Shit, we blew our entire budget on that nuke episode

>shit, we blew our entire budget on that nuke episode
>don't worry, David says he has a plan

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Cheesy special effects are part of Lynch's style you pleb

you're dumb

>I-its supposed to be bad



What nuke?

3/4 parts of that season are fuzzy to me

jesus shut the fuck up. i loved season 3 but literally every scene with diane was abysmal garbage and just an old man lynch being nice to his friend and giving her scenes

Other dimensions must conform to my ideals and expectations! David why isn’t the lodge exactly like in my head canon abloo bloo

have you ever watched anything by lynch?

i think the problem people have mostly is with how tonally out of place they seemed. where usually his goofy effects make sense. he mixed brutal practical Tarantino shit like the suburb shootout with floating bob photoshop orb being shaken around by a computer mouse

When a capeshit dumbtard thinks every special effect must be photorealistic... Never heard about art, non-figurative style, etc. You're dumb.

equally idiotic response. youre literally the other half

Jesus, lynchfags really are the most pretentious assholes on the planet.
>It's supposed to be bad!
>The shittier it is, the more ARTISTIC it is!
>You people will never understand my sophisticated shit eating strategies!

David Lynch is a fucking hack. He just makes convoluted retarded shit that you can only partially make sense of, and it makes pretentious shitheads like you feel smart when you can draw some order from his chaotic fart fest.

Season 3 was utter ass and everyone knows it.

I'm not saying "it's supposed to be BAD", I'm not saying it's bad at all, absolute retard. Stop putting your stupid thought into my mouth. It's just a non photorealistic and stylized way of presenting things, it makes it even more unsettling. How do you think hyper realistic cgi would do for a head cracking like an egg with a pearl inside, massive ameritard? Why don't you go back to the Reylo general already? oh but I suppose you're so happy to get (you)s with your meme webm thread.

I don't understand why a special effect in this type of show has to be realistic. I found some of the effects to be rather unsettling in ways that fit the scene they appear in.

I just don't know why all special effects have to be in the same visual style. Photorealism was abandoned in all other forms of visual art. Why not film?

Oh okay, so your head is so far up your ass that you've gone crazy and think OP's webm "doesn't look bad at all".

It's not unsettling, it looks fucking ridiculous. I don't need realism, but there's a difference between unsettling visual effects and cheap, laughably bad effects. This is the latter. It's flying saucers on strings level of bad. It's about as artistically impressive if someone drew the fucking sequence in MSPaint. I mean fuck, it really is barely above that. Literal shitty photoshop effects anyone could do in 5 minutes.

You are a pretentious moron and fart connoisseur.

>Yes, it looks like crap! (and that's a good thing)

*Shills TM for 20 mins

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>surrealism requires state of the art special effects

shit looking weird and bad can enhance the off-putting intent

No you didn't love it, you got LYNCHED so bad that now you are making excuses.

>shit looking weird and bad can enhance the off-putting intent

shit looking weird and bad can also enhance internal laughinggirls.jpg

what is your opinion on his paintings?

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You are pleb. Every Lynch movie is perfectly, and easily explainable, u cant handle it, i understand. Also, he made The Straight Story and Elephant Man which have hollywood generic narrative structure, and both are classics :-). He can make horror, drama, comedy, surreal - literally he can play with every genre. He is the opposite of a hack, because he literally can do everything. All his movies are literally classic with long legs, and are loved more as time goes Tarantino copied Wild At Heart and he is making Wild at Heart his entire career for example.

Twin Peaks The Return is the best tv show since Decalogue.

"Im Nolan fan and i watched two Lynch movies, i didnt understand them, HE IS A HACK"

L Y N C H E D. PLEEEEB, hahahahaha

Lynch showed that with shitty effect and without wasting budget on effects he can make not only the best tv show in XXI century, but also best movie in 2010s. He literally did it, the madman.

>Season 3 was utter ass and everyone knows it.

