him.

i just got here from watching it. it was unsettling and i think they were channeling H.E. Geiger with some of their set pieces. otherwise it was pretty good. i've always wanted someone to do aliens in a different way, like they did in 2001 ASO. aliens aren't going to be bipedal friendlies and in order to perceive them in our own context its going to break our minds. this was done fairly well with the unsettling visuals and vibe. overall it was interesting though. first all-female cast i've seen that hasn't made me yawn and skip shit.

but i think netflix has something written into their deals that requires directors to show a muslim girl "fitting in" and show accepted homosexuality. i've noticed it a lot with their content. just some casual "oh this is a muslim, and this is a lesbian but we're not going to dwell on it because its """"""normal"""""" and not out of place."

I'd hear my wifes moans and come runnin

But what movie is this?

I could see the concept behind what they were trying to show was incredible and I appreciated it but it felt like they didn't have the money to properly represent the things they were trying to convey. It didn't ruin the movie for me at all I'm just curious why it gets so much praise on this point despite the glaring low budget cgi.

The visual effects throughout were lacking (aside from the rainbow/refraction elements all over the place, the plant silhouettes and the shimmer itself) but as soon as she gets into the lighthouse you can see where the effects budget went, shit looks incredible. All those shattered trees? The fires? The crawler?

So the Earth is saved right?
The mutation lighthouse is gone so there are no more mutants. And the clones just want to live as their originals.

i dont know

The first hour where they are trying to figure out what happened to the previous groups is paced really well. Loved the reveals and found footage of Kane carving into the guy
Overall movie just felt different in a refreshing way from a lot of other Scifi outings. The way they explored themes of first contact, behavior and self preservation was a lot of fucking fun

>i don't like this movie because there are women in it

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>literally no mention about this movie at all

This is a real Sci fi. Not some crap like arrival or interstellar.

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I was going to watch this but thanks for pointing this out, now I won't be wasting my time with this shit

what playstation 1 game is this?

its highly unlikely to send a weaker sex into the field.
especially when they know shit is fucked up.
but hey what do i know.
im sure women can perform physical feats like men can.

thanks RLM for telling me what to think

>he missed the whole point of the film
haha what a fucking loser

It did,also didn't watch any of the star wars movies after they put the nigger woman lead in it,didn't watch the dark tower,roland isn't a nigger. I don't want to see niggers in my movies period.

A lttile addition your description.
Remember in the tape the original Kane set himself on fire because he didn't want to be changed. But he gave his clone his blessing. So Kane had reconciled with his clone and entrusted him with his wife.
The same thing probably happened to Lena

>wanting a brain dead child racist to like the films you like or watch them

I'm okay with this user


>I admit the relationship side story added next to nothing

are you a fucking brainlet? It's not a side story. It is a part of a main story.

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lol did you even watch the movie

portman wasn't a clone. It was original portman with a little of alien shit in her. Kane was a clone.

>implying the cloned couple and fusion bears aren't out there converting lifeforms
Containment fails and men are doomed

Just watch the movie before getting your panties twisted so early over female casting. It's not in your face or an important part of the story, in fact it's hardly mentioned. It's explained why they send in a female troop. I'm a big strong guy (foryou) and it never broke the immersion for me because they weren't working a logging camp.

Who the fuck is RLM?
I just shared my opinion , eat a dick faggot.

Memes aside what is the point of this movie exactly?

>Padme and Poe and their Clones

Are there any vibrator or period jokes?

BASED WOMEN it's okay for them to do all the things i'm supposedly against if they don't talk about it

>not being racist means I'm reddit

I hate reddit, never visit that cancer. The UI is fucking awful, hurts my eyes to look at for more than a sec.

Basically the only film that's really bothered to portray aliens as something actually alien rather than bipedal/tentacley dudes flying in a slick spaceship. Ppl who can't look past the female characters probably don't care about science fiction in the first place. the amount of brainlets who can't get over forced tokenism on here is nauseating, Sup Forums is full of Sup Forums browsing normies trying to fit in nowadays fuck.

explore themes of self destruction, reconciliation, humanity, fear, love and self in a pretty as hell sci fi setting through obscure metaphors and concepts.
it could all be said in a simpler way but the story was unique and the delivery was stunning so I'm personally glad it exists

?? There was no back breaking physical labor shown, just some light rifle fire and lugging rucksacks. Calm down and try to watch the film without seeing things that aren't there son..

Death and rebirth. Go through a test and learn some weird shit about yourself and come back to your loved ones.

But you can also argue that they are not originals so it's like blade runner: you are not you but just hold on what you have and do the right thing.