Sure u pleb, some facts for u:

>Tops list for best movie of 2017
>Tops list for best tv show of 2017

Lynch didnt made a movie, and he still tops list for best movie, but but but i didnt understand SEASON 3 , im stupid faggot who watch only marvel movies, Season 3 IS SHIT! Haha

What kind of autistic response is that? Sup Forums has ruined your mind.

>unironically appealing to "authority" when it comes to film and television
I'm not the guy you're quoting and I liked season 3 but come on now.

Dont worry, The Return topped only those more respectable european critics circles.

read smarter people than u if u cant understand or dont want understand Lynch kino. Its on internet, google it, read it, draw conclusions. But stop behaving like ignorant spoiled child, ur post is epitome of pretentious and childish.

why did The Return attract so many newfags

It didn't. Now when it's over, people are desperate to make any thread to mention the best show of 21st century.

im not some artfag and i don't begrudge anyone disliking it because it's obviously really obtuse and jarring and low budget, but all that said i genuinely loved the third season so your claim that it's objectively unlikable is wrong

Lynch is terrible. He is selling boomer new age values under the veneer of transgression. Surrealism has always served the status quo.
>yes goy question everything pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Would not be surprised if Lynch was involved in pizzagate desu; he seems to manically transfer his own despair and darkness into mainstream culture.

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>dude, a spiritual realm like the Black Lodge should adhere to the physical limitations of our universe and seem realistic LMAO

so, what show is this?

Lmao. Lynch is anti-hollywood, makes anti-hollywood movies, doesnt pander to politically left, doesnt make political driven movies. You are fucking retarded.

>anti hollywood
>directs music videos for major label artists, films with wide release and na major network tv show


And? Most of his movies were/are funded by europe. Mulholland Drive is anti-hollywood. Hollywood dont want fund his movies. He has many redpilling messages in his movies.

There are two types of people, people who love Lynch, and people who have ADHD. Did you stop reading already?

Women get a pass too. I don't think they're capable. If you're a roastie and you appreciate Lynch, e-mail me at [email protected] and we can chat.

He has the appearance of "redpill" but underneath it is the same sex and violence and he forces his bullshit white Buddhist crap into it as well.

Which Peter Gabriel music video is this from?

>lol i googled some internet interpretations ur just not smart enuf to get his kino vision XD

Lynchfags really are retarded. Lynch will feed these shit eaters just enough imagery to make it enjoyable for them when they can puzzle out something obvious, and then bombard them with hours of nonsensical irrelevant shit and they just pull an "Emperor's New Clothes" shtick and pretend to understand all of it so they don't feel stupid for not understanding his blatantly obtuse horse shit.

It's telling that none of these people can actually EXPLAIN season 3 in full. They can just regurgitate internet theories that partially explain small parts of it and then claim they totally "get it", despite the evidence not fitting or really making any sense.

>not liking MILFkino
The absolute state of plebs

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Unironically kys sperg

>he forces his bullshit white Buddhist crap into it as well.
Sounds like you need some desu. I mean that, and digits confirm.

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Season 3 was fucking amazing but anybody who's defending these trash special effects is just mentally challenged.

I get the concept of using less than realistic looking effects to be unsettling, but this just elicits laughter in its goofiness. It's YouTube Poop tier.

someone post the car exploding

Don't worry I've got the digits on speed dial

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idk it never looked unironically bad to me, it just looked... Lynchian. Never felt the need to complain

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people watch this

Absolutely Lunchian cinematography here... makes me hungry for some Big Boys

better than the homogenic standarized shit you watch


Watch more than two Lynch movies. Like i said before there is nothing hard with making standard hollywood movie with linear narrative structure, everybody doing it. Lynch did it also with The Straight Story and Elephant Man, and did it better than most of these hacks who makes movies for hollywood. The difference is that Lynch can make any genre, any style.

She literally did nothing wrong.

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Too cute for this planet

ha... have we been lynched, redditbros? 0___o

I want to ____ Laura.

make babies with

>She literally did nothing wrong.
first time someone's posted this on Sup Forums and it's been correct

I don't even think the effects are bad. They're perfect for the show. These types of glitchy effects makes it much more creepy imo.

Wrong. It isn't supposed to be bad. It's just supposed to look exactly like that. I don't see why it's so hard to understand.

Laura was based, she BTFO’d Bobby and James and showed everyone how truly beta they were

sell drugs to


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Sheryl Lee is CUTEREST!!

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she’s looking at us...........

OP is a faggot and a pleb. Ideal poster for this shitstain of a board

The one with Cooper being sucked into the TV is much better looking

what is this image even implying?

I like how being associated with muh Lynch makes people pretend this witch looking cunt can act

Seriously, it pissed me off how much screentime she got when Lynch’s actually great actresses like Naomi Watts and Sheryl Lee got barely anything. Laura Dern is a terrible actress.

She can act with good Director above her and on good project. She is great in all Lynch movies. Even Matthew Lillard gave great performance in Twin Peaks, career best in fact.

Naomi Watts has more screentime than Laura Dern. And Laura gave very good performance, like in every Lynch movie.

Sheryl Lee was dead. Dont worry, Lynch is SherylFag, he bringed her back at the end of season 3, to make her again main character in season 4

I'd have an easier time taking you seriously if you didn't type like a retarded twelve year old.

I've also seen plenty of Lynch films, and Season 3 of TP is easily his worst work. Having multiple interpretations or leaving it open ended doesn't make it good.

If I randomly cut together an hour and thirty minutes worth of random, contextless scenes, are you also going to praise that as "pure genius" just because a couple of desperate pretentious fags can pull multiple meanings from it?


Here you go

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dale cooper more like dull pooper LMAO

everyone in this thread got L Y N C H E D


>unironically too dumb to comprehend post-digital neo-surrealism
lmao @ you

WRONG. The Return is his TOP5 work, or TOP3 even. Return with Fire Walk With Me is the best addition to Twin Peaks universe. It was pure genius, bold, original, anti-nostalgia, funny, unpredictable, with top notch sound design and atmosphere, with great new characters, Mitchum brothers, Candie, Dougie etc, great performances. The Return was the best thing that happened in television since Kieslowski Decalogue and it will be talked 30 years from now, it is already classic. And u didnt watch more than two Lynch movies, u know why? U exposed himself with your previous ignorant posts about Lynch filmography and lack of knowledge about his movies and him as a director, u probably didnt watch The Return even.


Lynch is just a senile old fuck whomst raped his own daughter and killed his best friend. MARK FROST is a television legend. Let's look at the facts:
>The original show had Frost at the helm: HUGE SUCCESS
>The books: BEST SELLERS

Twin Peaks IS Frost.

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Was it really aliens Frost?


>Lynch dumps Frost and goes on to make the undisputed height of the entire franchise, Fire Walk With Me
What did he mean by this?

>Budget: $10 million
>Box office: $4.2 million

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That doesn’t contradict anything I said though. Your logic skills are almost as bad as your writing!

>mfw I just realized the way Mike/Philip Gerard says "Electricity" is similar to how Captain Beefheart sings it in his song Electricity
>Lynch is confirmed a Beefheart fan, so it's possible it influenced him

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But Frost was barely responsible for The Return. Lynch did write most of The Return, while Frost was writing his fanfiction. Frost is shit writer, he didnt write any good movie, and his Twin Peaks books are terrible.

>Laura Dern is a terrible actress.
Absolutely fucking terrible opinion. She's phenomenal in Inland Empire. As good as Sheryl Lee is in FWWM.

Controversial opinion but I always thought Inland Empire would be better with Lee or MAYBE Watts in the lead role instead

Sheryl Lee doesn't have much range honestly
and Naomi Watts would have made the movie a bit more redundant.

Sheryl Lee is great as Laura Palmer, i hope that there will be season 4 with her as main character. Laura is Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks is Laura. Fuck Cooper.

Frost the guy who did reddit ama and was behaving like shit, didnt have any answer for any question because he has no clue and The Return was all Lynch? Frost the guy who wrote terrible and unnecessary fanfiction in Twin Peaks universe? Frost the guy who dont have any good thing in his CV except Twin Peaks?