I guess you are right that normally they don't send a all female team to do this but this is something I can put up with

Literally none of the movie focuses on the gender dynamic of the group. They are written as characters, albeit some a bit token but not as walking vaginal monologues. I wish they hadn't promoted that portion only because it might turn off some viewers to thinking it actually mattered at all in the movie

when you consider that there's been multiple all-male expeditions into this mysterious area and no one has returned it makes sense, especially in a sci fi narrative, to try a female team. It's not like they were the first to go in and it's not like the fact that they were female actually changed anything at all

>>explore themes of self destruction, reconciliation, humanity, fear, love and self in a pretty as hell sci fi setting through obscure metaphors and concepts.
why secular humanists can only do this kind of movie full of clichés?

Why is the destination a lighthouse? Why not a crater? Is there some metaphors about a lighthouse ?

>feminist stalker for plebs
>real sci fi
top kek

lmao where were the cliches

probably just a modicum of faithfulness to the book. A lighthouse could be a metaphor for heaps of shit tho, like a beacon, or a warning, or a safe haven (which is obviously ironic). Could also just be because it looks cool as fuck in a visual format

I just like lighthouses. Many creepy horror thriller supernatural shits take place on lighthouses.

but Lena's clone clearly burned to death

>the pleb filter
you didn't pass

Due to a poorly received test screening, David Ellison, a financier at Paramount, became concerned that the film was "too intellectual" and "too complicated," and demanded changes to make it appeal to a wider audience, including making Portman's character more sympathetic and changing the ending. Producer Scott Rudin sided with Garland in his desire to not alter the film, defending the film and refusing to take notes. Rudin had final cut.

What are some films where I can turn my brain off?

>haha he exclaims as he doesnt mention "the point"

so stating facts is getting your knickers jellied up your spotted dick hole?

do i need to, to make a perfectly ratonal statement?

or is there anything wrong about women being physically less capable that makes the top echelon of all armies everywhere fucking sexist?

Snipping scissors and combing of hair.

Even in the context of the story, they've never sent an all-female team. They're trying it specifically because it hasn't been tried in the other 12 expeditions.

It's not a perfectly rational statement because

a) if you watched the film you would know your criticism is unfounded
b) if you haven't watched the film you're just bitching about MUH WIMMIN like all the other incel retard MGTOW fucktards that infect this website like melanoma.

Scenes pretty awesome with sounds.

The bear tore out their friends throat earlier and added it to its own so everytime it makes a sound it has the scream of their dead friend.

>"help me" in weeb

>yet another stronk intelligent womyn piece from netflix
lel I’ll pass

Fuck it's that zip, Furio!

Of course the neet is also a brainlet and didn't understand it

So it's the complete opposite of the book?


i l-liked interstellar.

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This is Arrival all over again
A lot of people not understanding simple concepts

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>bought everything Sup Forums told him
It's always the weakest ones that fall for the bullshit

its not unfounded lol
its women dressed as operators going into a dangerous area whete previous teams have failed...

its silly

>Everybody i dont like hates wymyn

fuck off moron and stop sucking that titty and find yourself a real wymyn lol

feelings are too much pushed in this movies. It's the same my husband died/i lost a child/i cut myself/i'm violent and can't contain myself/we were so happy laughing in bed while sunset.

It's cliché and doesn't feel right.

on top of that we have a team of dumb scientist and the classic trope everyone is killed one by one.
A fucking bear out of nowhere, ok. At least the alligator made more sense.
the dyke becomes menacing for no reason, she could leave anytime but prefer to threaten her chance to survive (team).muh lie
everyone act like they are on xanax.
Also fragmented narration wich has no real purpose except showing she cheated on her husband, and we needed multiple memory scene that show the exact same thing to understand that...
Bonus point for eerie atmosphere but it's under exploited imo.
I would say it's a 4/10.

Except Arrival is fucking retarded garbage.

>hurr determinism
>in a universe already proven to be probabilistic

When in the movie does the nude/sex scenes happen i need to skip them

Give me timecode please

The film is basically 80% Blacked scenes.

There's a reason why they were agroup made of females
Stop being a brainlet

Some of us don't get off on bestiality. Maybe you do, degenerate.

>Getting baited this hard

what reason?
I don't remember, except when she corrects portman and says scientists.

Because they'd sent in teams of everything else, the only thing they hadn't tried was an all female team. The main characters team was like the 250th team to go in.

>all other expeditions failed
>implied they were all male
>lets send a female one for the sake of experimenting

>David Gyasi as Daniel, Lena's colleague and former lover

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One problem with this movie is how slasher-esque the treatment of the female characters was. Like one-by-one they have to die gruesomely. For what purpose? Why did any of them have to die? It's boring, but at least the ways they died was somewhat creative.

Also Oscar Isaacs and Natalie Portman had great chemistry.

aaayyy yo why didn't they just take a boat straight to the light house

They did on the other expeditions